Chapter 485

“Round Revolving Heaven Health Technique!” A scream, and a low and gloomy voice, sounded from Uchiha Obito’s mouth at the same time.

Half of the body, Uchiha Obito, wrapped in black fluid, gives a strange and gloomy feeling.

Rinnegan, who was enveloped in black fluid, slammed a meal, turned into mysterious waves, and radiated out.

Terrifying card power, without the slightest guarantee of trade.

And a mysterious wave also descends on this land!

“Obito, your role, end” the table is over.

Black Zetsu muffled-his gloomy laughter rang out, and the bet was won!

“Boom! Boom!

A sound beating like a pulse, “Boom! Howl!” in Uchiha Madara’s body.

The three Chōmei divine gates that were suppressed on Uchiha Madara’s body were shattered into fragments under the horrible fluctuations. Under the unbelievable gaze of Hashirama, Uchiha Madara stood up.

“Boom! Boom!

“Eat-say-countless weird white smoke rising from Uchiha Madara’s body

At this moment, Uchiha Madara’s entire body is like a heart that has been silent for a long time, beating slowly and vigorously, “Kab-open-” The broken armor on Uchiha Madara’s body, turned into pieces of dust, constantly falling off, Dissipate.

His sturdy flesh-and-blood body was exposed, and there was a strange face on top of his heart.

Surprisingly-what Senju Hashirama looks like!

The pair of Rinnegans that Uchiha Madara watched the changes in his body, also turned into a piece of dust, fell off, and dissipated, leaving only two hollow eye sockets.

“Class! You.

Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara’s body: a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, not just because Uchiha Madara’s heart had the same face as him.

The more important thing is because Uchiha Madara’s body at this time has no complete characteristics of the body of Impure World Reincarnation. It is a flesh and blood body.

Uchiha Madara ignored Senju Hashirama, silently placed his right arm in his mouth, and then, a touch of blood, followed the Uchiha class’s arm.

“This kind of pain, the taste of blood, this is the real resurrection.

Happy fighting, this hot and boiling feeling, hahaha-Uchiha fights Yangtian and laughs, and the pen is painful.

“Diao, my painful feeling, haven’t you felt it before? Madara!” Senju Katsura yelled as he listened to Uchiha Madara’s laughter.

Uchiha Madara’s laughter stopped abruptly, as if being caught by someone’s neck.

The corners of the mouth began to twitch frantically

In the end, the entire facial features were completely distorted “De! Kind!”

“8 flavors!

Bozhiyou Madara’s body was cleansed by the rain of flesh and blood. A beauty came to Senju Hashirama’s body and worked her right hand, and pinched Senju Hashirama’s neck fiercely, with a fierce expression on her face. If you speak, Hashirama, you don’t need to speak.

Uchiha Madara said with a gloomy face.

Is that kind of pain the same as the bloody pain in battle? !

When I think of the terrible pain he has suffered in that piece of emptiness, Uchiha Madara has some lingering fears, fearing that with his willpower, he is almost lost in the terrible pain like a wave of infinite waves, Uchiha Madara I even wonder if the bastard Qimu Youyu has a special means to deal with the body of Impure World Reincarnation. The horrible pain that directly affects the soul is not like a human means at all, what can be done- Some information, Uchiha Madara denied this statement.

But combined with what Black Zetsu said, there are no words, there is indeed a severe punishment that can break anyone today. However, now that he has been completely resurrected in the land of the ten years, he can only use the Eternal Flower Jane Sharingan. The technique is a bullet technique that takes ten thousand parts of reincarnation.

He hasn’t shown Yizheng’s barrier technique of the same round limit, but he just lost the first round.

Close the second round, he will definitely not fail. “Du Jian, you, now, mouth is no longer my opponent, your Shankara, I will accept it first.

Uchi Yu Lin Eryu looked sullenly at Senju’s pole in painful color, and said faintly.

As Uchiha Madara’s words fell, a mysterious wave appeared on his right hand. Senju Special Chakra, uncontrollably, gathered towards Uchiha Madara’s body.

Really, the power of the hungry Kidō!

With Senju Hashirama almost all Chakra, absorbed by Uchiha Madara.

The lines of Xianshu slowly appeared in Senju’s face outside Uchiha’s dense heart, and he signed it, “Is this Xianshu Rongkra? It’s just that, it’s very relaxing,” Uchiha Ban said lightly.

Xianshu Chakra, for Uchiha Madara, is definitely a bad memory Bi Zhang. In the previous encounters with Senju Hashirama, in fact, Uchiha Madara has a certain advantage in using the complete body Susanohei. Afterwards, facing Senju Hashirama’s wooden road-Wooden Golem Jutsu, he can also take a certain advantage. Everything is reversed. However, after the Senju sample room, after the immortality,-Sage Art- Qianshu straight hand, can take him Susanoo completely hit the monument.

Uraki thought that Xianshu Chakra was an incredible power, and in front of him, it was nothing.

But after all, after turning on Rinnegan, the power of Krakra, the fairy magician, gained a huge amount of Chakra and pupil skills.

It is not easy to lose such power.

Then, the final goal is very clear.

, Was asked by Senju Zhu of Gichiha Chakra, and fell to the ground feebly. Uchiha Madara let go of his hand and Ho Chiha Yuyao faced the distance.

Although his eyes did not come back at this moment, he could still perceive that person’s power Hashirama, after he gained Senju, gained the power of Wood Style, and turned on Rinnegan, he was no longer his opponent.

The power balance between them is no longer one level.

But Qi Da is in prison, that person is different!

Although Uchiha Obito is indeed a trash vibrator and cannot be used, the real power of Ten Tails, but the power of Uchiha Obito, who has gained the power of Six Paths, is so embarrassed. The power of Qimu Youyu is undoubtedly also The rank of Six Paths!

“That’s good, at least it won’t be too boring, Qi Mu has words!

Uchiha Madara laughed.

The success of the calculation is of course important for real peace in the world.

For Gan Uchiha Madara, however, being able to experience a pleasing battle makes him more passionate.

“Pull” “Dear!!!

The sky full of detonating charms suddenly appeared in Uchiha Madara’s Zhou Country. In the next second, countless fires swallowed Uchiha Madara’s body. “Oh! Wow!” The figures of Senju Xujian and Minato appeared in Senju Katsura. Before, “Brother, are you okay?” Senju Tobirama looked at Senju Hashirama who was lying on the floor, and said solemnly.

Yinran, just a Jiamian, did the eldest brother lose?

The strength of the Hailai Zizhiboban is so much like you.

“It’s okay, it’s just that I can’t participate in the next battle.

Senju Lin reluctantly smiled and said, “You didn’t have any effect in the previous battle.

Senju Tobirama heard the words, and the corners of his mouth twitched and said faintly

“Yes, I’m sorry.

Senju suddenly fell into depression, and said in a deep voice.

You old man likes depression, you need to change it, brother. “Senju Kishima looked at this moment, like a humble reptile Senju Hashirama, speaking silently, a terrifying voice sounded slowly. Under the gaze of Senju Tobirama and Minato, Uchiha Madara flashed away from the explosion. In the smoke, flashed out. “This kind of playfulness can also be used, Tobirama, you rubbish, even more inside.

Uchiha Madara patted the dust on her body and said lightly.

-New, you guy.

Senju Mansion looked at Uchiha with an ugly expression. His power is not enough now, and he competes with Uchiha Madara, begging for flowers. “Master, I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

, A self-colored figure slowly appeared. At this moment, “going slowly on the ground, White Zetsu, did you bring something?”

Uchiha Madara said lightly.

White Zetsu nodded and raised his right hand. Uchiha Madara waved suddenly, cutting off White Zetsu’s right hand.

From his learning heart, he took out an eyeball and put it in his right eye

“Mouth-” Uchiha Madara’s eyes suddenly opened, Rinnegan’s horrible sleep power turned into a wave of air, making Senju Tobirama, Senju pole and Minato, and the ugly-faced foam stare at “Hey, take it back first. Only? There is another one, Quan Biye feels the familiar power extravagantly in Obito, the corners of his mouth are slightly tilted.

This is his real eyes.

Familiar but stronger than before, countless strengths made Uchiha Madara clenched her fist.

“Miscellaneous fish, there are too many words.

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Tobirama and Minato and said lightly.

Then, Rinnegan suddenly condensed “Lun Zhen!” with a faint voice, “Bang! Quit!”


The undetectable attack slammed on the bodies of Senju Tobirama and Minato.

Senju Tobirama and Minato, without any chance of reacting, fell to the ground, the face full of painful pain, and they nailed Senju Tobirama severely. On the ground, Uchiha Madara took a cold shower and raised a fine black stick in his hand, pulled it properly, and pierced Senju Tobirama’s head fiercely!

“I just wanted to do this. Hire, you killed my brother. I haven’t forgotten it. Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Tobirama who was nailed to the ground and said lightly.

Senju Tobirama gave a cry, and said nothing in this situation, and it didn’t make any sense.

-Shidan! ! !

At this moment, the huge towering tree like the sky, from the explosion center in the distance, a huge flower bud suddenly sprang up, slowly blooming on the top of the towering tree of the same level and the sky. At the same time, the moon in the sky slowly turned into a blood moon” Black Zetsu? Well done, the guy Obito played the last role.

Uchiha Madara looked at the blood moon in the sky and nodded in satisfaction.

But then, his brows constricted sharply.

“Yiyi’s Liyi is actually weakened to such an extent, Qimu Youyu’s previous attack, such a powerful shout, Quanzhi Yusi looked at the flower that hadn’t fully bloomed, frowned, and dried his feet. At the limit, it seems that in order to resist Qimu Youyu’s previous slash, “However, it does not affect the overall situation. The blooming of flowers is unstoppable. It takes about fifteen minutes. Uchiha Madara estimated the time. What is the donation? ! “”What blooms?” ! Class! You guy, who recovered some Chakra Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara and snarled, “Are you in harmony?”

“Damn it! There is no time!

Uchiha Madara was about to spread the knowledge to Hashirama this idiot with a posture of teaching the world, and his face changed drastically.

A terrifying wave is constantly approaching here, extremely fast!

“So fast, damn it, can you fly? Sure enough, it’s the power of Six Paths.

Uchiha Madara’s complexion was ugly, and his hands began to print quickly.

“Summoning Technique!” Uchiha Madara, slammed his right hand to take a picture of the fleshy earth! 1 Ten Tails’ huge body suddenly appeared and let out a harsh roar. “So, let’s start, finally, a decisive battle!

“Qi Dayoubao!!!” Uchiha Madara, looking at the figure that had appeared in the distance, roared.

The Ten Tails behind him turned into a distorted phantom and merged into Uchiha Madara’s body with a touch of white, appearing on Uchiha Madara’s body, Six Paths Madara! Appeared! What, report and reward sharing

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