I'm a thankful fox in Tokyo

Chapter 93 Good Omen

"As for rifles, I have some in my collection. How about the Fenghe Golden Bear? Although it is a shotgun from the last century, it is well maintained and is no different from a new one."

".308 Winchester caliber, with a sniper scope, good accuracy and power. When hunting a bear, you can guarantee a one-shot kill."

Tsunaro Furuya had a relaxed expression and said as if making small talk.

He has a hunter's license and a gun-carrying license, and occasionally goes into the mountains to hunt. Most of the guns in his collection have regular origins - but the Fenghe Golden Bear is not included.

This model of gun was often used in gang fights and assassinations in the last century.

The few in his hand were obtained from some chaotic gang fights. The serial numbers and other information were worn off, and they were basically kept as collections.

The origin is very confusing and difficult for the police to trace.

In addition, the Fenghe Golden Bear has been discontinued for many years, so it is difficult to trace the source, so it is perfect for assassination.

There was no one around when he said this. In fact, even if someone passed by, they would just think that they were talking about hunting-related matters.


Kusaka Nagamasa didn't know much about this aspect and left it entirely to Furuya Tsunayoshi.

My uncle had a good career in the Yakuza in his early years. After he came to work at the Kusaka family, he often hunted. I can still trust his words about firearms.

"The other group had better find extremely vicious people to attract his attention. It can't be more than four people, and it can't be less than two people."

"Be sure not to leave too many traces. How to hire someone so that you won't get into trouble. I think you know better than me, uncle. I will send you the specific plan later."

"Yeah. By the way, how are you getting along with the eldest lady from tomorrow's house?"

"It's okay. I'm going to take my time. There's no rush for emotional matters. She doesn't seem to have grown up much and is a bit childish. Maybe Mr. Goro is too doting on her. I will teach her how to deal with things in the future."

"It's true that there is no rush, but we can still explore their family's opinions on the engagement. Over the years, the only one that is suitable for our development is to see our family tomorrow."

After the two of them finished talking, they chatted for a while. Some tourists came here to sit down and rest, so they got up and went to the worship hall to pay homage.

I invested some incense money and left the shrine in the bright sunshine.

Before leaving, Kusaka Nagamasa looked back at the Suishin Gate. Next to the door, a cherry blossom said to be from the Edo period was depicting an ukiyo-e called spring with the blue sky as the drawing board.

In Tokyo at the end of April, spring is blooming.

That's a good sign.

Kamakura is like being in a coastal park,

A ramen restaurant with business curtains and red lanterns was parked in the park parking lot, with a few simple tables and chairs outside.

It was almost early in the morning, and only the lights of the parking lot were left in the park. The surroundings were so dark that not even a ghost could be seen.

It's still a bit cold in Kamakura late at night in spring. The elderly boss is taking a nap in the dining car. The old soup stock is simmering in the pot. The rich and strange fragrance wafts out, making people unable to help but come over after taking a whiff.

But it was too late now, there was only one diner, and he was dressed strangely.

Wearing a thick, felt-like coat, blue leggings jeans, and a white and blue baseball cap on his head, his face cannot be seen clearly with a mask on, he is short and stocky, and he is sitting at an outdoor table eating ramen.

Owari Satake has been having a bad time recently. Not even a few years have passed since the aftermath of his last murder, and he killed another family of three.

The police had already suspected him and were gradually tracking him down.

He had no choice but to start running away. He fled all the way from Hokkaido to Kamakura without being able to get rid of him. The money he had was almost running out, and he was thinking about a way out.


There was a ringtone from the cell phone. Owari Satake took it out and looked at it. He found that it was an unknown overseas number. He hesitated for a few seconds, put down his chopsticks, and answered the call.

There was no sound coming from the other end of the phone, so he asked in a low voice: "Hey, who is it?"

"There's a big job for you, do you want to do it?"

The voice on the other side was unfamiliar, and Owari Satake was silent for a few seconds.


"Five million yen."

"I want an advance of one million."


"Aren't you afraid that I will take the money and run away?"

"What is one million enough for? If you want to flee the country and hide, five million would be enough."

Owari Satake didn't answer, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"Guest, are you full?"

The boss's voice came from behind. Owari Satake hadn't hung up the phone yet. He was about to nod when the other side of the phone asked.

"Why are there ducks quacking over there?"

When Owari Satake heard this, he subconsciously held the boning knife hidden in his arms, like holding an ice cube. He was so excited that his mind suddenly became clear.

He suddenly realized that he had just been dreaming, and then he thought of something, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he turned around and chopped.


Accompanied by the sound of the knife cutting into the flesh, what sounded was not the scream of a human being, but the cry of an animal.

Taking a closer look, he saw a big weasel lying on the ground with an unknown leaf on his head, wearing the clothes of a ramen boss and a small hat.

A face with human facial features was frozen with an expression of astonishment. He stared at Owari Satake with a pair of small eyes. He was trembling all over. His stomach was cut open, and some undigested bones mixed with blood flowed out. A dusty cloth bag was soaked.

The scene in the seaside park was instantly distorted. Owari Satake suddenly found himself sitting in the forest, with a tree stump under his butt and a piece of bark in his hand, which contained some water and leaves.

In the bushes in the distance, a few pairs of green eyes opened, and when they saw him looking over, they screamed and fled.

Owari Satake snorted coldly, threw away the bark, frowned and recalled the situation when he came.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Where are you, what are you doing."

"Tokyo, there is a helper, kidnap someone."


Owari Satake didn't ask who to kidnap, anyway, he was almost out of options.

He immediately agreed, wielded a knife to kill the seriously injured weasel, cut off its head, wiped the boning knife clean with its shiny fur, and strode out of the forest.

Time quickly entered May, which is one of the most pleasant time of the year in Tokyo. The cherry blossoms on the roadside began to wither, and Tokyo residents who were suffering from hay fever breathed a sigh of relief.

The drizzling spring rain became rare, and the number of sunny days increased significantly, but the temperature was not as abnormally hot as in late April.

Many housewives have started to prepare in advance by buying disinfectant, antiseptic spray, etc. to clean their homes, so as to prevent mold from growing on the walls after the rainy season.

Dong Yeyu saw this trend when he was shopping for chicken breast in the supermarket, and he also planned to buy some cleaning tools to clean his home on the weekend.

Brown mycelium has begun to spread on the walls of the house, and it must be cleaned up quickly - it is said that the spores of mold can make people bald.

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