I'm Making A Movie At Marvel

Chapter 82 What Will Happen To Him When The Person He Believes In Appears?

After Nick Fury left, only Levi and S.H.I.E.L.D elite agents remained.

And one of them, a beautiful woman in a secretary outfit, aroused Levi's interest.

"Hill agent, I've heard of you for a long time!"

At this stage, there are not many agents who can be given ~ heavy responsibility by Nick Fury.

Phil Coulson is just a little Level 6 Agent right now!

Then, the only one who can take on the important task of destroying HYDRA is Hill.

As for this female agent whose ability is far more important than appearance, Levi naturally appreciates and values ​​it very much.

Compared with Phil Coulson who went through hardships in the TV series and finally became SHIELD Director, Hill's performance in movies and comics is undoubtedly more outstanding.

After the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D, Tony took over the power of the Avengers alliance. The first thing he did was to recruit Hill under his command. Afterwards, the whole army of the Avengers alliance attacked, and it was Hill who had been providing them with various intelligence services behind the scenes.

This is a wolf kill!

In the comics, she even squeezed Nick Fury away, and then took the SHIELD Director position herself, and she did nothing worse than Nick Fury.

So, for Levi, she'll be a backup option when Nick Fury is unreliable, and Hill, will take his place.

As for what to do instead of him, it depends on how far Levi develops the relationship between the two.

"Director Levi, he's also known for a long time!"

Hill lightly shook hands with Levi, once touched, she is not the deputy director in the future, but the status of a ninth-level agent is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

And compared to Natasha Romanoff's merits accumulated through missions, she is a serious professional, graduated from S.H.I.E.L.D Academy, and then relied on her talents to advance ten steps.

Every time she was promoted, she achieved it with an absolute advantage over all competitors.

Therefore, no one in the movie has ever doubted that she was promoted by her nepotism with Nick Fury. After the Security Council launched a nuclear bomb and wanted to depose Nick Fury, she was the first candidate for director general that came to mind instead of anyone else!

"Is there any progress in the search? It is true that the aircraft carrier hijacked by Pierce is nuclear-powered, but they cannot float on the sea forever, and they always need supplies."

"That's right. Now that HYDRA's influence is spread all over the world, it's hard for you to guess which coast they stop at. Moreover, they don't necessarily need to stop. With their Ability, it is not difficult to mobilize transport planes and submarines."

Although the war on land, the Heavenly Sword Bureau gained a lot after receiving the Decepticons supported by Levi, otherwise they would not be forced to use the last resort.

However, Pierce still hadn't solved it, and the rest of the HYDRA snakeheads, except for Gideon Malik, whose identity had been exposed, could not be found.

The relationship that broke the game was still Pierce. Only by finding him can everyone be wiped out.

"The Typhon organization can't be used as a breakthrough, their headquarters are in Europe, we don't have the right to enforce the law there, and they involve too much, the hidden wealth of the Greenfeng organization is enough to shake the financial system of the entire world, it must be the last resort The goal, otherwise the world war will start early.

In a hidden base of the Heavenly Sword Bureau on the west coast, Hill is preparing a plan. The key now is Pierce's location. Finding him is equivalent to getting news about the rest of the snakeheads. This is how the Avengers alliance captured Strucker and others Location.

But the Avengers alliance also didn't dare to touch Malik. A super-large consortium with several trillion yuan in funds is involved, and it is not difficult to cause a world war.

However, if the rest of the smugglers are eradicated, the Tifeng organization will lose its umbrella, and then countries can enter the market to harvest.

...asking for flowers...

"There's nothing else we can do, Director Nick Fury is on trial and we have to move fast or they'll probably be dealt with first."

The tactic chosen by Pierce and others is to steal the home. They are going to rely on funds and connections to directly instigate rebellion against the White House, and even the military and government of the entire United States.

What Levi and the others have to do now is to defeat their main force hiding in the wild as soon as possible, and then push them evenly. The two sides are fighting for time.

It depends on whether the United States was defeated by money first domestically, or whether Levi's offensive was faster.


"Wait, Gideon Malik!"

Levi suddenly thought of something. It is true that the Typhon Organization is a giant, but Gideon Malik is not really flawless.

Levi can't kill him, because killing him is tantamount to mobilizing this financial monster, unless he can kill all the HYDRA in Typhon's organization in an instant, but that's obviously impossible, and the other party is not stupid, so naturally they hide tightly Reality.

Just because you can't kill him doesn't mean you can't control him!

"Manipulate him? Mind control? No, it's not advisable. With Charles here, don't we know how to prepare mind defenses? The mind shield produced by S.H.I.E.L.D is almost standard equipment for many high-level countries. I believe Ma Rick is no exception."

Hill said no.

In the face of a mind controller who can manipulate anyone, the importance of developing mind protection technology is no less important than developing nuclear weapons.

Isn’t Magneto’s helmet made by the former Soviet Union?

That was how many years ago.

"No, I'm not talking about Mind Control. You said, what if Malik voluntarily surrendered? Or, what if a figure of faith in his heart appeared?".

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