"Damn it! Akamaru, let them see our latest bond!" Inuzuka Kiba angrily came to Akamaru and pointed at Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.

"Oh? Are you going to fight with us?" Sasuke smiled coldly and took out the Thunder Fang from his waist. The lightning flashing on it proved the identity of the knife.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the training ground and give it a try. It's been a long time since I've seen Tooth's Tooth." Naruto was very excited. He hadn't seen him for a while, and he wanted to share the results of his training. Show it.

"Ah, they are so troublesome." Shikamaru put his head in his hands and looked at the group of excited people with some trouble.

"Naruto, do you want some potato chips?" Akimichi Choji didn't have any idea and handed the potato chips in his hand to Naruto.

It can be said that Choji recognized Naruto very much, otherwise he would not share his snacks with Naruto.

"Eat! I have some snacks here that I brought back from the Country of Waves. Choji, do you want to try them?" Naruto politely took out a few snacks from his seal scroll. These are all from the Country of Waves. Bought on the side, it is a local speciality.

"Snacks from the Land of Waves! Eat!" Choji's eyes lit up when he heard snacks from other countries. He didn't care about anything else, but he was very particular about what he ate.

"Give me some too, Naruto. Let's go and watch them fight." Shikamaru directly chose to go with Choji and Naruto again. After all, it seemed like it would be more relaxed here compared to the situation present. .

Well, Ino Yamanaka of their team has already arrived in front of Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun, are you free later, let's go shopping on the street?" Yamanaka Ino glanced at Haruno Sakura, and then extended an invitation to Uchiha Sasuke.

"I'm going to compete with Kiba later." Sasuke said with a headache. He had not gone through the night of genocide, but his mind was actually very good. For these two girls who were interested in him at first glance, Sasuke himself also A bit of a headache.

"What happens after that?" Haruno Sakura glared at Yamanaka Ino, and then asked directly.

"Hey, hey, hey! Broad forehead! I was the one who asked Sasuke-kun first!" Seeing Haruno Sakura planning to come over to grab business, Yamanaka Ino couldn't bear it.

"Ino Boar! It's obvious that Sasuke-kun didn't agree to you, and I was the one who talked to Sasuke-kun first!" Haruno Sakura counterattacked directly, and the inner personality in her heart was already ready to take action.

Seeing the two girls arguing together, Sasuke's inner unconsciousness became even stronger. Sure enough, Master Chenli was the most powerful, able to balance the relationship between Xianglin and Hinata.

"Aqiu! Who is talking about me?" Chenli, who was talking to Xiyanghong and Asma, suddenly sneezed hugely, feeling like someone was talking about him behind his back.

"Okay, you guys, didn't you want to go to the training ground to compete? Let me tell you, we just agreed that whoever loses will use the bonus from the next C-level or above mission as dinner expenses. !" Sarutobi Asuma looked at Xiyanghong and Chenli and said with a bit of a smile.

"What!? The loser has to hand over his bonus?!" Upon hearing this, Jiu Xiaoqiang became a little uneasy.

Now that they have become ninjas, it can be said that the family will not give them any additional allowances. In other words, they still have no worries about food and housing, but it will be very difficult if they don't have money.

After all, in addition to not giving extra allowances, they also have to hand over part of the bonus to the clan so that their clan can develop further.

Of course, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto, who do not belong to any ethnic group, may not have so many concerns, but they still do not want their bonuses to be deducted.

"Yes, yes, since it is a bet, there is a stake. Anyway, whoever loses, the money will be used as activity funds for our three teams." Xiyang Hong directly added, indeed this is to communicate with Chenli The conclusion drawn later.

Of course, the premise is that they don't see the smile on Chen Li's lips. Regardless of his team combat ability or personal ability, he doesn't think that the seventh team he leads will lose.

"You three come here." But for the sake of safety, Chenli still called Naruto and the other three over.

"Lord Chenli~"

"Uncle Chenli~"


grown ups. "

Well, there are literally three names for three people.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, you three, listen, no matter it is an individual battle or a group battle, I believe you can win easily." Chenli said first.

"That's natural! Don't worry, Uncle Chenli, we will definitely be able to win!" Naruto said with confidence. If nothing else, he was still very confident about this.

"Of course, I have great confidence in you, but if you lose... you know the consequences." A smile appeared on Chen Li's lips.

Although it was a smile, Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata couldn't help but feel a chill on their backs. This...

Chapter 483: The sad Sasuke

"Don't worry, Uncle Chenli, we will definitely win!" Naruto seemed to feel the pressure brought by Chenli, and said with a shiver all over.

"Master Chenli, we will work hard!" Hinata said softly, with firm eyes. She could not let Master Chenli feel disappointed.

"Hmph, whether it's Class 8 or Class 10, I'm enough to defeat them all by myself." Sasuke snorted coldly. After obtaining the Thunder Fang, Sasuke's confidence was unprecedentedly strong.

"Why don't you be such a stinky king? I'll let you go up alone to challenge two of their classes later. If you win, you will be the first. If you lose, how about you be punished alone?"

Naruto came to Sasuke mischievously and said, this thing feels like a good design.

"Gungungun, Master Chenli said it all together." Sasuke would not walk into Naruto's trap so easily.

"Tch, you didn't fall for it." Naruto said a little disappointed.

"Okay, okay, let's go when you're ready. It's over at the training ground." Chenli said directly after seeing that Asma and Xiyanghong had made it clear to their members.

"Then let's go."


"By the way, if you three win, I can give you a new ability based on each of your abilities." Chenli suddenly stopped and looked at the three of them.

New abilities!

Upon hearing Chen Li's words, the three little ones were a little excited. After all, the last new ability was a team-type three-talent formation, but this time Chen Li was talking about a new ability for each person!

"Hey, Kiba, don't blame me this time!" Naruto and Sasuke's eyes were glowing green, making Class 8 and Class 10 feel terrified.

What the hell, why do you feel like you're being targeted by someone?

And Ya, who turned his head, happened to catch the eyes of Naruto and Sasuke, and felt a cold sweat dripping down for a moment.

What's going on with you two? ? ? There was a green light in his eyes, Mom, these two people are so scary!

After seeing this, Inuzuka Kiba quickly turned his gaze back. This was simply...



After arriving at the training ground, Chen Li and others unexpectedly discovered that several people were already here, and they seemed to be waiting for them to come back.

"Yo yo yo, aren't these the Hokage-sama and the Hokage's assistant? Why are you free to come to the training ground today?" Chen Li walked forward with some teasing.

"Boss Chenli, I'm not allowed to come over and take a look at the competition between your three classes. I've never heard of your teaching methods." Uchiha Fugaku rolled his eyes at Chenli. You are indeed so crooked.

"That's right, my daughter has been away from home for the past few days since she came back. She doesn't even know how to get out of the door of our Hyuga clan if I don't come here to see her." Hinata Hizu said with some displeasure.

After coming back, Hinata basically returned to the House of Everything to practice whenever she had time. After all, in the House of Everything, she and Xiang Rin could learn a lot, and most importantly, she and Chen could get closer to adults~

"Father...Father." Hinata looked at Hinata and Hinata shyly. Why did she feel so homeless when she said this?

"Okay, okay, don't you just want to come over and have a look? That's not good. All three of our classes are here, so I'll bother you Fugaku to be the referee." Chenli said with a smile. It seems that Fugaku and Hizu are really nervous about their son and daughter.

"Hokage-sama, Hokage Assistant-sama." Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuhi came up to say hello after seeing Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizashi.

It is no longer the time for the old man of his family to be in power. The name of Konoha's Hokage is now Uchiha Fugaku!

"Asuma, Kurenai, I'll leave this matter to you." Uchiha Fugaku said with an air of air. His relaxed look basically only appeared in front of a few specific people.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"



Although Asuma and Yuhihong were confident about their eighth and tenth classes, the following results were a bit shocking to them.

Regardless of individual strength or teamwork strength, their eighth and tenth classes are no match for class seven.

In terms of personal strength, there was no need for Hinata to take action. Naruto and Sasuke simply crushed the two classes as if they had taken aphrodisiacs.

Not to mention teamwork. Although Naruto had promised to let Sasuke go up alone before the game started, but under the threat of Chenli,

In front of such smiles, the three of them still used the Three Talents Formation to eliminate them honestly.

"Damn it! The gap is actually so big!" Inuzuka Kiba said very unhappily. He had just faced off against Sasuke, and Akamaru and Akamaru still lost despite their cooperation. This made Inuzuka Kiba confused. A very unpleasant feeling.

"You still need to practice more. You see, you can't even beat that stinky king Sasuke. You haven't even challenged me yet." Naruto came to Inuzuka Kiba with a triumphant expression on his face, without showing any signs of it. He found Uchiha Sasuke standing behind him.

"Oh? Naruto, do you mean that I have to defeat Sasuke before I can fight you?" Inuzuka Kiba had a rare moment of rationality and guided Naruto's words meaningfully.

"That's natural. I'm the one with the strongest ability in a duel. Sasuke is just my pawn. If you want to challenge me, you have to pass Sasuke's level first, hahaha." Naruto burst out laughing.

"So you mean, you are stronger than me?" At this moment, Sasuke, who had been standing behind Naruto, said coldly.

"That's natural...ah...when were you behind me, King Fart???" Naruto turned around and saw Sasuke. When did this guy hear that?

"I was there when you said you had to beat me before you could challenge you." A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Sasuke's mouth. Aren't you very capable?

"Yes Naruto, didn't you just say that you are the strongest person in a duel? Why don't you go up and prove it?" Inuzuka Kiba's expression of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously let Naruto know something.

He was so fooled. This Inuzuka Kiba had been guiding him to say the words that irritated Sasuke.

He knew how strong Sasuke's self-esteem was, not to mention that he was not alone now. Uchiha Fugaku was watching from the side, and Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui had arrived at the training ground without knowing when. He was looking at this side with interest.

"How about it, since you said you are the strongest, why don't we fight each other?" A playful smile appeared on the corner of Sasuke's mouth.

In fact, they have also competed in the past few days, but after Sasuke obtained the Thunder Fang condition, it would be really... a bit difficult if Naruto did not use other special skills.

Chapter 484: Why, are you giving up now?

"Why, are you giving up now?" The smile on Sasuke's face became more and more cruel. This was the time when he could take down Naruto the fastest.

If he defeats Naruto in front of everyone this time, his father and brothers will probably recognize him even more!

Now Sasuke, all he can think about is how to make Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui look at him better.

As a child, naturally I hope to be praised by my elders.

However, Uchiha Itachi is riding on Uchiha Sasuke like a big mountain. This pressure is really too much. Uchiha Itachi's excellence can be said to have reached the level of the best people in Konoha and even the entire ninja world. .

And Sasuke knew in his heart that if it was just about talent, he was really no match for his brother. The pressure was too much.

Therefore, he urgently needs to make them admit that if he can...

When he thought of this, Sasuke's eyes lit up. This was a very good breakthrough.

"Come on, I won't lose to you!" Naruto became serious when he heard Sasuke's serious words. He said that, but Naruto didn't think that he would be weaker than Sasuke.

"Okay, okay, let's save your duel for the Chunin Exam. What are you two yelling about now?" Chenli came over and laughed and cursed.

If they were really excited about the duel between Naruto and Sasuke, this small training ground would really not be enough for them.

"Ah?" Naruto looked at Chenli in confusion. This was the first time that Chenli had stopped a duel between them, right?

"Okay, you three hurry up and sign these three application forms. After all, the Hokage is here, so he can just do business on the spot." Chenli patted Naruto and Sasuke's little heads and said.

"Sign, just sign. Even if I sign, I can do it faster than you!" Naruto quickly took the pen and application form and signed his name directly on it.

"What!? You actually ran away!" Sasuke became angry and quickly took another pen and wrote his name on it.

However, Naruto took the lead, and Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, well, although Naruto had one more character, he still finished faster than Sasuke.

"Hahaha, I won this time!" Naruto shouted directly in front of Sasuke.

"Humph!" Although Sasuke was a little unwilling, he still let it go.


"Fugaku, this is the application form for the three people from our seventh class who will take the chunin exam. I leave it to you." Chen Li handed the three application forms to Uchiha Fugaku with a sharp sting.

"Okay, I originally wanted to go out for a walk, but you dragged me to work. It's really..." Uchiha Fugaku said a little helplessly.

"Hokage-sama, this is the application form for our eighth and tenth classes." Upon seeing this, Asuma Sarutobi immediately took advantage of every opportunity to apply.

The request was given to Uchiha Fugaku.

"Okay, I have received them all. I will give instructions when I get back." Uchiha Fugaku sighed, but still took the application forms back.

"By the way Fugaku, I remember that Luo Sha will also be here for the Chunin Exam this time, right?" Chenli asked directly.

"Yes, there are six villages participating in this Chunin Exam, namely our Konohagakure Village, Sunagakure Village, Amegakure Village, Kusanagi Village, Takigakure Village, and Sound Ninja Village. In other words, Lord Orochimaru Will come too."

Uchiha Fugaku said after thinking for a while.

"Both Amegakure Village and Sunagakure Village will be coming." Chenli said a little funny. He originally thought that there would be no Orochimaru to implement the Konoha collapse plan this time. He originally thought that Luo Sha would not let Sunagakure Village come over. Of.

"Yes, Amegakure Village seems to have been in chaos ever since the death of Sansho Hanzo, the demigod of the ninja world. The newly appointed leader of Amegakure Village is a man called the Chief, but he has not had much contact with him." Uchiha Fugaku shrugged. Speaking of.

"Master, it seems like it's really fun this time." Chen Li smiled slightly, this matter is a good opportunity.

"Why, what's wrong with this Rain Hidden Village?" Uchiha Fugaku knew from Chenli's expression that this matter was definitely not that simple.

"There is no problem at all, but this matter still needs to be discussed carefully. The Kingdom of Rain is basically ruled by the Akatsuki organization. Who do you think this so-called Rain Hidden Village is under now?" Chenli said with a slight smile.

"You mean, who is the new leader of Amegakure Village?" Uchiha Fugaku reacted directly. This is a very sensitive period.

"Chief, chief, Nagato, Nagato, the leader of the Akatsuki organization is Uzumaki Nagato, you should have these two names..."

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