I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 34 Where is the gap in hell?

"There is a legend in the East.

If the FBI takes a fancy to an informant that it has not trained, or a talent that it has not promoted and trained, it will try to force him into a desperate situation.

His family would be ruined, and he might even be wanted.

Next your people will appear in the form of a savior.

In the end, the people you like will be grateful to serve you. "

Chen Yuan asked a little funny: "But when it's my turn, you guys don't even want to act?"

Frank shrugged: “No, no, no, we are acting in accordance with the law!

If you have not broken the law, we will naturally have no evidence that you may have broken the law.

But you did break the law, so the only thing that will greet you is legal sanctions!

Isn't it? "

Chen Yuan raised his head and said: "James, go get my bag."

James nodded, and then whispered: "You don't have to speak, I'm not sure if they have recording equipment, I have already informed John and Joseph.

They don't have a search warrant, they don't have an arrest warrant, they can't go onto private property and do anything to you.

This is your private property, this is Texas place! "

Then he glanced at the two people in front of him, turned around and went inside to get the priest's bag.

Chen Yuan ignored Dr. Watson and Ms. Kate who were already standing aside, but stared at Frank in front of him and said with a smile.

"Mr. Frank.

I guess what you call finding my information.

It was registration information from where I rented the car, as well as registration information at the police station and hotel.

Also, the information was recorded when I used the fruit phone in China!

But there may be a lot of things you haven't found.

In fact, this is my first time going abroad.

Moreover, it was my first time to go abroad and came to América. To be honest, it was very refreshing.

But I am very timid, or very cautious.

So, I just got off the plane in Houston and didn't immediately rent a car and drive to Rainbow Town.

Instead, he went to a law firm.

I asked about the laws here and asked for advice. I spent 12,000 US dollars on this. What I wanted was that it was comprehensive and reliable.

Are you surprised to hear this? "

Frank was indeed surprised. What wrongdoer would spend $12,000 to consult a lawyer without doing anything?

How big of a law firm must it be to be able to offer this price just for consultation and advice?

People all over the world know it.

When opening a law firm in America, it doesn't matter how strong your debating skills are, it just cares about how big your network of relationships is.

Everyone graduated from law school.

When you go to court and see that 70 to 80 percent of the faces are from the alumni directory, then you are considered safe.

Therefore, the bigger the law firm is, the more expensive it is to charge, and the more powerful the other party’s network is.

It's even possible that a senior on a certain alumni list is a staff member in the President's Office.

"The transaction between me and Mr. Buck, for the sake of security, is a sales contract signed at the police station in the town.

And there were lawyers present throughout the whole process, including lawyers from both sides and Sheriff Joseph as a witness.

After all, it was a $50,000 transaction, and the signed sales contract clearly recorded every item traded.

Moreover, it is clearly recorded how much these things are worth and can be packaged and sold to me. It is the price that Mr. Buck himself said.

To this end, lawyers recorded the transactions before and after with tiny cameras.

Although the transaction of these items only cost me $50,000, I spent a total of nearly $100,000 during the entire transaction process.

What we need is to be prepared, and what we need is a whole process that complies with America's laws.

I wonder, does Agent Frank have anything else to add? "

Staring into the opponent's eyes, Chen Yuan smiled slightly, confident of victory.

As soon as he said this, he saw James coming out with a big bag. Chen Yuan took the big bag and took out his sales contract and a miniature camera from the pocket inside.

Putting the contract and the camera in front of him, he looked at Frank confidently: "Mr. Agent, do you need verification?"

Frank had nothing to say.

But Jin on the side seems to be disgusted with the way the Asian man in front of him has everything in his mind. Why are you such a dick?

"Mr. Ryan, you used the name of a priest to defraud others and thereby profited illegally.

But in fact, you are just a collector and have not registered your priesthood with the International Religious Council.

Your transaction of antique collectibles is legal.

But this church and the land attached to it are a huge illegal economic transaction.

Sorry sir, you still violated America's laws, even if you spent $12,000 to get the most correct consultation and advice.

But you can't change your fate of going to jail! "


There was a loud no at the door, and it was John who walked in.

"First of all, let me correct your false accusation, detective. Our Father Ryan is now registered with the International Religious Council and has become the only priest currently in the Temple of Heaven.


This church was not a church before.

It is the bad debt assets of Rainbow Town, and it has already entered the liquidation phase, but it has not been able to find anyone to take over it for decades.

So, I took it over and turned it into my personal asset.

Then I gave it to my friend, an oriental man named Chen Yuan in Chinese and Rui En in English.

We have a gift contract.

Moreover, Mr. Ryan's taxes have been paid, and no trace of them was left out. He even consulted a lawyer carefully about this.

Therefore, this is a legal transaction, and there is nothing illegal in terms of procedures or various aspects.

Mr. Detective, you are not guilty of the charges against Father Ryan!

Of course you also have the right to go to court.

But let me remind you, this is Texas.

You are trespassing on private property without permission and without a search warrant. As the owner, Mr. Ryan can sue you.

And Mr. Ryan, as the owner of this place, can drive away and kill people or other species that may pose a threat to him in accordance with the fortress regulations and the rights granted by the Home Defense Act. "

John rushed here after getting the notice from James.

Even though he was facing the FBI, he didn't take the other party seriously.

Again, this is Texas.

Is Chen Yuan a priest?

Needless to say?

Regardless of whether it is or not, in his Rainbow Town, that's all.

Because he can deal with the devil.

Because he could magically make Alyssa, who was already dead, stabilize her injuries.

If such a person is not a priest, then it must be that the qualifications of a priest are not worthy of his magic.

So John was very rude to the two FBI agents who were looking for trouble.

"Ok, ok, in fact, Mr. Ryan did not break any American laws. We made a mistake.

At this point I apologize to you!

Father Ryan, please forgive our rashness! "

Frank handed back the sales contract in his hand and apologized very bachelorly.

Everyone here understands.

“However, there is one thing I do need your help with.

Father, we want to know where the gap between hell and this world is! "

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