I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 134 Brutally Abuse Big Shit, Batman Starts Filming!

"People like stories about knights. There is nothing like it in ancient and modern China and abroad. Don Quixote's dream, in fact, everyone has it, right? So, knight, I think this title is very appropriate. At least, it is better than Iron Man, Spider-Man and the like. Woke up much better."

Levi held Skye in his arms. Even on this cold snowy mountain, they were still wearing thin clothes. The constant heat from Levi's body made him and Skye feel like they were in a warm spring.

"Ironman? Spiderman? Who would take that name? Curiosity lovers?"

Tony pouted, but Levi laughed undisguisedly.

"Okay, okay, let's not discuss this, I think it's better for us to start training."

As soon as he heard the word training, Tony's face turned black instantly, he pouted and wanted to refuse, but Levi had already reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders "and then dragged him into the house.

The setting of Batman is the strongest fighting master among human beings, proficient in more than 170 kinds of martial arts, as well as various ninjutsu, tracking, tracking, intelligence skills and interrogation skills, etc.

In other words, as long as he wants, he can become the best athlete, the most powerful fighter, the best agent and the top assassin.

In fact, he also has excellent social skills, music appreciation, painting, horse racing, etc. All the abilities mastered by a high-level elite in the secular society.

And he chose to be a superhero.

Well, apart from IQ, the current Tony is not too far behind Bruce Wayne.

But fortunately, the only thing Tony needs to perform in the movie is fighting, and the rest can be solved by the script in advance.


With a merciless over-the-shoulder fall, Tony was directly thrown to the ground, and there were exclamations all around.

This is a relatively simple auditorium. After spending some incense money, the crew requisitioned other people's temples, and made it according to the headquarters of the Shadow Warrior Alliance involved in Levi.

"Pay attention to strength, fighting is not based on brute force, if that is the case, then the strongest man should be the most powerful man, but in fact it is not the case. The so-called skill is to use the smallest force to solve the biggest goal , understand it as a lever, the more skilled you are, the longer your lever will be, and your body is the strength of the lever, with the combination of the two, the objects you can pry will become more and more Big."

To whom to use what words, Tony is a master of electrical engineering, with a background in physics, but in fact, a large part of the so-called skills is the application of mechanics.

The application of ergonomic mechanics.

Talking to Tony about those mysterious and mysterious truths, it is better to tell him directly that this is ergonomic mechanics, and then let him understand it with stylized thinking, maybe it will have a better effect.

As it turns out, Levi was right.

With Levi suppressing his own strength, fighting him with the same physical fitness as Tony, the progress can be described as rapid.

For example, in the past, at least a few hundred times a day, you only need to fall a few dozen times.

With his level, even if he meets the fighting elite in the army, he may not necessarily fail.

"If the full score of fighting skills is 10, you should now have a score of 6."

"how about you?"

Tony asked with a swollen face.

"Me? I should be nine points, like Athena, she is eight points."

Levi still has self-knowledge. Skills can never reach the limit. It will only have a relative limit, but not an absolute limit.

...asking for flowers......

"If you reach ten points, I only need to look at you, and I don't even need to look at you, and I can know the dead spots on your whole body."

Levi walked around Tony twice.

"Do you know what the death spot means? That is, I just need to slap you there, and you are dead."

Levi didn't talk nonsense, if he really reached the limit of ten skills, that kind of person, even if he has no power to restrain a chicken, but as long as his strength is greater than zero, he still has the ability to destroy everything.

After all, even if the number in front of your multiplication sign is infinitely close to zero, but the multiple behind you is infinite, then the final result is still infinite.

Definitely, it is impossible for this kind of person to exist. After all, if they understand everything and see through everything, then even if they are mortal bodies in the last second, they can cast a divine body in the next second, eternal

And under this kind of trickery, after half a month, Tony's own strength and the little tendons in his body finally came out.

The first part of the trilogy of the Batman Dark Knight series focuses on the process of Batman, fighting crime and so on, all of which are very late.

And among them, about how he changed from a rich boy to the most powerful human being on earth, and how his subsequent heroic ideas were forged, these things cannot be omitted.

After all, this world does not have his comics, even if it is Superman. At any rate, the cartoons made by Levi are currently being screened, and the ratings are quite impressive, paving the way for future movies.

But the Dark Knight can only rely on this movie to explain everything.


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