Chapter 452

Do you still think, keep dancing?

, Making Uchiha Madara’s complexion startled.

This sentence is blood red at the beginning!

Then even the mysterious purple Rinnegan was glowing with red light at this time. Uchiha Madara at this time, how furious it is!

A word, only he told others you.

When was it someone else’s turn to tell him condescendingly? !

Qi Mu Youyu, how much does it matter to him without protecting him? !

When he was careless, Buddha Xing played a body that did not belong to him, thinking that his power was not above him? !

There was almost Yu Kuang’s killing intent.

Ho Chiba Madara’s face has been until the formation of the Shinobu system.

Since the era of Sengoku in Qiyuan, when has Uchiha Madara been so insulted?

But now, under the reincarnation nature of the shirt, he hasn’t completely recovered, it’s not that he will fight with Qimu Youyu in such a posture, and he will not be able to do what he wants.

Rather, it’s too shameful.

Kill him with overwhelming power, and after the recovery is complete, come to wash away the insult he has received!

Brother, what have you done? Make Ban so angry?

At this moment, some sluggish Senju Zhu asked, suddenly recovered, looked at Youyu, put one hand on his mouth, and secretly asked that he was really, too curious!

He has never seen Madara, showed such an angry look, and has never been so violent. It is because of the battle and emotions after the decision with him, and with Madara’s character, after seeing him, he should not be desperate. , Do you want to fight with him?

But the current class, almost ignored him?

Instead, he put all his eyes on the little brother in front of him and he was so angry.

Moreover, being so humiliated by these little brothers, there is no room for the least bit to know. Although Madara is cold, she says very little.

Sometimes he can protect people to death, but his personality is 12 arrogant. If he is asked to say something, Su Lian’s younger brother, Senju Tobirama, is not Madara’s opponent in this respect, but Madara is even in front of this little brother. Does the mouth mean nothing?

What did this little brother do?

Really, I really want to know.

As for Uchiha Madara on the side, his facial features began to be distorted.

Hashirama, this bastard, should he be Rongzi and blind? !

“This little brother, should he be Konoha’s ninja? Is it Hokage now? Is he so young?

How many generations has Konoha passed down? “It’s also slowed down, and asked.

Senju Tobirama is on the side, but Senju Tobirama, the nasty and simple eldest brother, Senju Tobirama thinks of much more than his strength.

Why is this battlefield so broken?

, Even more than the big brother’s big escape at the beginning, and the astonishing dust-like sand, it is clear that the broken ground can crush the ground with ninjutsu, which is much more right.

, This kind of destructive power of the same department is really terrible.

But it can shatter the earth like dust. I dare not say that it is stronger than his elder brother, but stronger than him. It is a certain goal. After they were Impure World Reincarnation, they rushed to this battle. On the way, the battle here really started.

The black and purple lightning, the inverted sky, and the disintegrated Susanoo!

He saw it all!

Surprisingly, Susanoo, who was able to cast Madara, was disintegrated. Although, this is not a complete Susanoo, even his elder brother’s Wood Style has never done such a thing!

This shows that the person who launched the attack that made Madara’s Nohei Susao disintegrate was even better than his elder brother’s Wood Style in terms of destructive power!

This is simply.


The sage and the cruel hand of the Su Yong period are just outside the window, and the blood is slammed outside. The powerhouses like his elder brother Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara have not been seen in a thousand years.

, Yinran appeared; in the latter part, the strong man who could beat such a wolf fox and make it so angry was unbelievable, Jian Baishi.

And seeing him, he actually subdued Nine Tails and made Jiu Kun happy to be his mount, and he was surrounded by Konoha Shinobi in the center by the ninjas of Konoha. The look in his eyes was better than when he saw his eldest brother. His eyes are even more enthusiastic about his elder brother, but the peerless powerhouse who created Konoha and won the title of “God of Ninja” was admired and respected by his eldest brother in Shuye, but it was amazing.

But this person was able to obtain the fame that surpassed his elder brother. It is simply that Yi no longer knows that it is Senju Tobirama, the first in my heart that Heng is lonely and hairy, everything is overwhelming his cognition and In terms of illusion, he also has great self-confidence. If it weren’t for him to be reborn with Impure World Reincarnation Technique at this time, he would really think whether he had been caught in an illusion.

As for why it can be confirmed that this person is from Konoha?

Although I don’t know why, all ninjas are counted as forehead protectors with unknown patterns, but as Second Hokage, together with Senju Hashirama, he founded Konoha’s Koji, and Daye’s system is fully established. Konoha’s family ninjas, it can be said that it is clear that if they are the Hokage of this generation, it makes sense.

But what Senju Tobirama doesn’t understand today is.

Zero Hidden Village, Iwagakure, Cloud Shinobi Village’s ninjas are so respectful to this person. Why except Konoha’s ninjas, Sunagakure, they are so afraid!

During a war in the Ninja World, the four hidden villages attacked Konoha.

You know, at the end, it became an undifferentiated melee between the big hidden villages, and they all forged deep feuds!

Especially Da Ye, under his leadership, I don’t know how many ninjas in the four hidden villages have been killed, even if they are united, how can they all be so respectful to Kokage’s Hokage?

What happened after his death?

After all, what year is it?

Now, at this time, even if you tell him that hundreds of years have passed, he believes it!

The change is so great!

“I am not the Hokage of this generation, but the previous generation. Youyu grinned as he looked at the eyes of Ganshou Duma and Senju Tobirama.

Regarding these two, my own mother-in-law’s grandfather, this little problem, I will naturally not lose sight of the “previous generation?!”

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama exclaimed at the same time, “Here, brother, how old are you?

Qian Wang’s sister named W Zhixin asked to see this little brother’s column, he was very young and 1, but he was not stupid, and although he sometimes thought that the question was slow enough to make the pros so violent, he told me. Must be very powerful!

At least, he would be stronger than his younger brother, Wang Chengjian, younger, and stronger. How could he be the Hokage of the previous generation?

Yadao, what is the Forbidden Technique, can this little brother keep his youth?

“By the way, how many years is Konoha now, the name of the steel hand, is he dead?

Is my granddaughter married? Are there any offspring?

Huaiyan waited for Youbao to speak.

Thousands of things were empty like a machine gun, and they asked again and again that before he died, the most involved thing was his most beloved granddaughter, the phantom hand.

But looking at the current situation, after his death, I am afraid that it has been hundreds of years. This is a testimony that Senju is always very injured, so goodbye to weaving hands.

Originally thought, since he was resurrected, he is here now

“Grandpa idiot, what are you talking about?!” When Senju was finished in the forest, a shy voice sounded.

Ganshoudu and Senju’s room went to look for reputation, and suddenly they were dumbfounded.

“”, Steel Hand? Are you not dead? !

Dry hands Hashirama smiled happily.

, How old is it? -“That’s not right, Senju Hashirama turned on the broken thoughts mode again after you were alive and excited, and murmured.

Senju Hashirama, who was utterly uttering a word, did not notice at all. On Tsunade’s cell bag, there was an innocent “I” anger that almost reached its full value.

“Grandpa idiot! Quit!” Tsunade’s fist hit Senju Hashirama’s head so hard that his eyes burst. “It’s so violent, Tsunade, can’t you be a lady?”

Senju was beaten in the row by his granddaughter. Looking at Tsunade’s exquisite and angry face, he said, “Shut up! I’m very pregnant!

Renshou said viciously.

She was very concerned about the issue of age, but now that grandpa still has so many mouths, Tsunade can’t wait to give Senju Zhu two punches and let him return to the underworld.

G breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Senju Tobirama on the side, and called out “Well, Tsunade, it’s been a long time.”

Senju Tobirama’s cold face was always cold, and a smile appeared, and he said with a little nostalgia, “Yes! Sleep! After!” At this moment, several figures fell half a step away from Youyu, looking at Senju with excitement. Du Ma and Senju Tobirama “First Generation Master, teacher, the excitement of the new face on No-flying Day” First Generation Master, teacher.

The group plant next to him was also a little excited, and Second Hokage had a profound influence on him.

Zhu is imitating this teacher and many of his methods and behaviors. Suddenly, he has made high social scrutiny. Fortunately, the family is no-flying. But even so, Danzo has never hated teacher Si Ting.

, Seeing the teacher again, compared to the old 460 teacher, he will be pleased. On the contrary, now he is completely different from before, “Monkey, group me?”

, And then on the cold face, the smile was even worse.

Senju froze for a moment in the cliff, “Monkey, you are getting old, these years, you have worked hard.

It’s big and good.

Danzo, your change, said with satisfaction, Senju Tobirama looked at his hard work in the past, time really hasn’t passed for too long, but why?

“Monkeys and Tuan Dang sound alive? Then it seems that Senju Hashirama at this time also believes Tsunade a little.

Xiangran, Rongfei, Rixin and Danzo are still alive. At that time, there is not much past, but why has such a big change happened?

“Youfeng is Fourth Hokage, and this is Fifth Hokage today, Namikaze Minato.

Sarutobi looked at the eyes of the two predecessors and said

“And Youyu, but your granddaughter, Tsunade’s husband, then, Bag Fei Rixin smiled and said, “Hey, huh? ! “Senju Toma originally smiled and nodded again and again, but in the end, his mouth grew in surprise.

“If you can’t speak, don’t say it, grandpa.

As soon as Senju wanted to say something, he saw Tsunade’s murderous gaze, and immediately closed his mouth. Then, both Senju Katsuma and Senju Tobirama’s faces appeared with thick smiles.

The family members are dead, so they will be relieved.

, Yuan is the Fourth Generation Bureau Hokage.

And people who get married.

The strength is also so amazing, and it is highly praised by everyone. “Here, the horrible blue Chakra that does not make you reminisce about the past, burst out like a tide.

Cai became a face of Wang Yang of Chakra!

Quan Zhi You porridge, Leng Chun’s gaze, stared at the words firmly.

Glancing at Senju Hashirama on the side, he gave a cold snort.

This idiot, where is it now?

Here, but the battlefield class, like you, you are not allowed to take action against Konoha’s people!

Now it’s too late to look back!

Senju Duma’s complexion changed, and he shouted in a deep voice.

‘Look back? Gui Jian, you are still so naive

Uchiha Madara sneered and then, coldly watched Youyu Kaimu Youyu, our second game began.

Uchiha Madara said coldly.

Both hands, squeeze imprints abruptly.

“With this, Susanohira is completely physical!” “Boom!!!” The terrifying Chakra broke out in an instant!

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