I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 252: You can, but why can't I?

In the distant state of Texas, there is a quiet and beautiful town called Rainbow Town.

The people here live a simple and happy life. This is a prosperous tourist town, and the town's attraction is the Dubo Sima Temple.

An oriental god is enshrined.

A heavenly Dubo Sima named Chen Yuan, but no one knows that the priest in the temple is actually this oriental god who is enshrined.

And Chen Yuan, the heavenly god Dubo Sima, brought back a mysterious girl from outside.

The girl's name is Asakusa, and her soul fell into the dream she wove, and was possessed by Su Daji, a generation of demon concubines.

Today's Asakusa, although she has the instinct to eat and sleep, is like a straw puppet, without other consciousness.

Chen Yuan knows that once Su Daji's nine-tailed fox soul breaks free from the dream, it will bring a disaster to everyone.

Therefore, he must take Asakusa with him, monitor the dreams in her body at all times, and be ready to repair possible loopholes at any time.

Chen Yuan dare not let others take care of Asakusa, so he can only do it himself.

Feeding, bathing, taking her to the toilet, he always brought the girl with him, not daring to slack off.

At the beginning, Asakusa was indeed like a straw puppet, only able to eat and sleep, not even able to go to the toilet, only able to sleep, and eat while sleeping.

Looking at the jade-like person lying on the bed, I don’t know why, as a god in heaven, Du Bo Sima, the member actually felt his silent heart aching.

But he didn’t care.

Asakusa girl can’t die now. Her body is like a cage, trapping the soul of Su Daji, the nine-tailed fox, who has been famous in the world for tens of millions of years.

So even if this woman with nothing in her mind needs him to take care of her every day, feeding her food and water, cleaning and massaging, etc., he doesn’t get tired of it.

However, Asakusa is a person after all, a living body.

It stands to reason that her sea of ​​consciousness is empty, that is, her spiritual world is empty. After being possessed, even if the nine-tailed fox is successfully eliminated, she can only become a vegetable.

Unexpectedly, as the days passed, a strange thing happened.

In the clear spiritual world of Asakusa girl's sea of ​​consciousness, a soul sprouted again like a small grass.

When Chen Yuan found that Asakusa's eyes would move and observe his words and deeds, he hurriedly checked the girl with his soul.

Then he was surprised to find that the girl actually grew the buds of soul again, that is, after the girl's soul was devoured by the nine-tailed fox, this body gave birth to a soul again.

But it was not very optimistic.

Because now in her spiritual world, the new soul sprout was like a fetus that had just been conceived, and everything was starting from scratch.

I don't know what the mentality is, anyway, Chen Yuan is very happy.

Days passed, and the soul in Asakusa girl's sea of ​​consciousness had matured, but it was as clean as a blank sheet of paper.

That is, she didn't understand anything and couldn't do anything.

Just like a newborn baby.

Chen Yuan decided to teach Asakusa things like teaching a child.

Keep talking to her and teach her to recognize things.

The Asakusa girl slowly learned to walk and sit, but she didn't respond to what Chen Yuan taught her. Only Chen Yuan's gentle voice echoed in the air.

Days passed, and Asakusa began to change.

I don't know if it was a month or three months later, she actually began to understand Chen Yuan's words and responded.

She could speak by herself, although it was just a simple babbling sound, but this also made Chen Yuan very excited, and he had the mentality of an old father who wanted his daughter to become a talent.

Chen Yuan was not a good father and didn't know how to teach children, so he could only watch TV, cartoons, read storybooks, and fairy tales with the girl.

From the very simple things at the beginning, he slowly taught the girl to speak, and taught the girl to say you, me, him, and eat and drink water from the babbling sound.

Asakusa was like a curious child, working hard to learn every new word.

She learned to eat by herself and learned simple conversations like a child.

Chen Yuan was very pleased with the progress of the girl's new soul, and his heart was full of satisfaction.

But he never neglected to repair the nine-tailed fox's soul dream every day.

After all.

The soul in Asakusa's body is so young. If the nine-tailed fox breaks free from its dream and returns to the girl's spiritual world, then this young soul that has just sprouted and grown a little will definitely suffer a catastrophe.

Then this body will be controlled by the nine-tailed fox again, and there will be no day to turn over.

Therefore, while Chen Yuan is vigilant against the nine-tailed fox breaking free from the dream in the girl's body, he is also using divine power to warm the girl's new budding soul and help her soul grow faster.

He always maintains a high level of vigilance and dares not relax at all.

Days passed one by one, and the girl's reborn soul grew very quickly. In just three years, this soul has recovered to the level of a normal person.

Now Asakusa is like a normal person. He gets up happily every day, dresses up, rides horses and sings, and even went to a tavern once.

There is no one in Rainbow Town who doesn't know this elf from the Dubusima Temple.

After learning to ride a horse, she rode on the streets of the town, the wind blew her long hair, and her smile was as bright as the sun.

She also likes to sing, and her voice is clear and pleasant, as if it can penetrate people's hearts.

Chen Yuan watched Asakusa grow up, and his heart was filled with joy and pride.

He knew that his efforts were not in vain.

In Rainbow Town, the rednecks respected the temple priest Ryan and also loved the elf girl Asakusa.

They witnessed with their own eyes how much effort Chen Yuan put in to teach Asakusa from a straw puppet whose IQ had degenerated to a blank, to the normal girl she is now.

Asakusa's kindness and innocence touched everyone.

She would take the initiative to greet people in the town and help those in need.

Her smile was like a spring breeze, making people feel warm and comfortable.

The rednecks often gave Asakusa some small gifts, such as flowers, fruits or small ornaments made by themselves.

Asakusa would also give them a sweet smile in return, making them feel extremely happy.

As Asakusa's soul grew, the relationship between her and Chen Yuan was also quietly changing.

Chen Yuan changed from the old father mentality at the beginning to now seeing the Asakusa girl who has recovered her normal soul, acting like a spoiled child around him every day, pulling him to go horseback riding to the movies, and watching TV together on the sofa.

He didn't know when his mentality changed, as if it was really as the people in the town said, and he didn't know when he regarded the girl as his lover.

Asakusa also developed a special feeling for Chen Yuan.

She liked being with Chen Yuan, liked his gentleness and care.

She would inadvertently reveal her dependence and love for Chen Yuan.

They spent many wonderful times together, watching the sunrise and sunset together, and strolling in the streets and alleys of the town together.

Every moment was full of happiness and sweetness.

I don't know how long it took.

One night, the girl was still acting like a spoiled child, dragging Chen Yuan to the sofa to watch TV with her.

Then she suddenly looked up, smiled with charming eyebrows and asked him: "Chen Yuan, when will you marry me?"

The words of the Asakusa girl seemed to be a key that directly opened the emotions that Chen Yuan had been hiding.

At this moment, he forgot about the nine-tailed fox Su Daji, the dream within the dream he had been trying to weave for all these years, and his identity as the heavenly general Du Bo Sima.

He was going to marry the girl in front of him.

The marriage of the priest of the Du Bo Sima Temple was a big deal for the people of Rainbow Town.

It was also a big deal for countries around the world, so whether it was the East, Europe, or America itself, people from dozens of countries came to congratulate this big event.

The wedding scene was very lively, and the atmosphere was full of joy everywhere.

Asakusa wore a beautiful wedding dress, like a fairy descending to the earth.

Chen Yuan wore a handsome suit, his eyes full of love.

Mr. Song from China followed the above meaning and served as the witness.

"First bow to heaven and earth."

"Second bow to the Supreme Jade Emperor of the Sky."

"Husband and wife bow to each other."

"The ceremony is over!"

A Chinese wedding, representing Chen Yuan, the heavenly general Du Bo Sima, and the Asakusa girl in front of him.

But when the words "Ceremony Completed" resounded throughout the temple, the Asakusa girl, who had been held by Chen Yuan's hand, suddenly smiled slyly.

"Little Yang Jian, my God of War husband, you wove a dream within a dream for me, didn't you ever think about it, or doubt it...

Actually...are you in a dream now?

You wove a dream for me, can't I wove a dream for you?"

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