Chapter 462 The English duo forced to join forces [2]

“It’s so strong, it can break Calwater’s serve game!”

In the corner of the crowd, Ralph stood there and said.

Although Calwater’s strength is not the top in the England team, he is also a very smart guy as a No.10.

Unexpectedly, the one-on-one confrontation between the opening and the Shoujia was suppressed by the Shoujia.

“It’s pretty strong!”

Echizen Ryoga nodded in agreement. There is nothing to say about the talent of a handist to have such strength at this age.

But immediately, Echizen Ryoga’s eyes fell on Calwater.

“But it’s absolutely impossible for this person named Calwater to have this kind of strength!”

Although he did not participate in the French competition this time, he is very clear about the strength of the countries.

As the fifth strongest team in the world, the England team can rank in the top ten in this kind of world-class team. It can be seen that they are not small players.

Although Calwater’s strength in the previous confrontation was quite impressive, it was a grade weaker than his position in the England team.

If he guessed correctly, this person shouldn’t be able to use his real ability.

In other words, the person in the previous confrontation was testing Tezuka, testing the strength of his hand.

If England’s No.10 is at this level, let alone the top five, even the top seven may not be able to score.

“It’s pretty good!”

On court, Calvert grinned, and the whole person was not half suppressed.

He looked at the hand and said: “I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong, but I underestimated you!”


Shoujia’s expression is still the same as before, calm.

However, Calwater said: “But after playing with you for so long, I have almost figured out your style of play!”

“So then it’s my turn to fight back!”

As if to verify what Calvert said, in the second game, the situation was completely changed, and 930 changed hands this time and was at a disadvantage.

The zero short ball is useless, and the field is useless.

The Phantom of the Hand was also blocked by Calwater, and there was no chance to display it.

In this game, Calwater is like a shrewd hunter, while blocking the many tricks of his house, he is constantly looking for scoring opportunities from the front.

“Is this the power of the strategy master?”

In the Japanese team, Junjima frowned.


The ghost nodded: “The power of strategy masters lies in their ability to simulate the best offensive tactics based on the opponent’s style of play!”

“This is also what Calwater is good at. This person is a very smart guy, and he can reach the top ten of the England team because of his own ability!”

“Boy, you should now!”

On court, Calwater, who successfully won the game from Tezuka, grinned.

However, Shoujia’s expression made his words abruptly strangled in his throat. From Shoujia’s face, he did not see any panic, on the contrary, he was as calm as before.

“Excellent skills!”

Opposite, the slow road of Shoujia.

And as his words fell, a majestic white vigor erupted from the body of the hand.

Then, everything blended into his left arm.

“This is the limit of hard work!”

Looking at the magma-like aura condensed on the left arm of the hand, Edmond’s expression couldn’t help but change.

But soon, Edmond found that his shock came prematurely.

Because in Shoujia’s body, he felt another kind of breath, which filled his whole body like starlight.

“The limit of radiant energy!”

Edmond couldn’t believe that in the twelve or thirteen-year-old grade of the opponent, he opened two doors in a row.

In the corner of the crowd, Echizen Ryoga couldn’t help but moved.

He naturally knows the realm of selflessness and the three doors in it. After all, this realm was opened up by his old samurai Nanjiro.

Because of this, Echizen Ryoga knows very well how difficult it is to step into the state of selflessness and open deep doors.

However, Shoujia even opened two of the doors, which couldn’t help but be surprised.



On the court, Shoujia continued to attack.

After opening two doors, he exploded to the extreme, even as astute as Calwater could not conquer it at all.

In this round, Calwater was completely suppressed by his hand.

In less than three minutes, this round was won by the hand.


“This kid!”

Calwater’s face changed slightly, but he didn’t expect that the other party had some reservations, and they still kept so much.

The limit of radiant energy, the limit of tempering, this is the unselfish meaning that even he dare not care about.

“Let’s play off!”

Gray walked over and looked at Calwater helplessly.

Obviously it is a doubles match, but Calwater is obsessed with personal duels. It can be said that the situation in front of him is entirely on his own account.

“My pot!”

Rarely, Calwater actually admitted his fault.

It should be said that he underestimated the strength of his hand. He didn’t expect the opponent to be so strong. Despite his unwillingness, Calwater had to admit that the strength of the opponent was above him.

“So let’s join forces next! With your strategy and my skills, it shouldn’t be difficult to win this match!”

Gray said towards Calwater.


Calvo nodded, and the whole person returned to the original posture.

“It seems that the other party is going to join forces!”

In the Japanese team, Irie frowned.

As far as he knows, Calwater and Gray are a good set of doubles for the England team, and now that the two of them work together, the power that they will explode will undoubtedly be very strong.

After all, doubles is no better than singles, it is not only personal strength that is tested, but also mutual cooperation.


The ghost nodded.

But he didn’t worry too much, after all, the Shoujia and Yukimura are both strong (addb), and the previous fight, the Shoujia did not use all their strength, the most powerful door in the deep level of the no-self profound meaning. The home has not been opened yet.

Although the opponents are strong, they are all top ten players in the England team, but it shouldn’t be difficult to beat the opponent with the strength of Tezuka and Yukimura.

After all, the growth of these two people couldn’t be more clear to him.


In the fourth round, the Japanese team served the round.

At the same time, Yukimura serve.



In the serve area, Yukimura patted the tennis ball, but his eyes fell on the opposite England team.

Previously, because Calvault was going to be one-on-one with his hand, he didn’t intervene, but now that the two have joined hands, he naturally can’t stand aside anymore.


There was a soft curve at the corner of his mouth, and Yukimura hit the tennis ball out.

call out!

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball turned into a yellow light and killed it towards the opposite side in an instant.

Although Yukimura’s strength is slightly inferior to that of his hand, his serve is quite strong.

call out!

The ball looked like an off-string arrow, and it hit the opponent’s court in an instant.

The astonishing power shook the ground, and then rolled up a cloud of smoke.

“Such power!”

Gray frowned slightly, and his eyes also inadvertently glanced at Yukimura who was standing in the serve area. It seemed that this kid was also very strong, not much weaker than his hand.

But Gray was not too worried, even if he was a second hand, he was confident that he could win.

After all, in terms of doubles experience, they can almost completely abuse each other.

call out!

At this moment, the tennis ball bounced.

Gray retracted his gaze, and then slapped it quickly to meet him.

As the No.9 of the England team, Gray’s actual strength is also extremely strong. In terms of strength alone, it is even higher than Calwater.

And Gray is not like Calwater, who likes to hide in the beginning, he prefers to defeat opponents with absolute strength.

Therefore, Gray did not reserve the ball, and he did his best when he shot it.


The tennis ball flew out, and since the delay, a sharp yellow light struck the Shoujia and Yukimura.

Feeling such a ferocious ball from Gray, the hand responded quickly, and saw it take a step back, followed by a swing to greet him.


The tennis racket was hit, and the strong impact shook his racquet.

“Is this the strength of England N…9?”

The hand brows are slightly clustered.

The power of the shot is above Calwater, and he is indeed a powerful guy.

But the hand is not afraid, after all, he is not weak.

Shaking his wrists lightly, after dissolving part of the power of Gray’s ball, his hands gave a pump.

call out!

The tennis ball is like a spinning top, and it hits the opponent’s court in an instant.

Moreover, through the extreme blessing of thousands of tempers, the power has been doubled. This ball directly smashed the ground into a pit.

Feeling the power of the ball at the starter, Gray also smiled: “It is indeed a powerful secret, which can double the opponent’s hitting power, but it is not enough to defeat me!”

While talking, Gray also slammed racquet. The moment he came into contact with the tennis ball, the hand clearly felt that the power of his ball was rapidly diminishing.

Immediately he also looked at Gray, able to weaken the doubled counterattack he used to use the limit of tempering, and it seemed that this person’s skill was also quite high.

“Back to you!”

On the opposite side, Gray, who weakened the ball in his hand, swung racquet violently.

call out!

Cloud time.

A very powerful tennis ball was taken out by Gray, whose goal was the hand.

Although the offensive was strong, the hand was not afraid. His eyes were as calm and calm as before.

He made a calm judgment and swung his pat to greet him.


With a loud explosion, Gray’s such a strong ball was hit back by his hand.

Right now, Gray was a little uncomfortable.

He originally thought that with his strength, he should be able to suppress this person, but he never thought that many of his attacks were intercepted by the opponent. .

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