Chapter 411

A place for hidden fans.

Rain Shinobi Village, “What, what’s going on? For, why Qimu Youyu has the power of reincarnation, what is going on?!!!

Half the door suddenly raised his head, the skull-like faces twisted together at this moment, like a ghost crawling out of hell, extremely stubborn, Nagato gritted his teeth tightly, and he was full of disbelief, and his expression seemed a bit crazy. .

The power of reincarnation.

This is his unique power with Rinnegan, the eye of the legendary Sage of Six Paths!

Moreover, it is the power of the gods that can only be used after summoning the statue of Outer Daonan!

The ability to control life and death and reincarnation in the church is also the reason why he is a god.

Heng now? Qi Mu Youxue actually possesses this kind of force and is at the application level, even above him.

“Outer Dao-Revolving Heaven Technique, this is the power above Six Paths, which can bring the dead back to life, Rinnegan’s highest application.

What’s the matter of the power of the sun and all phenomena? !

Nagato gritted his teeth, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Combined with what Qimu Youyu said to Tiandao before, the ignorant and pitiful self-obsessed with this sentence, Nagato looked back on this sentence, a little crazy, because at this time, he found that he seemed to be really ignorant of something.

This feeling drove Nagato crazy.

“Why do you have the power of reincarnation?!

Tian Dao looked at Youyu from a distance, Chakra trembled all over, and finally, let out a roar, Rinnegan stared at Youyu.

“Outer Dao-Round Revolving Heaven Technique, capable of resurrecting “four three three” living beings, is Rinnegan’s strongest bullet technique, you…you! Why use it?!

Dao let out a roar.

This completely collapsed the indifference that Konan’s pretty face flashed beside him, and replaced it with Ultimate’s horror, “Outdoor? Rinnegan’s strongest pupil technique?!” Hearing the roar of heaven, Jiraiya’s descending hole shrank sharply. He looked at the words with words suddenly.

“What are you looking at? Fuck an idiot! Don’t look at me with such disgusting eyes.

“Jiang Yichang!

In exchange for a heavy blow from Youyu’s scabbard, he clutched his wife in pain and slumped on the back of Nine Tails. Name it?

The power of Sun Luo Wanxiang, can also be called the power of Six Paths, ignorant self-delusion, let me teach you how to use this power.

Youyu sat cross-legged on Nine Tails’ head, grinning at Tian Dao’s almost crazy expression.

Hearing the words of God, the whole person was quiet, there was no movement, like a corpse. “Fu!!!”

“Don’t be kidding! Qi Mu has a word!!!

Teach me how to use the power of God? ! Are you really a god when you are you? ! ! !

Suddenly, Tian Dao suddenly opened his eyes, and the terrifying Kejingla and staring force were intertwined with everything, and the surrounding air began to be revealed!

With his hands open alive, barriers and Chakra surged out.

“This is the power of the gods! Shenluo’s conquest!!!” Tiandao pushed towards Youyu with both hands, and let out a roar from the soul.

“The shop is strong!!!

The repulsive force that is terrifying to Ultimate is like a rushing ocean wave, fiercely dry!

In an instant, the terrifying repulsion formed a terrible shock wave.

, Cai became a huge oil wave with a height of over a hundred meters acting on the lake below, and Baiding was mixed with pound strength, like a tsunami that swallowed everything, roaring and swallowing towards Nine Tails.

, This guy, didn’t fight us seriously just now!

“Damn it, it’s too exaggerated. Shen Zuo Xianren looked at this huge wave of hundreds of meters, with a face full of disbelief. This huge wave of 100 meters high, the most terrifying, the city, not the huge wave itself, has the perception of Sage Mode. Immortal Shen Zuo can clearly perceive that terrible shock wave attached to the huge wave!

Zhe is more terrifying power than the star beast king!

One blow is enough to destroy a city!

“Is Lun Tongli’s Yizheng Li product like this? Nagato, why did you with such power become like this?

Since Ben also looked at the huge waves that came from Xian’s roar, this disciple who was a little absent-minded, really disappointed him.

Looking at the terrifying waves that are 100 meters high and mixed with repulsive force, the corner of Youyu’s mouth is slightly raised, and Qiu Shui suddenly unsheathed!


The piercing sound of the knife made the surrounding air tremble slightly.



The black and purple air currents that are strong enough to Ultimate completely envelop the body of Qiushui’s blade, shining with a metal-like light, and Qiushui’s blade emits bursts of thrilling knife sounds.

It has been too long, hasn’t followed its master, and has been slashing people to its heart’s content.

Youyu’s eyes condensed abruptly, and the blade of Qiushui’s waving blade fell suddenly!

Suddenly! A dazzling black-purple horse training that was hundreds of meters high, formed in front of Youyu, “Boom!!!!” In the next second, this dazzling Ultimate training was turned into a horse that was hundreds of meters high. Horror Slash!

Like a prehistoric behemoth that has escaped from a prison, this madman’s black and purple slash is roaring towards the monstrous wave that has swept away!

“Boom and drop!!!” Not yet picked up, this violent black and purple new tyrannical sword pressure hit the whole body, causing this huge wave to send out waves of evil!

The next moment, a violent black and purple slash slammed into this huge wave that was 100 meters high and mixed with terrifying repulsion!

Heaven and earth seem to be still at this moment. “Everything breathes, and repulsion is no exception. Your breathing is too obvious—heart cut! Broken!” Youyu watched slamming and smashing together. , Grinned.

“Dear!!! Kayan——”The terrifying sword pressure, with the fall of Youyu’s words, unexpectedly condensed in a certain part of the giant wave. “Breathe” Along this unique “breath”, Qi Xian rebuked and completely shattered it! ! !

It seems to have lost all supporting power, the huge wave as high as 100 meters, and the terror repulsion around it, are like fragile glass, fragmented and broken. “How can this be possible?!!!

Looking at the fragile “Shen Luo Tian Zheng”, Tian Dao’s eyes were full of horror.

This, but he used the full force of Shenluo Tianzheng!

It is by no means comparable to the ordinary Shenluo Tianzheng. In the process of arresting the six genera, the Six Tails person Lin Li was completely defeated in one blow, leaving him in a state of tidal death. And that time, the Shenluo Tianzheng did not have a tofy. So much Chakra and Lili.

How could it be possible, under Qibu Youyu’s 10,000 shots, it seemed that there was no resistance.

Soup at the touch? !

“Hungry Kidō!

Looking at the violent slashes that did not weaken at all, the face of Tiandao changed. After using the Shenluo Tianzheng, there is a five-second cooldown. During this time, Qianfa once again uses the Shenluo Tianzheng to control all the ninjutsu.的管电道.

, Opened his hands, and resisted this slash, he could only roar, “Huh, all the attacks, in front of Zandian Dao, Tian Dao was about to sneer, and everything that happened immediately made Tian Dao Rinnegan violently sneer. Shrink “Dear!” ! ! Click!

, The hungry Kidō absorbed by the slashing by the enterprise and government, without the slightest resistance, was cut into two by that violent slash, and opened his hands. Then, under the pressure of the sword of abuse, he was torn to pieces. , Disappeared between the heaven and the earth, not even a single piece of debris was left. Tiandao roared as he watched the violent black and purple slash from the electric grill.

Throwing alive to control the repulsive force, threw him, Konan and the rest of Payne’s body, rumbling! ! ! Kacha——, a new blow that slammed on the ground and opened a house in a bag of colors. In an instant, the ground shattered and uttered a series of screams!

Everything that the sword pressed against Zhou was ruthlessly swallowed. Under the pressure of this terrifying sword, it was completely broken into countless buildings, a huge crack that was hundreds of meters long and hundreds of meters wide. Everything inside has become a piece of death!

This is the terrifying slash that the strongest person in the world slashed out!

The attack of the strongest man” In this world, a drunk and self-contained home, like a strong sword held by a violent sword, has a twisted body.

Konan gasped in horror and looked at the huge crack in front of him, hundreds of meters wide. It appeared on the ground and it was a hundred meters long and crushed to pieces. Everything around the stomach, buildings, and trees were there. The violent sword was pressed down by a giant that was thousands of meters away. From high school, it looked like the center of Rain Shinobi Village, Niu Sheng cut open, and this was just Qi Mu Youyu, a casual blow!

Punish someone, and even the posture of sitting cross-legged has not changed!

They forced her and Si’en to such a point that “cannot absorb this person’s slash, and there are waves of Shekla along the way!”

, Staring fiercely at the head of Nine Tails sitting cross-legged, the figure that has not moved the slightest so far, turning his head abruptly, letting him know that there was no Chakra in Qimu Youyu’s attack. Fluctuations!

, Xu Diandao can’t absorb it naturally!

Without Shankla, cut it open with a single knife, what kind of monster can he use Rongkla to conquer his Shenluo Tianzheng? !

In the limit of reincarnation full of vaginas, is this the meaning of the name Qimu Youyu?

An absolute rain lord in this world, the power of the highest-ranking “king” sitting on the throne in history.

, You can drink a few more glasses at the same time to improve your kendo.

“Hahaha, it’s been a long time since I hacked people, and my hands have given birth to a lot of hands. Youyu looked at his masterpiece, carried Qiushui and laughed.

What was said, made everyone’s mouth suddenly twitched! Such a terrifying slash, this bastard is still not satisfied?

It must be a cup! !

Is it a cup? ! This bastard, “Qimu Youyu, I admit, your strength is beyond my imagination.

You can use the power of the outside world.

I don’t know why, but now it seems that you don’t own Rinnegan, “Then, under the power of God, let it be completely destroyed!

, Rinnegan Yindan stared at the word, gritted his teeth and spit out a word. Tiandao long said that this bastard was even taller than his godlike posture!

Sitting on the head of Nine Tails, the strongest tail beast in the Ninja world, it was like sitting on the supreme throne, and then swiped a slash that forced him into a panic.

Compared with this, his favorite in the past, standing at the highest point of Rain Shinobi Village, with open arms, is really terrible!

Never tolerate it! Never forgive!

In this world, no one with such a high attitude as Qimu Youyu is allowed to appear!

When Konan heard this, his face was full of horror and worry.

The Shenluo Tianzheng just now was already the strongest blow under the normal state of Tiandao!

If you want to issue something to strengthen a big attack, the price you have to pay will be extremely terrifying, and the power of Nagato will be extremely terrifying!

Squeeze your own vitality: In exchange for huge Chakra and sleep power, perform terrible attacks beyond the norm. esegs.eweTT, but if you use it too much,…, step back, Konan, now the battle has disappeared, looking at the worry on Konan’s face, and said faintly

For him in this battle, there is no way out!

This is his base camp, even if he wants to retire, there is no way to retire!

There is only one way to go, and that is to defeat Qimu Youyu! ! !

When Konan heard the words, he also wanted to understand, bit her lip, controlled her wings, and flew into the distance for this level of battle. She really, couldn’t get involved!

However, I still have that one but after using it up, I thought to myself.

Konan flew to the distance, “Oh? Are you trying your best? Toad was foolish, and walked away with the deep-seated immortal. You may not be able to bear the fluctuations for a while.

You Bao-Kun Ruo caress the Maidao from outside, and Konan who goes away, shake his mouth with a smile.

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