I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 133: Iron Man who was hit hard (34 supplement)

"A Xuan, how is that arena used, what's the use?!

In the evening, in the Dimension Restaurant, Thor took Li Xuan's hand and asked, the drama he was following had already seen the latest, and there was nothing to do tonight, so Thor started to look around.

Hearing Thor's words, Li Xuan slapped his forehead and forgot the existence of this facility. After winning the lottery last time, he left it behind all the time. At that time, Li Xuan still remembered that he got it with the help of Kang Na's European energy. , The reason is that at that time Kang Na felt bored and wanted to go out to play.

"The arena can be set in various ways according to the user's thoughts. Theoretically, the area can be infinite, and it can also generate corresponding things according to the user's thoughts, but intelligent creatures are not acceptable, and they cannot bring out anything.

"In the arena, you can fight and destroy as much as you like, and it will not cause any harm to reality. Even if the set world is destroyed, it doesn't matter. After everyone comes out of it, the scene will be reset.

Li Xuan told Thor about the arena, and when Li Xuan explained it, Kang Na also came over, her eyes lit up after hearing it, she hadn't played 330 to the fullest for a long time, Li Xuan Don't let them show their bodies in the world of halberd at will.

With the existence of the arena, there is no need to be afraid now.

"Lord Li Xuan, Sister Thor, Sister Lucoa, let's go to the arena, today I learned a new game from school called dodgeball, shall we play together?!"

Looking at Kang Na, who was full of anticipation in her eyes, Li Xuan ruthlessly rejected her invitation. There was no way. Compared with them, Li Xuan was still very weak. The storm in his heart was crying. When will he really stand up? what!

Even though his heart was full of tears, Li Xuan still smiled and said to Kang Na on the surface: "Just go play with Thor and Lucoa, I have to watch the store to receive customers."

"OK then...

A trace of loss flashed in Kang Na's eyes, but she also knew that the Dimension Restaurant was open, so she couldn't cause him trouble.

"Then here we go!!!35

Thor was in high spirits, he hadn't done such an activity for a long time, and Lucoa on the other side would not refuse, and then take this opportunity to see how far his sisters (bedb) have reached.

"Hey, lad, what are you looking at and you're so fascinated, is there some girl over there that you can't resist? You don't do this kind of thing while Thor isn't around, be careful I make a snitch, and don't forget You are a restaurant, and if there are children coming in, you will spoil them."

"But if you bribe me with something good, I might choose to turn a blind eye!"

When Li Xuan heard this frivolous and rude voice, he didn't even have to look to know who was coming, it was undoubtedly the arrogant Mr. Tony.

"Excuse me, our Mr. Tony, please read it clearly. As for the matter of the complaint, I think the next time I meet Pepper, I will discuss with her the beautiful story between you and the magazine cover girl.


All of a sudden, Tony was directly killed by Li Xuan, so he regretted it, why did he quarrel with the other party? After so many times, I have never had any favor with Li Xuan.

I saw Thor was not there today, and with Li Xuan's obsessive look, Tony thought he had a chance to win, but he didn't expect to put himself in.

Tony decided to ignore what he just said, did someone just speak? No, if you hear it, the charitable Mr. Tony Stark will suggest that you go to the hospital to check your ears or your spirit, after all, it is not a trivial matter to have auditory hallucinations.

If you don't have money, the kind and kind Mr. Stark is also willing to help you, you don't need to pay it back, as long as you shout three times in a crowded place Tony Stark is the most handsome, Tony Stark is the most powerful, Tony Stark is the best Invincible!

Look how easy it is?

Li Xuan didn't know that Tony over there started all kinds of brain tricks again, and he was looking at the scene in the arena. If the user agrees, he can see the specific situation in the restaurant!

At this time, the situation in the arena has completely changed. At the beginning, I was really playing the dodgeball game that Conner said, although the speed of the dodgeball was a bit too fast, and the ball was quickly rubbed in the air, causing damage to the ball. Greatly enhanced!

This poor dodgeball didn't last long before it was scrapped. Thor, who had just started to play and thought it was a warm-up, naturally didn't play enough and just started playing, so they decided to continue playing.

Looking at the explosions in the arena, the venue was in a mess, and sure enough, Thor and the others were playing in a very wasteful venue!

Tony here also followed Li Xuan's line of sight, good guy, there is a conflict between Thor and the others? No matter how merciless they are, they will kill them.

"Li Xuan, don't you have to stop them? What if there are casualties if you fight like this for a while?"

Hearing Tony's worried words, and the appearance that as long as Li Xuan speaks, he will go in and help persuade him to fight, Li Xuan feels that this friend is still not in vain.

"No, they are not fighting, but playing, it should be said that this is the daily life of giant dragons, don't be confused by the usual appearance of Thor and the others.


Tony swallowed hard and looked at the battle scene in the arena. You told me this was just playing?

Sure enough, the giant dragon is the giant dragon, and he is still immersed in the joy of eliminating those militants and the Iron Overlord controlled by Obadiah Stan.

When he came to Li Xuan's restaurant, he poured a large basin of ice water on him, which calmed down his feverish head.

Tony stopped talking, but looked at Thor and the others in the arena with a serious look like Li Xuan, and was constantly estimating the intensity of their battles and how much he could achieve with his current Mark armor. .

The more he looked at Tony, the more desperate he became. Now his Mark armor was almost like glass in front of them, and it would shatter with a single blow.

After I solve the problem of palladium poisoning in my body, I will hurry up to improve and invent a new Mark armor. The sense of crisis is very strong!

"By the way, why do you have time to come over tonight, everything is done?!"

Li Xuan took his eyes away from the arena, after all, seeing how they looked would not end for a while, so he simply asked Tony.

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