I'm in Food Wars: Opening A Restaurant

142 This man has a unique charm!

It never occurred to her.

Erina, will have seen her relationship with Chu Feng early on!

Needless to say.

In the entire Nakiri family, Nakiri Mana can be regarded as a first-class strong woman!

Not only in the field of cooking, but also in the field of business, the talent she shows is much stronger than many men!


Often the stronger the woman, the harder it is!

And after experiencing all kinds of ups and downs and unfortunate life, Nakiri Mana finally found her own happiness! Therefore, in the face of this feeling, she believes that she will go without hesitation!

What morals?

What ethics?

She doesn't care about all these things!


"actually, I

Feeling Erina's gaze, Nakiri Mana tried to defend herself! However, when she tried to speak, Erina covered her mouth with her fingers!


"Don't say it!"

"I know it, I really know it!


Erina, with a sweet smile, rested her head on Nakiri Mana's shoulder.


"You must have been very tired all these years?"

08 "Hmm!"

"But seeing you grow so big, I think it's worth it no matter how tired and hard you are! 35 Nakiri Mana, looking at Erina who is so close beside her, can't help but be stunned.

Immediately, she was quite moved and reached out to touch Erina's cheek.


"Do you really want to stay in this restaurant all your life and follow Chu Feng's side all your life?" Erina asked in confusion.


"I will be very happy to be by his side!

Nakiri Mana, smiled.


"Even you said so!

Knowing that Nakiri Mana's answer was exactly the same as Kobayashi Rentan, Erina couldn't help but think a little!


"What are you mumbling about?"


"No... nothing, Mom, it's getting late, you should go to bed earlier! I... I... I'll... go to bed with Arato Hisako tonight! 35

Say it.

Nakiri Erina, left in a hurry.

"This child..."

Seeing this, Nakiri Mana's eyes were filled with relief. After many years of separation, they can also let them sit together as a mother and daughter to talk about their hearts!


Seeing that Erina has a sweetheart, Nakiri Mana felt very happy in her heart.


This sweetheart is also the man she is destined to never leave in her life!

next day!

Early in the morning.

Nakiri Alice, showed the cut tofu cubes to Chu Feng.

When I took a closer look, I saw that the tofu cubes in the plate were all broken and slag, and none of them were in the shape of a boxy cube!

Not so much.

It's tofu cubes, it's better to say it's tofu dregs!

"how is everything?"

at last.

Alice, asked anxiously.


"That's the knife."

"You still have the face to ask me how?"

Taking back his gaze, Chu Feng said helplessly while holding his forehead.

It seems that Nakiri Alice still has a long way to go when it comes to knife crafting!

"That can't be helped! 99

"Compared to the carrots, beef and so on last time, this tofu is more difficult to cut, okay? I used the best kitchen knife in the kitchen to handle it, and the result was like chopping marshmallows, soft and fluffy. !""

Alice, knowing that she was really bad at cutting tofu, could only reply in grievance.

"Can't poop. 95

"I don't blame myself, I blame the ditch, right?

Chu Feng, shrugged.


He took out a large piece of tofu again and placed it lightly on the chopping board.

Immediately after.

He took out a Yi Yin kitchen knife that was always flashing cold light on the tip of the knife, first he calmed down, and then he started drenching the blade with clean water!

at last.

Using a Yi Yin kitchen knife dipped in water, he started to process the tofu!




only see.

Chu Feng's knife swing is very fast, and the afterimage of the kitchen knife can even be seen in mid-air!

Although the speed of the knife is very fast, it is full of rhythm, and the sound of the collision with the chopping board is like a joyful song, which is very pleasant!


"You have to remember.

"When handling tofu, the kitchen knife you choose not only needs to be sharp, but also has to pass through the water!"

"Then remove the four corners and sides of the tofu. Only after these are cut, the tension on the tofu will become very small, and it will not crack because you are too strong!


"When cutting.

"Be focused and don't be sloppy at all!"

"In short, it is mainly about skill. Especially when cutting tofu, your left hand should touch the left side of the knife and move slowly while cutting! 35

"After cutting, sprinkle some water on the tofu and gently scrape to the right with a knife.

Say it.

After cutting the tofu, Chu Feng put down the kitchen knife.


"That's right!"

Alice, blinked, deeply curious.

Then, she slightly stretched her head to look at the tofu cubes that had been cut on the chopping board!


Take a closer look.

303 found that the tofu had been cut a lot, but it didn't seem to be cut into small pieces of tofu!


"Didn't you cut a lot of knives?"

"Why doesn't this tofu seem to have changed!"


Alice, replied in surprise.

"Alice. 39

"Who told you that it hasn't changed?" Hearing this, Chu Feng could only gently place the tofu on the chopping board in a basin filled with water, and then shook a little!


A magical scene happened!

I only saw this tofu, and it slowly turned into a strand of tofu as thin as a hair!


"Beans...shredded tofu!"

Seeing this, Nakiri Alice couldn't help being taken aback!

You must know that she can't even handle the tofu well, and as a result, Chu Feng can cut it into strands of tofu in three or two times! Moreover, the tofu strands look so thin, it seems to be as thin as human hair!

"Chu Feng."

"You... how many knives have you cut?"

Chu Feng, quickly stretched out three fingers in front of Alice: "No more, no less, just this number!""


"Three hundred knives!"

Alice, shocked!

"Who told you it was three hundred knives, I cut three thousand knives! 35

Alice: (⊙o⊙)


Three thousand knives?.

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