In the cooking practice, aside from the seasoning, which is greatly influenced by personal preferences, the cooking technique is actually more important, and it is also a link that is easier to be ignored!


There is a cooking technique "dry stir fry", which is very special!

It's not the same as a small fry.

Dry stir-frying gives the impression that there is no oil in the pot!


In fact.

Dry frying also requires oil, but not much oil! At the same time, the cooking time is relatively long, and the fire power should not be too large, so medium fire is advisable!


in the kitchen.

Mito Ikumi, first cut the beef into slices, and then choose a cube-shaped slice of meat! Then cut it into pieces 5 cm long and 1 mm wide along the grain of the beef - shredded pork!


Abandon the cross-cutting method and do the opposite!

It's just that the finished product after cross-cutting will become loose, and it will be easy to break after frying in the pot! And cutting along the texture, there is no such problem!


Add cooking wine, soy sauce, and oil.

Celery, also cut into 5 cm long shreds!




4 dried chillies shredded!

After the pan is hot, pour in the amount of oil that is usually used for cooking. When the oil temperature is 70% hot, pour in the shredded beef. The reason why the oil temperature is higher than the usual fried shredded pork is because the water in the meat should be basically dried. !

at the beginning.

You can see that there is still a lot of water in the pot.

At this time.

Continue to fry.

When there is almost no water vapor in the pot, push the shredded pork with a spatula!

As a result, the shredded meat will be loose and firm. Moreover, the color of its flesh will gradually become dark brown!

Then pour in the dried chili shreds, stir-fry the shallots and ginger until fragrant, keep the heat on medium!

Then pour in the bean paste, fry the red oil, and then add the chili powder. Note that the onion and ginger are added first, then the bean paste, and finally the chili powder!

If the chili powder is added early, it will be easy to paste.

at last.

Put in the celery.

Stir fry a few times over high heat until the celery softens slightly.

The time is about one minute, and then sprinkle white sesame seeds and pepper powder before serving! Just like that, a dry-sautéed beef shredded dish representing Sichuan cuisine is done!

"Miss Erina."

"This is the dish just ordered by table 2, you can try it!""


"let me try.

He picked up a piece of shredded pork with chopsticks and slowly put it into his mouth and chewed it! Suddenly, Nakiri Erina only felt that there was a wisp of sweetness in this dry and spicy food.


Celery, adds some more unique flavor to the dish.

A dish is good or bad.

In addition to taste, taste is the most important factor!

What is taste?



Soft and sticky!


Melt in your mouth and so on, these are the taste!

There are many factors that determine the taste of food, one of which is a very important factor, which is the amount of moisture in the food itself.


The more watery the food, the softer it will be.

As for food with less water content, it tastes harder and crunchier.

The purpose of dry stir-frying is actually to reduce the moisture content in the food to the greatest extent, so that the food becomes hard, crisp and chewy.

can speak.

Mito Ikumi has done the best in this regard!


"Not bad. 35

"Dry stir-fry is a cooking technique that is different from most stir-fries!"

"Most of the time, stir-frying requires high heat and quick stir-frying to keep the moisture in the ingredients and make the dishes tender. And dry stir-frying requires slow stir-frying to force out the moisture in the ingredients little by little!"

"That is to say, stir-frying is also different from frying."

"Frying pays attention to being crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and cutting is often coated with starch slurry on the surface to create a crispy feeling. While stir-frying means that the inside and outside are not spared, and there is no tender part left!


"It's not hard to imagine. 99

"Dried dishes are hard, crisp, tough and chewy. And as a consequence, dried dishes require a lot of chewing!""

"Ikumi Mito, I was surprised that you were able to use your sautéing skills so well!

"It seems."

"in this period.

...... Ask for flowers..0

"You have made great progress!


Nakiri Erina, putting down her chopsticks, nodded in satisfaction.

Don't look at Erina who is always Tsundere on weekdays, but she actually has a little "Bodhisattva heart" to the better people around her.

Just like in the original plot, she was firmly on the side of the opposition when dealing with the Nakiri thistle revolution. Even before qualifying for the exam, he went to instruct Tadokoro Megumi, Yukihira Sōma, and others!

at the same time.

Members of the Polar Star Dorm dorm.

And some Elite Ten, Nakiri Alice, etc., are also silently supporting her behind the scenes!

So, if Erina doesn't have a good side! Naturally, she won't be the head coach of Tōtsuki Academy in the end!


"Miss Erina."

"Then... does that need to be redone?"

at last.

Mito Ikumi, who was secretly happy, said cautiously.

"no need!"

"This level is enough to support the normal operation of this restaurant! I believe that this kind of cuisine will surely make many diners like it!

Erina, said lightly.

Just think.

A piece of beef of the same size.

Chew the fried beef tenderloin twice, and you can almost swallow it. The braised beef doesn’t take much effort, and if it is a plate of dry shredded beef, you may shiver just looking at it!

Therefore, it doesn't matter if the taste of the beef tenderloin is a little light, anyway, the beef is also in the stomach without waiting for the taste to disappear.

And if the shredded beef is relatively light in taste, then one chopstick of shredded beef is in the mouth, and the first 3 or 3 bites will still taste, and then there will be no flavor after that, it is really like chewing wood!

Make dry dishes.

Usually some heavy flavors are used, such as:


Sichuan peppercorn!


Douban sauce, etc., make the dishes especially delicious.

In this way, under the action of oils and seasonings, the original hard and tough ingredients become dry, fragrant and moist, and the more chewed, the more fragrant, forming a unique taste and taste experience.

And in this respect, Mito Ikumi's shredded beef is very qualified!

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