I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 76: Hisako Decisively Sells Out His Teammates, The Threat Of Leonora (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Gendan and others have searched around, but still haven't found anything. This also makes Erina and others a little panicked. Where did this girl go?

"Huh?! Where did this girl Alice go?"

Just when Kobayashi Ryodan and others were a little anxious, the door of the house suddenly opened, and everyone turned their heads and looked over. The person who came was not Alice, but Hisako.

Hisako spared a lot of time in order to avoid being discovered by Kobayashi Ryodan and the others, so he just came back.

Akakubo Momo sighed and said, "It's not Alice. Hisako, has Alice contacted you?"

Hisako's heart skipped a beat, but he still shook his head and said, "No, didn't Miss Alice go to the competition? How was it? Did she advance?"

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head and said: "I'm still promoted, the Alice character is created!"

"Ah?! Miss Alice is missing?! Didn't she go to the competition?! You need to call the police!"

Busujima Saeko shook her head and said, "She's missing. Oh, it's considered missing. She went to compete, lost, and then ran away with her face covered. I don't know where she went."

"Eh? Could it be that Miss Alice felt so embarrassed that she cried? Or maybe she didn't dare to go home?"

"I'm just afraid of this. It really doesn't make people worry, but this girl acted too casually before. Bah... this damn girl, when she comes home, she will be interrogated directly by three courts!"

"That's right!"xn

Hisako's eyes twitched. Alice might be in trouble. Thinking of this, Hisako decided to remind Alice and think of a way to deal with it. It seemed that these ten times really scared the sisters at home.

Kobayashi Rgentan thought for a moment and said, "How about we look for it again?"

"I have to look for it, but where can I go? I've searched all possible places. I even found the chocolate hidden under the sofa in the study while sleeping, but I can't find this girl."

Hisako pursed his lips and said, "But we can't give up easily! We have to find Miss Alice!"

Hisako ran out directly after saying that. Everyone was stunned. Shinomiya Kaguya sighed and said, "It seems Hisako is really worried about Alice. After all, we grew up together."

"Forget it, let's go out and search again. We'll meet in two hours. No matter what, we can't search aimlessly. We'll wait until my husband comes back. Maybe he can find it.

After all, that girl likes her husband so much. "


As soon as Hisako on the other side ran out, he ran directly towards the villa of the Senta sisters. She had to tell Alice quickly, hurry up, otherwise, if she keeps dragging it out like this

My family is probably going crazy!

"Hey...Sorry, sorry! Uh...Lei...Aunt Leonora?!"

When Hisako rushed forward, he bumped into someone at the corner. When he took a closer look, the person was stunned. Isn't this Leonora?!

Leonora also rubbed her waist and quickly covered Hisako's mouth and whispered: "Hisako, be quiet!"

Hisako nodded with fear in his eyes, are you kidding me, why is Leonora here?! And there is no suitcase, which means that she will arrive this afternoon at the latest, and the competition is even on site!

Alice is getting cold! What should we do? Leonora hugged Hisako and ran to a corner, and said seriously: "Hisako, do you know where the dead girl went?"

Sure enough! Leonora was watching the game! That means she was here this morning! Absolutely!

Hisako shook his head quickly and said: "I don't know! I also plan to go find Miss Alice! Aunt Leonora, when did you come?"

"Me? Huh?! Alice!"

Hisako quickly looked in one direction, and the next moment he trembled all over, looking back slightly. She could feel that Leonora definitely had a nonchalant expression now.

While Hisako was brainstorming how to fool Leonora, a hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder. Hisako froze and said blankly: "Aunt Lei Leonora... Where is Miss Alice?" "

Leonora gently pinched Hisako's face with one hand and said with a smile: "Hisako, I remember, Erina, Alice, and you, among you, you are the most sensible.

The most coincidental child. "


"So, Hisako, if you tell me where that dead girl Alice is, I won't show Ye Jun the photo of you crying when you were a child."

Hisako's pupils shrank, and there was only one sentence in her mind for a moment, and that was... Miss Alice! I'm sorry! I can't help it! Leonora has a very ugly photo of her crying at that time, and she must not let her husband see it. !Otherwise it would be too embarrassing!

Hisako swallowed and whispered: "Aunt Leonora, are you sure you don't want to tell Lord Ye Mu?"

"Don't worry, good children should be rewarded, so please tell me quickly."

"Aunt Leonora, I can tell you where Miss Alice is, but you can't go find her.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Hisako whispered: "Aunt Leonora, are you here just for the matter of Alice and Ye Mu?"

"That's for sure. That girl didn't do anything at all. I'm so worried! It's so unreliable! She even ran away this time. When I catch her, she'll be dead!"

"Well... Aunt Leonora, come with me. Miss Alice has her own plan this time. You are worrying too much."

"Ho? Lead the way!"


Leonora smiled and said: "I don't have any photos, but Hisako, you have betrayed Alice."

"Ugh...Miss Alice...I'm sorry..."

"Hisako, don't fool me, I don't have any photos because I deleted them, but the video is still there!"

Hisako's pupils shrank, and he immediately said with a smile: "Aunt Leonora, come with me, please come this way."


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