Chapter 34 Su Qingxing's Mirror Image

Su Qingxing had already appeared in front of Chubai and the others.

However, there was one person who hurried downstairs and returned to the original shelter because Su Qingxing's life and death were unknown. That person was born with admiration for Su Qingxing, as Si Qing who was a contemplative mirror.

The formation of mirror images is by no means an overnight thing. They were first born with the exact same body as the deity. At that time, they were blank, and they were not even sure what they were.

They wandered the floor where they belonged, feeling that they should be of the same kind as the things they encountered.

So Chubai and the others met the survivors in the hospital and felt that they should be individuals too.

What Si Qing saw were ghosts, and he subconsciously regarded them as the same kind.

The difference between the two is that the mirror images of Chubai and the others began to integrate the memory of the deity shortly after, while Si Qing had only vague things in his mind from the moment he was born, and the three words Su Qingxing. .

No matter how powerful cinnabar is, it is impossible to spy on the memory of the god of death, and it is even more impossible to copy the power of the god of death.

Therefore, Si Qing can not be regarded as a replica of the god of death, but more like a new life, growing and learning along with his own consciousness, and finally forming a completely different existence from Shen Si.

Even so, Si Qing still had vague and strong feelings for Su Qingxing, and even when he heard that the boy's life and death were unknown, he put everything aside and returned to the first floor of the hospital.

There, Si Qing originally thought he would see a heartbroken contemplation. After all, his feelings for Su Qingxing came from contemplation, so he felt that he was the one who knew the deity's mood the most.

But what makes Si Qing a little unbelievable is... Shen Si is actually on the phone? !

That's right, call!

Not enough staff? When Shen Si was in contact with his subordinates, he happened to catch a glimpse of Si Qing who rushed into the door, There are ten newcomers in total, eight of them are young, and the people from the underworld are messy, and it is not unusual to find someone with a clean background.

Huh? Thinking of this, Shen Si suddenly glanced at Si Qing, narrowed his eyes thoughtfully for a while, and continued to say to the other end of the phone, I have a person with a clean background.

How innocent? Shen thought for a while, Just born.

Hey, bastard, don't you have a deep affection for Su Qingxing? Why are you indifferent now that he has an accident? Si Qing rushed over excitedly.

You are still young, and you don't know many things. Shen Si hung up the phone and hid in his pocket again, If you still want to see Qingxing, why don't you come with me.

Go...where? Si Qing was puzzled.

Go to a place where you have a chance to meet your mother. Lord Death, who had just finished his official business and was busy catching the strong man, reached out and patted Si Qing's shoulder with a serious and serious expression, Hurry up, or else to be discovered.

Hey hey hey! Don't you have a lot of important things to tell me! Where did Su Qingxing go? Who do you want to find out? Where are you taking me? Why does it sound like you're going to abduct people? Don't you really like Su Qingxing? Could it be that you are actually a narcissistic maniac, so after seeing the handsome, suave and suave me, you fell madly in love... ah!!!!

Before Si Qing could finish speaking, he felt as if all the bones in his body had been shattered and reorganized. The severe pain in his whole body made Si Qing almost faint.

But before he passed out, the pain on his body disappeared instantly, and what followed was a soothing feeling after being deeply massaged.

Of course, Si Qing didn't know what it was like to have a deep massage, but he felt that his whole body was suddenly tense.

You... what did you do to me?! Si Qing put his arms around his chest in fear, and looked at Shen Si with a frightened and shy expression.

Lord Death: ...

You are a mirror image, not a person, not a ghost. If you don't move your hands and feet, you won't even be able to leave here. Shen Sizhen explained patiently, then grabbed Si Qing's white lab coat and walked straight towards the wall of the shelter past.

Go, while no one finds out.

Hey! It will hit the wall! Seeing that the deity was about to carry himself to beat the wall, Si Qing could not wait to take a bite on Lord Death's arm.

However, the god of death has already taken his poor little mirror and rushed directly into the wall, just like breaking into a hidden passage, and disappeared into the mirror world, leaving only Si Qing's voice and finally shouted——

Don't lie to me, if I don't see Su Qingxing, I will rebel!


Chubai and the others, who were still on the fifth floor, naturally didn't know about this little episode that happened in the shelter on the first floor. They just looked at Su Qingxing who appeared in the room out of thin air in surprise.

And the first thought that came to Chubai's mind was - is the boy standing in front of them the deity or the mirror image?

But after recalling what Su Qingxing said just now, Chubai could at least be sure that the young man in front of them was the Su Qingxing they were familiar with.

But a certain sentence said by the young man just now is a little strange when I think about it—

[I can also understand what I said... As long as a miracle happens, the deity and the mirror image can leave here at the same time. ]

This sentence seems familiar, but is it really what the young man in front of him said?

Seeing Chubai looking at himself in shock, Su Qingxing also knew that the whole thing was a bit complicated to explain, so he could only hold down his throat and cough lightly.

After two sips, he said in that old voice again: I said at the beginning, unless a miracle happens, only the mirror image and the deity will reach the fifth floor immediately.

That person is you?! Chubai thought about many possibilities, but never thought that Su Qingxing was actually related to this matter.

For Su Qingxing, Chubai has always felt guilty.

Although the moment the ceiling fell, no one could stop it. Until all of them left, Chubai couldn't be sure whether Su Qingxing really had no hope of being rescued.

But the ghost floating out of the gap on the second floor made Chubai have to make a choice. This has also become the first layer of pressure during the entire survival process.

As they walked up layer by layer, and as the teammates left one by one, Chubai had to put all his hopes on Duoduo and Xiaoxiong.

As long as these two children are still alive, Chubai has the courage to keep going. Those two children were like the only light in this hospital, the only light that could make Chubai feel warm.

So the moment Su Qingxing appeared, Chubai suddenly had a feeling of regaining his breath, as if the world had not yet ushered in darkness, and a good thing finally appeared in all the sorrows and choices.

Chubai's hands trembled to support his forehead, and he lowered his head to reveal a stiff smile, like laughing and crying, but there was no sound. From the moment he held the knife and stabbed into Bai Chu's body, the trembling in Chubai's hand has not stopped, and perhaps this trembling will continue for a long time...

I really didn't expect it. After Chubai calmed down for a while, he put down his hands and raised his head to look at Su Qingxing who was holding the bear, Not only did you not have an accident, but you have become the creator of so many levels. Su Qingxing, you are not simple. people.

No, should it be said that you are really human? Chu Bai couldn't help but question.

Without waiting for Su Qingxing to say anything, the little bear that he had been holding in his arms seemed to have just come back to his senses, and he hugged Su Qingxing's neck before crying out loudly—

Brother Qingxing! Brother Qingxing! Brother Qingxing! Brother Qingxing!

It's really brother Qingxing, brother Qingxing is back! Duoduo, who was standing beside Chubai, had already recovered his senses, Brother Qingxing, can you save Little Bear?

No one needs to save the little bear. Su Qingxing carefully placed the little bear clinging to the ground in his arms, then patted the little heads of the two children with both hands, and said with a smile—

Because the little bear did nothing wrong, the good boy should not receive any punishment.

Su Qingxing rarely touches children, but he always believes that most children have an advantage that only children have, and that is infinite possibilities!

No matter what kind of child you see at the moment, you can never be sure what the child will be in the next second or in years.

Just like the little bear, this mirror image from Duoduo, although it looks like a bear child at first, but grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

So now the little bear does not need anyone to save!

If the third level really exists to test the nature of the little bear, the little bear has now given a full score.

Xiao Xiong is great! Su Qingxing praised again with a smile, Now I kind of believe that Xiao Xiong is my sister!

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