Chapter 296 The last match, Fuji vs. Shitenhouji, the strongest two [1]

I have to say that Ishida is Ishida. As the number one player in the middle of the country, although Fuji is very strong in this ball, he is still beaten back by it.

call out!

The tennis ball flew out, flying towards Fuji with a strong wind.


Fuji took the shot and blocked Ishida’s ball with just one blow. Then, the power in the tennis was resolved by Fuji.

This hand is not due to nothingness, but pure skill.

“This technique!

Watanabe’s eyes squinted slightly, Ishida’s power as a coach, he is very experienced, amazingly strong, it is unbelievable that Fuji was resolved in an instant.

Really terrible technology.


On court, Ishida Gin’s eyes sank.

Although it was not a formal match, it was just a challenge, but he still didn’t want to let Fuji pass easily.

So after seeing his goal easily resolved by Fuji, Ishida Gin also took it one step at a time.

“That pose is!”

Off the court, Xiaochun’s eyes narrowed.

“Swing ball!

Shiraishi said solemnly.

As soon as the two spoke, Ishida’s expression on court was in vain, and the right arm holding the pat swelled in an instant.

Vaguely can see the blue veins violently rise.

“Forty-style wave ball!

The sound fell, and Ishida’s racquet immediately blasted on the tennis ball.

03 Boom!

When Yunshi, an astonishing explosion was a futile resounding from the field.

Then, a tennis ball that resembled a laser beam burst out of Ishida’s racquet.

call out!

The tennis ball passed by from the delay, and a faint sound of crackling could be heard.

“Swing the ball?”

Fuji has frivolous eyebrows, and before the tennis ball arrives, he quickly swings a racquet.


The moment Ishida’s wave ball hit Fuji racquet, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it lost all movement in an instant.

Then, a yellow light penetrated through.

“Can even the wave ball be resolved?”

Watanabe frowned.

What a terrible guy!

“Ishida, I’ll catch this ball!”

On the court, Yuan Zhe also ran out quickly.

Afterwards, Fuji’s ball was blocked with a wave of racquet.

“Have you blocked it?”

Fuji stared slightly.

Sure enough, facing these two people, we couldn’t fight according to the previous rhythm.

Thinking of this, Fuji’s eyes condensed, and the moment the tennis ball was hit back by Hara Tetsuya, he also quickly rushed out.

With one enemy and two no singles, not only need to consider the strength of the opponent, but also consider the defending of the two.

Especially in the face of such a strong combination of Ishida and Hara Tetsuya, it is necessary to increase the strength enough to crush the two talents.

So, after catching up with the ball, Fuji charged up to the tennis ball.


The calm tennis ball spun quickly under Fuji’s lash, then turned into a sharp yellow glow and galloped toward the opposite side.


Ishida shot.

However, due to the strong spin given by Fuji’s ball, although Ishida took it, the quality of the ball returned was mediocre.

Fuji seized the opportunity to score with one blow.

In the same way, Fuji continues to give the tennis a very strong spin.

As for the profound meaning of power, Fuji temporarily sealed it, mainly because Ishida’s power was too amazing.

Although his power can be increased several times through the power of power, and even when the power of power is used to its extreme, he can hit five times more than his own shot, but with Ishida’s strange power, he can still block it.

But spin is different, especially the spin played by Fuji. Unless you have the same level of skills as Fuji, it is difficult to deal with.


“Game! Fuji, 1-0!”


“Game! Fuji, 2-0!’


“Game! Fuji, 3-0!”

At the end of the three rounds, Fuji calculated the time and it took about seven minutes.

Not too slow.

After all, Ishida and the original Tetsuya are very strong, and they are still in this one-on-two situation. Naturally, he can’t finish the match as quickly as before.

In the fourth round, Ishida and Hara Tetsuya served the round.


Standing in the serve area, Ishida took a deep breath.

“It seems that we can only further improve the wave ball!”

Fuji is too strong. If you want to put pressure on Fuji, you can only increase the power of the wave ball.

Although Ishida knew it, it probably didn’t help much.

But better than nothing!

“45-style wave ball!”


The tennis ball brushed a flash of light in delay and shot towards Fuji.

“45-style wave ball?”

Fuji’s eyebrows are light Buddha, this guy is amazing, he has developed the wave ball to the 45th style.

But it’s still the same.


With a swing, Ishida’s wave ball was intercepted by Fuji once again, and then it was completely resolved by Fuji.

Then the tennis was shot by Fuji.

In the face of Fuji’s attack, Ishida also launched the wave ball once again, and at the same time further enhanced the power of the wave ball.

Coupled with the national-level Hara Tetsuya, the outbreak was extremely powerful.

However, despite the strong offensive, Fuji did not feel any pressure. After all, the strength lies here.



While blocking the attack of Ishida and Hara Tetsuya, Fuji looked for the flaws of the two and kept scoring.

Although not as fast as in the first four matches, the scoring speed is also quite amazing.

Seven minutes later, with the last goal taken by Fuji, the entire match ended.

“Did you defeat the combination of Hara Tetsu and Ishida in less than fifteen minutes? It’s terrible!”

Off the court, the regular elections such as Xiaochun and Yuji were all surprised.

You must know that both Ishida and Hara Tetsu are strong, and Hara Tetsu also has a national level.

As for Ishida, who played the fluctuating ball, his breakout is not losing to a national player.

It is unbelievable that such a strong combination was defeated so easily by Fuji.

Watanabe Xiu was also surprised, but he focused more on Fuji’s performance in this match.

He didn’t use any powerful tricks, but used the most basic abilities to fight Shiraishi and Hara Tetsu.

However, this was the case, and it was still won within fifteen minutes.

If Fuji is fully fired, the end time may be even shorter.

He guessed that Fuji should be to retain his strength to cope with the last challenge. After all, powerful tricks consume more physical strength.

On the court, Fuji felt his own physical strength. Although it consumed a lot, it was not bad.

Although Shiraishi Hepingshanzhi is stronger in the last challenge, it should be enough, and there will even be surplus.

Thinking of this, Fuji was also relieved 823-sigh.

At the same time, it is also fortunate that Shitenhouji has a small number of members. If Shitenhouji has dozens of people like other schools, he may not be able to pass.

Or, as there are hundreds of members in societies like Hyotei and Rikkai, the possibility of customs clearance is almost zero.

This is not to say that Fuji is not strong enough, but because of physical strength.

After all, a person’s physical strength has its limit, even after some exercise, it is impossible for him to insist on playing many matches.

Especially for this one-on-two match, the physical exertion is even greater.

Fortunately, only the last challenge was left, so Fuji didn’t think about it.

Soon, Shiraishi Peace and Goodness also entered the arena.

Shiraishi’s strength was originally lower than Hara Tetsuya, but because of the defeat in the national competition, Shiraishi began to practice hard.

He may not be as strong as Minister Ping Shanzhi now, but he also surpasses Yuan Tetsuya.

In other words, the last match Fuji faced was Shitenhouji’s strongest two.

After Shiraishi stepped into the field, he smiled at Fuji and said, “Mr. Fuji, although you have passed five challenges, I won’t let you pass the last challenge easily!”

While talking, Shiraishi took the bandage on his left hand, and then a golden armband exuding golden light appeared.

Next, Shiraishi removed the golden armguard from his left hand.

“Did you remove the golden armguards?”

Fuji chuckled. It seemed that Shiraishi really didn’t want to let him pass easily.

With Shiraishi’s golden armguards removed, and Hirazenyuki added, this combination also made Fuji look a bit squarely.

“Then see if you can stop me!”

Fuji also smiled. .

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