I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 235 The person who knows current affairs is Junjie (for subscription, for support)

"Boom boom boom!"

If the sneak attack fails, the zombie tree stands up straight, and it seems to be using the thick roots to move. In fact, it takes root to the ground at a rapid speed and prunes the branches to move, giving people the illusion that the tree will walk.


Just as the zombie tree stretched out its branches towards Li Xuan and attacked him, before he could counterattack, a few piercing white lights flashed in front of him. smooth.

Looking at Laila, who had stopped over there, she naturally knew that this was her credit.

It's just that for a zombie tree, just cutting off the branches will not cause real damage to the zombie tree, because the other party can continue to multiply and increase, and there are prey hanging inside the body to supplement it with nutrients, so it is said to be old. Yin goods are very correct.

Li "380" Xuanke has no interest in continuing to entangle with this zombie tree, and he doesn't need to exercise Leni's skills here. He just wants to show him more gourmet creatures. In the future, he can Not something a guy like a zombie tree can look up to.

"Lennie, cut up all those raffia trees."

Li Xuan didn't let Lila do it, but let Leni do it. This kind of trivial thing doesn't need it at all, because I met Li Xuan outside the raffia tree, and the high liquor inside also made Leni suffer a small loss. , so it did not forget the looks of these guys.

"Shhhhh! 35

In just a few seconds, dozens of white rays of light flashed, and then a white wine rain began to rain on the top of the zombie tree.


With a flash of white shadows, Leni stood beside Li Xuan panting, which was quite a burden for him when he was still young.

Li Xuan stretched out his hand and rubbed Leni a few times, saying that it was doing very well.

Without waiting for Li Xuan to make the next move, Laila took a few steps down, and then her sharp teeth snapped together, and sparks flew everywhere when the teeth collided.

The high-altitude liquor that was already in the air immediately burned with a "boom", and the zombie tree, which had been drenched in the liquor rain for a long time, suddenly turned into a big fireball. A pile of ashes.

Originally, Li Xuan wanted to throw a red lotus fire, but Laila saw her plan and didn't even have to do it herself.

But that's fine, if you use the red lotus fire, then not only the zombie tree, but also the top BB corn will not be left.

Just using ordinary flames, even if the zombie tree is burned to ashes, the burned ashes are decomposed by bacteria, absorb its nutrients, and immediately become like a zombie, which is also the origin of the name of the zombie tree.

Obviously the capture level is as high as 33, but after finding the opponent's weakness, everything seems so simple.

"Let's keep going!""

Li Xuan ignored the reborn zombie tree and took Laila and they continued to go deeper to see if he could find the Xuzhi Sauce Tree.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps and a roar in the distance, and the trees in front of Li Xuan and the others were pulled apart, revealing a lizard face.

Seeing Li Xuan and the others, the lizard showed a happy look on its face, and quickly exposed its entire body, only then did Li Xuan and the others see its full appearance.

It is an aloe vera lizard with a capture level of 10. There are huge dark green aloe vera leaves growing on its neck, and its mouth is full of sharp teeth. It is a guy with a length of more than ten meters and a dark green body.

The aloe vera on its neck has a first-class moisturizing effect, which is beneficial to the skin and scales, and can activate the skin's metabolism.

"Little guy, who gave you the courage to show off in front of us?"

Li Xuan couldn't help laughing bitterly, the aloe lizard obviously regarded himself as prey, but the level 33 zombie tree he just captured was turned to ashes in front of him, who gave the aloe lizard the courage?


Laila is not used to the aloe vera lizard. She stepped forward with a low roar and burst out her momentum, which directly scared the aloe vera lizard to show off its close relative gecko's tail-dock escape skills.

It's just that the tail is docked, it blasts the aloe vera on its neck at one time to distract the other party's attention, and then quickly escapes with its long legs.

"No, Leni, there's no need to keep it."

Li Xuan stopped Leni who wanted to rush up to stop the aloe vera lizard. The most valuable thing on this guy is the few pieces of aloe vera. Since the other party handed over the aloe vera wisely, don't teach him a lesson...

It is worth mentioning that since Li Xuan brought Lai Ni and Laila home, they have also continued to grow.

For example, Leni has reached level 18, and Laila has also reached level 40, all of which have improved a lot.

That's not it, the aura in the Dimension Restaurant is rich, and in Donghuang's statement, it is the same existence as the heaven and the earth.

Here, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and a pig has become a sperm, not to mention a wolf fighting with a low IQ?

In addition, Li Xuan's usual diet has not treated them badly. The meat of the energy-filled food world creatures is supplied in unlimited quantities every day. As long as he can eat them, Li Xuan will not refuse them.

So it's no exaggeration to see Lenilaira get a promotion in this case.

As for why Leni has improved so much than Laila, there are mainly two reasons. The first is that Leni is still young, and the improvement of low level is naturally faster than that of high level. In game terms, the experience value required for leveling up is low.

Like Laila, it would take several levels of Lenny's experience to move up one level.

The second is the reason of Laila itself. We all know that giving birth to a cub will cause a lot of damage to the mother, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a serious injury to vitality.

What's more, when Layla gave birth to Lai Ni, she was besieged and received a lot of damage, so Layla was recovering for a while, and replenished the previous 3.1 damage, so it caused the damage. This situation.

Continuing to walk forward, Li Xuan found that the front suddenly turned into a bright red sea, and before they knew it, they came to the growing place of the minnow wheat.

These wheat ears are bright red, and the wheat grains on them are like caviar. The flour they grind has the flavor of Menta roe, so it is called Menta Wheat.

Li Xuan waved his hand, and the wheat field in front of him seemed to be slashed by an invisible huge sickle. All the wheat ears were cut off neatly, but they did not fall on the ground, but gathered in the air to form a sphere. The seconds disappeared immediately.

Naturally, Li Xuan received it in the super backpack, and he also got a lot of noodle dishes, and the fish and wheat appeared just right!.

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