“This is the information you got from Malik about Pierce?”

When Levi dialed Hill’s phone and gave Hill the information that Malik, or Hive, had informed him, the deputy chief of the Heavenly Sword Bureau had a wonderful expression.

“Yes, I didn’t expect it, but if you think about it, it seems that it is not impossible, after all, it is really unrealistic for an aircraft carrier to be floating at sea all the time, even if it is a cruise, there are supply ships, and the problem of eating, drinking and Lasa of thousands of crew members cannot rely on fishing.”

“What are you going to do?”

Hill weighed it up and finally asked.

As an intelligence officer, she didn’t quite believe that Levi got the information, but Levi also believed that the hive didn’t lie, or that he didn’t dare to lie.

Then, after the hive devoured Malik, it obtained all of Malik’s memories, and if this position is not right, it only means one thing, and the news that Malik got is also false, but this is obviously unlikely.

Because the backup that Pierce relies on is Malik.

Whether it was political support or logistical support, Pierce relied on Typhon.

“Do we have any other choice? Nick Fury probably can’t wait, so, of course, I’m going to pound the dragon, and, with my strength, do I still need to play those bells and whistles with them? I’m the sun god! ”

Levi said half-truthfully.

But Hill didn’t seem to care about his last words, she just nodded, and then said nothing.

After all, she also thinks it’s the easiest, but also the most effective.

After the call, Levi explained to the hive and prepared to leave.

If Tiphon’s organization is concerned, he does not intend to discard it directly.

This organization will definitely be affected after the collapse of Pierce, but the problem is that the skinny camel is larger than the horse, and the volume that cannot be measured by numbers, even if it is scraped and shrunk, the remaining wealth is unimaginable.

This wealth, if he can get it, Levi is still ready to take it.

He was ready to open his own cinema.

And it’s not one, but a global chain, and this, requires a lot of funds, so the funds of Tiphon organization are really indispensable.

As for the issue of the loyalty of the hive.

Although this guy couldn’t use mind control to restrain him, Levi believed that his strength left a deep enough impression on this guy.

However, to be on the safe side, he still left something behind, although small, but for the existence of the hive, which is full of biological attacks, the effect that confusion can play is still good.

The point is that confusion can contact sound waves far above the nine heavens at any time, so if the hive does something, basically Levi can know.

Leaving Europe, Levi went all the way west, and he had just flown back from the west coast of the United States, only this time, he went farther away.

After joining the Decepticon Legion at the base on the west coast, the group boarded the transport plane directly, and according to Malik’s memory, Pierce was now on the westernmost land of the United States.


“The coordinates were in a military port of the Mi Army, and we all thought he was floating on the sea, but we didn’t expect that he chose the way of mixing fish and pearls, hiding under our noses.”

Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or Sonic, the monitoring of the Mi Army has never been relaxed, but they did not expect that Pierce not only did not escape, but always hid in the military port.

Yes, where is a warship the least visible?

Of course it’s in the port!

“However, your time to die has finally arrived!”

The world’s most advanced heavy transport plane loaded with Decepticons came to the sky over Alaska Military Harbor, and Levi’s eyes had already seen sound waves transmitted over.

Everything below is in his eyes.

And Pierce’s, the aircraft carrier they have been looking for for a long time, is quietly moored there.


Levi shouted, then opened the hatch and jumped down first, while the rest of the Decepticons, except for the vertigo and surfboard morphing mode is a helicopter, so they have been flying below, the rest of them hung up their parachutes and prepared to start the airdrop.



The surfboard was the first to attack, and the huge Paving Eagle helicopter flew over the military port, and several rockets flew directly out of his magazine towards the hydra’s aircraft carrier.

“Enemy attack!”

The air defense siren sounded, however, the vertigo had arrived, and he morphed in the same form as a surfboard, but the two fought in very different ways.

With a loud bang, a powerful electromagnetic pulse burst out, destroying all the surrounding US military electronic equipment.

Then, wielding the meteor hammer turned into a propeller, Vertigo began to run wildly on the deck of the aircraft carrier like a fierce general.

“He found us.”

In the aircraft carrier, Pierce looked at the blackened screen and was shocked.

“No, give me a counterattack, let me finish them off.”

Pierce roared, originally, he was the high-ranking minister of the World Security Council, the top boss of Nick Fury, above tens of thousands of people, secretly he also controlled part of Hydra, and he was powerful.

But now, he has to hide in the bitter cold of Alaska, hoping that others will save him.

It’s just that he’s like this, but there are still people who refuse to let him go.

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