I’m Being Held Captive by Demons

Chapter 16 First Fetal Movements

The person Zhang Rong sent to inform the county magistrate came back soon.

But the magistrate did not come.

But this is also normal, after all, it is not yet dawn, who knows if there is only one monster?

It is normal for the county magistrate to be cautious.

Even the catchers in the yamen did not dare to relax.

After hanging the corpse of the ghost baby next to the soul eater, everyone went to sleep in batches. Half of the people slept, and half of them continued to stay awake and vigilant. After a rotation, the sky was completely brightened.

Soon, the magistrate in official uniform came in a sedan chair.

The morning sun fell on the Shanlan County Yamen. The county magistrate looked at the two corpses of monsters hanging in the yard and nodded with satisfaction.

Good! Good! Killed two monsters in a row, everyone present has made a great contribution!

The county magistrate was very excited when he saw the corpses of the two monsters. He immediately asked Zhang Rong, the team leader, to choose a manpower and prepare to send the corpses of the two monsters to Hejian Prefecture tomorrow.

Kong Ning, on the other hand, was temporarily in charge of the foreman during Zhang Rong's absence.

——That's what I said, but everyone knew that the position of the fast class headhunter was already in Kong Ning's pocket.

After all, although the magistrate has a lot of faults, he hasn't regretted what he said in public. Not to mention that Zhang Rong, the team leader, had long wanted to go to Fucheng, it was no secret...

Soon, after the meritorious deeds were rewarded, everyone dispersed one after another.

Zhang Rong and Kong Ning were called by the magistrate to the back hall to explain something. When the two came out, Zhang Rong was all smiles and couldn't help congratulating Kong Ning.

Kong Ning also smiled and congratulated the other party.

Because Zhang Rong went to Hejian Mansion this time, he probably won't come back. This middle-aged man who came to Shanlan County with the county magistrate is a close friend of the county magistrate and has been in Shanlan County for fifteen years.

Since the year before last, Zhang Rong has been moving around, wanting to return to Fucheng. Kong Ning was recruited into the yamen by Zhang Rong at that time, and thinking about it now, it was probably Zhang Rong who helped the county magistrate find a suitable confidant before he left, so that the county magistrate could continue to take charge of the fast class in the future.

This time, the Shanlan county government beheaded two demons, and Kong Ning also took the initiative to refuse his own credit, willing to hide his own existence, and gave Zhang Rong the main credit for killing demons. With the corpses of these two demons, plus Zhang Rong's movements in the past few years, it is very safe for Zhang Rong to stay in Hejian Mansion this time.

And as long as Zhang Rong is sure that he will not come back, Nakong Ning can immediately take up his post and take up the fast shift to arrest the head.

It's all a matter of mutual benefit and happiness for all.

If it was before, Kong Ning would definitely be happy about the upcoming headhunting position.

But at this moment, he only felt deep fatigue.

Exercising the dream spell last night and fighting monsters in nightmares took too much energy. Although I have been sleeping and not on duty in the second half of the night, I still haven't slept enough.

After leaving the yamen on a jujube horse, Kong Ning went straight to Huaishu Lane without stopping.

In the morning sunshine, the huge pagoda tree in front of the house stretches its branches and leaves in the morning breeze. Parents, as always, sat under the locust tree to enjoy the cool air.

Seeing Kong Ning came back, a kind smile appeared on the mother's face.

After Kong Ning said hello to the elders, he led the jujube horse into the courtyard. After tying the jujube horse, he went directly to the side room and fell asleep.

Even the monster at home hasn't come back yet, Kong Ning has no time to pay attention.

I don't know where that demon girl went last night... But Kong Ning has no right to control her.

The moment his head touched the pillow, Koning fell asleep.

In the haze, Kong Ning seemed to see some blurred pictures flashing past, and saw some memory fragments of the Nightmare Ghost.

It's just that those memory images are fragmented and fuzzy, almost all blurry fragments of cannibalism and harm, which can't leave a deep impression on Kong Ning's heart.

Finally, Kong Ning woke up.

In the sky outside, the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the clouds all over the sky red.

After sleeping all day, he only felt that his head was groggy and his stomach was rumbling with hunger.

After shaking and turning over to sit up, it took a full half a minute before Kong Ning gradually regained consciousness. The feeling of dizziness gradually receded, and the noises in the yard became clearer.

Putting on a thin coat, Kong Ning walked out of the side room and heard the noise in the kitchen.

—Someone is cooking in it.

The sizzling sound of food tumbling in the hot oil kept ringing. The tempting fragrance wafted along the cool night wind, making Kong Ning's stomach even hungrier.

He rubbed his eyes and walked to the door of the kitchen. What he saw was a beautiful girl with her hair tied up in a woman's bun and wearing a blue dress, busy in front of the stove.

Seeing Kong Ning at the door, the girl in Tsing Yi showed a gentle smile and said, Husband, are you awake?

A soft and sweet call, full of infinite affectionate care.

Kong Ning at the door was slightly startled, and then, a tingling pain came from his lower abdomen. I couldn't help frowning.

Seeing Kong Ning's reaction, the woman in Tsing Yi smiled happily.

The baby started to move so quickly... Husband! You and our child are very compatible! The demon egg has only been in for two days, and you are so well married, it's amazing!

As expected of the man Yan'er likes... Husband, go sit and rest quickly, don't get tired. Yan'er will finish it soon, let's have dinner now.

The woman in Tsing Yi smiled and pushed Kong Ning away from the kitchen with concern.

Kong Ning, who was wearing a thin coat, stood in the yard, staring blankly at the big locust tree swaying in the night wind above his head, and listening to the brisk humming of the woman behind him, he felt at a loss.

This sleep was too drowsy.

If it wasn't for the sudden cramps in his stomach and what the woman in Tsing Yi said, he would have almost forgotten that the woman at home is a monster...

Dragging his tired body, Kong Ning came to the door.

Standing under the setting sun, he saw his parents enjoying the cool under the locust tree at the door.

The father who always flipped through his old light yellow book rarely put down the book now.

Because there is a guest.

Under the big locust tree, sat a strong man with a gloomy face.

When Kong Ning came, the other party was complaining to Kong Ning's parents angrily.

...that thing is too deceptive! I want her to die!

The sudden appearance of Kong Ning made the three people sitting under the big locust tree all turn their heads to look.

Kong Ning saw a dark scar on the left face of the angry strong man, which made half of his face look rotten and hideous. And this injury seems to be left only recently...

Seeing Kong Ning's appearance, the burly man who was complaining angrily froze, then got up and walked away.

Before leaving, he glared at Kong Ning resentfully.

I don't care! Fuck the rules!

The angry strong man walked away.

The parents under the locust tree watched the strong man leave with calm expressions and did not hold back.

Kong Ning looked at the back of the strong man leaving in surprise, a little confused.

This guy... who is it? In the small Shanlan County, is there anyone he doesn't know?

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