Chapter 25 Li Jing, Stealing the Tower Successfully!

Evil sun ridge.

After the defeat of Jie Li Khan Ashina Dua Mayi, he retreated to this point.

I plan to fix it, and then summon the grassland children to go back and vote again.

He is now waiting, waiting for the rescuers to come to help, by the way, send someone to Chang’an to negotiate with Li Shimin, trying to delay time.

It was originally planned very well.

Who knew that a long horn suddenly sounded in the middle of the night.

Ashna Dua almost didn’t get scared to pee.

After running out of Wang’s account, he quickly grabbed a pros and asked, “What happened?”

“It’s not good to sweat, Tang Jun has killed him!”

“Impossible, how dare they?”

But the answer to him was a rain of arrows all over the sky.


I saw a rain of arrows pouring down with fire.

The Turkic soldiers were caught off guard and suffered massive casualties.

By the way, a large number of camp materials and so on ignited fire.

Suddenly the flames blazed into the sky, and there was a mess of porridge all around.

Some young Turkic soldiers were so scared that they squatted on the ground shivering, and even burst into tears.

Ashina looked at the surrounding chaos and yelled angrily.

While shouting loudly, while lifting a knife, he severely chopped down a few soldiers, which was able to stabilize the situation.

“Kill Ben Khan, kill!”

The soldiers’ hands were shaking with knives, and some prairie cavalry with little combat experience could not even ride a horse.

The centurions forcibly arranged the soldiers into a scattered formation until they could barely fight against the enemy.

“Profusely, the Tang army is coming fiercely, and we are coming forward with the previous victory of Ma Yi. Our army’s morale is low, and I may not be the opponent. I will withdraw later. When we return to the grassland, we will gather the manpower for a showdown.”

“Bastard! To escape, Ben Khan will kill you first!”

He nodded helplessly, and ran out to organize soldiers to line up to meet the enemy.

In fact, the large-scale large-scale Turkic soldiers are disorganized, with crooked armors, weakened military spirit, and morale. There is no formation at all.

At this time, the Tang Army cavalry had swept across like a black storm from the distant horizon like lightning.

“Arrows! Arrows! Shoot a crossbow and shoot a crossbow!!!”

There was a loud shout of panic in the army.

The Tang Army’s cavalry didn’t even get into the range of the crossbow, and the panicked Turkic army had been aimless, and started shooting arrows and crossbows indiscriminately.

These arrows did not cause any harm to Tang Jun at all.

Occasionally, some sporadic arrows were shot into the queue of the Tang Army cavalry, but because the archer’s strength was too weak, they were bounced far away by the high-quality armor of the Tang Army cavalry.

After the three-stage crossbow was released, the Tang Army cavalry had not yet rushed to a place two hundred steps away from the Turkic Army formation.

And the spearmen and shield soldiers at the forefront of the Great Array had been frightened by the devastating momentum of the Tang Army and began to retreat.

The rout of the front line caused a terrible chain reaction, and the routs who fleeed back desperately in front immediately rushed to disperse the already very lax Chinese army.

The Chinese army also began to retreat in panic, so less than half an hour after the battle began, the entire Turkic army began to retreat.

The centurions did not care to suppress their soldiers and began to flee for their lives.

At the same time, a Tang army cavalry concealed behind a hill on the left side took advantage of the chaos behind the Turkic army formation and began to charge and attack.

The Turkic soldiers have basically been driven to the front to seize the enemy, and the rear defense is weak.

Coupled with the rapid collapse of the soldiers in the front, the remaining Turkic troops defending at the rear have no intention of resisting.I didn’t even bother to remind the friendly forces in front of them, and they broke up immediately and ran away in a hurry.

So a tragedy happened, and the murderous Tang Army cavalry rushed into the flow of the Turkic army’s retreat like a tiger fighting a rabbit, and began a frantic killing.

A stream of blood mist shot out continuously, the head was chopped off, the chest and back were pierced, and the horrible cry of pleading was endless.

A ten-man Tang Army cavalry hacked and killed dozens of Turkic soldiers. A dozen Turkic soldiers felt hopeless to escape. They threw away their weapons and raised their hands and knelt on the ground to surrender, begging for mercy.

Several Tangjun cavalrymen looked at each other, muttered a few words, and suddenly raised their horseshoes and trampled all the dozen Turkic troops to death.

The sound of crackling bones was clearly audible even on this noisy killing field.

A brave and cruel Lieutenant Tang smashed the heads of several Turkic soldiers with a hammer in his hand.

He screamed, roared, laughed wildly, and flew another hammer to smash a Turkic cavalry company passing by him with a hammer on the head.

The red and white liquid splashed on his face, making his distorted expression even more hideous and terrifying.

A large number of Turkic troops wanted to escape, but it was a pity that the Tang army behind them was in a hurry, and coupled with the crowded personnel, they couldn’t make any progress at all.

Tang Jun, who was caught up behind him, made a single cut, which was as easy as cutting melons and vegetables. Coupled with the chaotic and crowded flow of people, everyone was crowded and trampled on each other, causing countless deaths and injuries.

The cavalry of the Tang Army who caught up again surrounded the Turkic army with knives, axes and chops.

Slowly, the corpses of the Turkic Army piled up and piled up the entire Eyang Ridge.

Ashina looked at the tragic surroundings and had a mental breakdown, and his prairie army was completely finished in less than an hour.

Are all Tang Jun bloodthirsty and murderous demons?

The helmet had already fallen off and he didn’t know where to go. He was wearing a bun, riding a horse and fleeing aimlessly in the chaotic crowd.

Fortunately, in the end, he was escorted by guard soldiers and escaped from Eyang Ridge.

Flee in the direction of Qikou.

The Battle of Eyang Ridge is coming to an end.

The Tang Jun’s victory has been set.

The rest is the finishing touch.

A Turkic centurion wandered on the battlefield with a numb and sluggish expression. He had been frightened and his mind was broken. At this time, he was like a walking dead.

Suddenly a Tutang army general flew past his side, a spiked mace stretched out, and was skillfully swiped by its user!

There was a muffled sound.

The head of the Turkic centurion was smashed into a mass of flesh and blood mist flying around.

“Naughty! The barbarian general was killed so easily!?” The Tang Jun knight muttered to himself.

Obviously he felt that his own victory was a little too easy, and there was a sense of unfinished feeling in his heart.

Another knight smiled and said to him: “No, it’s easier to kill a barbarian than a lamb!”

Strings of Turkic army prisoners were escorted and driven to the prison camps.

In the face of such a brutal and powerful enemy, the Turkic army was completely shivered. No one dared to resist or even had the courage to escape, only wailing and screaming.

When the killing was over, a faint red light appeared on the eastern horizon.

It’s going to dawn!

In this battle, three thousand Tang troops defeated nearly ten thousand Turkic troops. Except for some people who were used as slaves with the army, most of the others were not spared.

The corpse stayed in Eyang Ridge forever.

However, the Tang Army cavalry only lost less than two hundred men.

Li Jing rode on the horse and said solemnly to several important Tang army generals beside him.

“For such a weak barbarian, we have been crushed by them for nearly ten years. It is really shameless. It seems that the original plan should be changed.

The purpose of our Raiders should not be just Ma Yi, but to continue to attack and obtain as many results as possible. ”

The surrounding generals all agreed, so several people took out a sheepskin map and discussed the details.

Finally set the tone and go straight to Dingxiang!

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