Chapter 108 This world is still the world of young people after all!

Cai Guogong Mansion.

Du Ruhui, who has been recuperating for more than two years, is now free to move out of bed.

Just stay at home all the time.

To put it bluntly, it is laid off.

After being laid off, Cai Guogong’s residence was deserted.

I think that when Lao Du was still the prime minister, the guy in the door was called Ruoshi!

It’s a pity that people take the tea cold now.

Lao Du was very disappointed and sighed.

Isn’t it just that the old man retired from Jaebu’s position? As for this reality?

Therefore, he felt that even if the old man could not get up, he should at least find a way out for future generations.

So, one day, he took his eldest son Du Gou to Li Mu’s house as a guest.

“Li Jingyang, don’t be unharmed, the old man is polite!” Du Ruhui smiled and saw him.

Then he pointed to Du Gou next to him, “This is Inuzi Du Gou.”

Du Gou, the kid who was still acquainted, quickly gave a big gift, “My nephew has seen Duke Jingyang!”

At this time, Li Mu, who was busy drawing a drawing, twitched his mouth and almost broke the pencil in his hand.

Especially you are called Uncle by a buddy who is about your age. Can you calm down?

Obviously, Li Mu couldn’t calm down.

Quickly helped Du Gou, “Don’t don’t don’t, buddy, let’s meet the same generation!”

This time it was Du Gou’s turn that the corners of his mouth twitched. He turned his head and glanced at his father Du Ruhui, meaning, father, what do you think?

Du Ruhui knew Li Mu fairly well and knew his temper, so he waved his hand and told Du Gou to step back and stand aside.

Then he continued laughing and chatting with Li Mu, “What is Li Jingyang doing?”

Li Mu pointed to the road design drawings on the table, “Drawing drawings!”

“Drawing a drawing?”

“Ang, about road construction!”


Du Ruhui’s expression worrisome Gassine, although Lao Du was laid off, the news is still very clear, and he still knows a little bit about major events in the court.

He has also heard about road construction. As a former imperial prime minister, his vision is naturally not bad, and of course he can see the benefits inside.

Therefore, he came over to get a share of the pie today.

Many people think that road construction is just for public welfare, but there are also people who can analyze the benefit chain from it.

Obviously, Du Ruhui is such a person.

So, he came over today.

“Li Jingyang! I came here today, one is to thank you, and the other is to find a career for my son, please also Li Jingyang…”

Before he finished speaking, Li Mu stopped him, “Old Du, don’t say anything polite, we can be regarded as old friends, I understand what you mean, don’t worry, Brother Du’s business is on my body.”

“I wonder what arrangements Li Jingyang has?”

“Navy Denglai.”

When Lao Du heard it, his brows suddenly frowned. How far is it to get to Denglai? What kind of oil and water can I get?

If he is still the prime minister, it is a good choice. Let his son go paddling in remote areas, mix up some seniority, and come back for promotion.

If you are lucky, playing a few pirates is also an opportunity for gilding.

But the key is that now that I have been laid off, it is better to find an oil and water job.

“Li Jingyang…”

“Old Du, I’m right. Denglai will be very good in the future. Don’t worry, I won’t cheat you.”

Du Ruhui pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, “Li Jingyang meant it, but it’s about shipping?”

Li Mu smiled and nodded, “Old Du, not only the benefits of shipping, there may be a great contribution to be gained by then.”

“What credit?”

“A place overseas!”

hiss……Du Ruhui suddenly took a breath.

Especially this is the rhythm of conquering overseas!

If this rhythm is good, it is also a great achievement in opening up the territory, damn it!

Therefore, Du Ruhui was so grateful to Li Mu after listening, he just pressed his son’s head, and kowtowed directly to Li Mu.

Li Mu almost wasn’t scared to death, he couldn’t bear Du Gou’s gift.

He ran to him and just helped Lao Du’s son up.

Then he turned off the topic and chatted with Old Du about his official career.

“Old Du, do you want to go back and continue to be a civil servant?”

“Civil servant?”

“It means being an official and serving the people.”

Lao Du nodded, indicating that he could continue to be a fan of Datang.

However, he also knew that the difficulty was a bit difficult. After all, he had been laid off for more than two years, and Zaifu’s position had long been occupied, so there was no pit left for him.

Li Shimin had promised to give him a title of participating in political affairs, but that stuff was imaginary, which translates to the meaning of retiring and reappointing a consultant.

You can speak, but it’s hard to say if people don’t take it seriously.

Compared with the previous when Zaifu Nahui, that is simply a difference.

Therefore, Li Mu asked him if he wanted to continue to be a civil servant, of course he said yes!

Especially since being sick and laid off, from the former door to the current door in the cold.

His old Du’s psychology has changed a lot.

I thought about it before, for the country and the court, and I have done my best to die.

Then, I almost exhausted myself.

Now, Lao Du thinks, while benefiting the country and the court, why not seek some benefit for himself?

Therefore, this is also an important reason why he will come to Li Mu today.

“Please Li Jingyang to help the old man.” Du Ruhui asked sincerely.

“I don’t dare to solve the puzzle, but there is just an opportunity in front of me. It depends on Old Du, can you seize it?”

“Oh? Please enlighten me!”



“Yes, Liaodong Goguryeo, Your Majesty has been watching for a long time, but has not been able to find the right time.”

“Li Jingyang means…”

“Someone needs to stand up and support His Majesty’s use of soldiers against Goguryeo, and this person must be respected.”

After Lao Du listened, his body was shocked.

Goguryeo, the soldier, that place is the sinkhole where Xiao Yang was killed!

First of all, this is a sensitive topic, and whoever mentions it will die.

Unless it is proposed by a very high-ranking person, it will be directly attacked by the crowd.

That’s why Li Mu said that people must be respected and respected.

Secondly, even if this matter is really promoted, then this advocator must always be ready to carry it out.

Once the war fails, then this person will have to bear the consciousness of being a man in the back.

And this pot is likely to be the kind that has to be carried for hundreds or even thousands of years.

In short, the cost is high.

Of course, a high price means a large return.

If Lao Du dared to bet on this shop, let alone return to the position of Zaifu, it would be easy to preserve the glory and wealth of the three generations.

It’s a fame and fortune!


Do you want to bet?

Li Mu looked at Old Du with a tangled face, smiled and said, “Old Du, you might as well think about it slowly, don’t worry, I, I have done some business in Hebei recently, which may be of some use to Zheng Liao. You can come and examine it when you have time, and then make a decision.”

Looking at Li Mu’s confident expression, Lao Du suddenly felt that he was old.

Alas, this world is the world of young people after all!

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