I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 107 Say no to the mouth, the eyes are very h1st 【Subscription】

Want to try it?

Erina herself can't make up her mind.


Saying this makes no sense.

"Sir Erina, this rice roll is really delicious, but I ate two!

Although only one and a half.

But it was considered to be two servings.

“It was so delicious!”

"I... don't think it's delicious.

Erina's resolve isn't quite as strong.

"But it's really delicious. 39

"Otherwise, try it. If it doesn't taste good, I'll throw it away. After all, it's considered fresh food. I've tasted it now, and if it doesn't taste good, I can avoid lightning in the future.

Erina thought for a moment, with a reluctant look on her face.

"Well then...I'll try a little..."


Hisako still knew Erina well.

Growing up together.

She knows her character better than anyone else.

She just said no, but her eyes kept going to the rice roll in her hand.

It is obvious that the mouth is saying no, the body... is not right, but the eyes are very honest.

Hisako handed the chopsticks to Erina.

"You try small pieces. If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it.


Erina took a small piece and put it in her mouth.

Because I just got it back, I haven't kept it for too long, and the rice rolls are still hot.

The sauce and the rice rolls are melted together, and the taste of the sauce becomes very strong once you put it in your mouth.

As soon as she touched her god tongue, there was a feeling of Mars hitting the earth.

15 minutes at a time stimulated the taste buds of the tongue of God.

Erina is ready to take a sip.

But now she couldn't control it.

"Sir Erina, is it delicious? 39

Erina wanted to say so.

However, she couldn't say such a thing.

Because it is really delicious!

Obviously it's just food made of flour, with eggs and lean meat added, and then topped with sauce.

Like this common food, she stopped eating it for many years.


Why this kind of ordinary food, which looks like junk food to her, actually makes her appetite.


She could hardly control herself.


Erina struggled to control her appetite.

But she found that the more she tried to restrain herself, the more intense the urge to appetite became.

"Sir Erina, isn't it delicious?


I don't know whether to say "no" or "yes"

Hisako was wondering, the next second, Erina grabbed the rice roll from her hand and ate it regardless of her image.

Seeing this scene, Hisako was stunned for a moment, and then showed a motherly smile... No, an aunt's smile... No... Anyway, in Hisako's opinion, the senior's rice rolls once again broke through Erina-sama's. a tongue.

A piece of rice rolls, not a lot.

Since Erina ate so quickly, the sauce got to the corners of her mouth.

But now, she doesn't seem to care so much.

Until I ate the best piece of rice rolls in my stomach, I glanced at the remaining juice on the lunch box, thought about it, and finally I couldn't drink it all.

"Sir Erina, how does this taste feel?

Hisako handed Erina a tissue.

Erina wiped her mouth with a Tsundere tone.

"so so.

Because it's already eaten.

Even if he is a little guilty now, he is a little more confident than what he said just now.

"But, I think it's delicious. 99

"Your taste is different from mine.

Hisako actually knew that Erina was saying the opposite, and she didn't expose it.

"I don't know if the seniors still have it, but I want to eat another one."

"then you go."

"Would you like to give you another call then?

Erina said in a low voice: "No need. After eating one portion, my stomach is full. Besides, this taste is average.

After a pause, Erina added, "However, compared to the chef's new dish that I just ate, this rice roll is not bad.

"Erina-sama can feel good food, that's a high evaluation. I think the senior will be very happy when he hears it."

"That's his business."

Erina checked the time.

"The tasting is over, do you want to stay or go back?


Hisako wanted to say stay.

But she didn't know if Jiang Yiming was still setting up a stall there just now.

After all, it's already sold out, so it shouldn't stay.

"I'll go back with you... There are still some things to deal with in the middle department. I'll go home later. My dad said that he made a new dish. repair.

Erina was a little curious.

"Make up for what?"

"That's not clear. I have to go back and ask him in detail."

Erina did not continue the topic.

Seeing that it was almost time, I called the driver to come and pick them up.

When the car passed the intersection, there was still Jiang Yiming there.

Although Erina did not admit the real experience of the rice rolls she ate in front of Hisako, she had to admit that the taste once again saved her tongue of God.

While sitting in the car, she thought that if she met Jiang Yiming, she was going to go down and ask about the method of the rice roll.

This is an impulsive thought.

However, when seeing that Jiang Yiming was not there.

He breathed a sigh of relief again.

Only, Erina thought of a question.

Will her divine tongue be nagged by Jiang Yiming's food supplies one day?

This is a very important question!

"Never eat any food that guy makes in the future! 99

"That's a bastard!

"Ha chirp!"

Jiang Yiming, who had just returned to the hotel, sneezed.

Wiped nose.

Jiang Yiming murmured in his heart, "Is someone thinking of me or someone scolding me behind my back."

"Probably misses me. I haven't offended anyone.

After muttering, Jiang Yiming came to the meeting place.

50 breakfasts sold by nine.

Return to the hotel lobby for collection at 11:00.

Jiang Yiming took a look.

It seems that the number of people gathered is less than before.

"Student Yiming, this way!

Isshiki Satoshi waved at Jiang Yiming.

"Student Yiming, why are you so late? I thought you were eliminated because you didn't complete the assessment. Then you just let the bus take you home.

"Just handed in the money I made. Years

"I said you can definitely catch up.

"Fortunately, we don't gather until 11 o'clock. If it was nine o'clock, I would definitely not be able to catch up.

Because he paid the money a little later, the statistics side almost didn't believe it.

After all, he finally adjusted the monitoring, which confirmed that he was not late, but that there were really too many guests.

When I saw the surveillance video on the statistics side, I was so surprised that I couldn't close my mouth.

"Classmate Yiming, what food did you get in the end?"

"Cantonese-style rice rolls, have you tried it?""

Isshiki Satoshi thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Dragon Country Food? 99

"Of course. If it's in the Dragon Country, this is a famous snack on the list."

Isshiki Satoshi got excited all of a sudden.

"Then after the training is over, go back to Polar Star Dorm and make a serving for me."

"Don't do it."


"Whether you can pass the training is still a question.

Isshiki Satoshi's mouth twitched.

"Also, you're not a girl. Why did I make a rice roll for you. 99

Isshiki Satoshi's mouth twitched again.

"Lastly, I've sold the tools for making rice rolls."

Isshiki Satoshi felt like something was going to come out of his chest.

"Why did the tool sell?

"Because it's too big, I can't get it back for a while.

"You can call me."

"I thought you were eliminated.

Isshiki Satoshi is heartbroken.

He had given up the idea of ​​letting Jiang Yiming make him some kind of rice rolls.

This guy, obviously, he just doesn't want to do it for him.

"Student Yiming, how many people do you think will be eliminated in this round of assessment?"

Jiang Yiming looked around.

Because it's time to gather.

In the first assessment yesterday, there were more than 200 people missing.

Visually, there should be more than 600 people.

In this way, after this round, more than 100 were eliminated.

The dropout rate is really high.

If it goes on like this, I am afraid that in the end, there will be very few students who can complete this terrifying dormitory research.

"It doesn't matter how many people are eliminated. What matters is that they were eliminated and we stayed, and that was enough.

Isshiki Satoshi thought about it for a while and felt that it made sense.

When the gathering time is up, Dojima Gin takes the stage to announce the number of people who have been eliminated this round.

148 people!

Although there are fewer people than those eliminated in the first round yesterday.

However, this is only the first game of the day.

Moreover, this is the test question given last night, and there are still more than 140 people who have been eliminated.

This is really scary enough.

"Now, everyone packs up and prepares to go to the third assessment.

tidy up?

The rest of the students were a little confused.

There are still several days of accommodation training, why do you have to pack your things?

Is this the place to be converted?

The assessment here is terrifying enough. If the assessment site is changed again, is there a more terrifying assessment?

"This time, we changed the assessment rules a little bit, which is different from previous years.

Students look at each other.

I always felt that with this sudden change in the assessment method, after this round of assessment was over, they would have lost more than half of the students.

"If you don't pass the assessment this time, a special mark will be added. In this case, even if you are eliminated from the competition and become a chef in the future, it will be affected."5


Whole house wow!

What a test this is!

It's simply a horrific assessment!

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