I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 117: Ninjas In Peaceful Times Are Stained With Blood For The First Time


"what happened?"

The two people who had just been controlled by the shadow started making noises uncontrollably.

Nara Shikamaru subconsciously felt ~ bad when he heard the sound.


Akimichi Chōji's face turned pale when he heard the sound, but he immediately rushed in front of the two people with a kunai. Even though he was still hesitant in his heart, he knew that he must be a citizen.


The kunai slashed across the throats of the two people, blocking their voices before they had a chance to make any more noise, preventing them from making any more noise and attracting the attention of others.


The two robbers whose throats were slit looked at the child who appeared in front of them in horror.

"I have to tell everyone...

Although they had this idea in their hearts, their throats were slit and they were destined to be unable to make any sound.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the slashed throat. Akimichi Chōji, who was standing in front of the two people, seemed to be stupid, looking at the two people in front of him with no blood on his face.

"I...I killed someone...

This is the first time Akimichi Chōji has carried out such a mission, and it is also the first time since his birth that he has taken the lives of others.

This is not for any reason.

Just because he was not used to the feeling of taking away his life like this, as a child Akimichi Chōji still held a certain innocence.

Nara Shikamaru did not directly release the control of the shadow imitation technique, but continued to control the two people until they completely lost signs of life.


Losing Nara Shikamaru's control, the two men's bodies fell heavily to the ground.

A large amount of blood filled the entire land from the throat.

Nara Shikamaru didn't speak, and his face looked a little uncomfortable. He also had a hand in this process of taking people's lives. His mood was the same as Akimichi Chōji's.

However, Nara Shikamaru knows more than the more naive Akimichi Chōji, so he is more able to accept the current situation.

No child could adapt to such a situation so quickly.

Although they are ninjas, they are ninjas who grew up in an era of near peace.

Nara Shikamaru shook his head slightly and walked to Akimichi Chōji's side.

A hand was placed across Akimichi Chōji's neck.

The bright red blood on his hands made Akimichi Chōji uncomfortable, but he also knew that this was a process that he had to adapt to.

As a ninja, this is something that must be done, and it has just begun.

It's just that the feeling of taking away someone's life for the first time is really uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable than he initially imagined.

But Akimichi Chōji knows that he is not the only one suffering now.

His friend Nara Shikamaru is in the same situation, so he needs to cheer up.

"Shikamaru, I'm fine."


The slightly trembling body said it all. Nara Shikamaru could clearly feel that the trembling had not stopped, but was slowly being suppressed.

It's just that Nara Shikamaru knows that Akimichi Chōji is a person who can control his emotions, just like the Akimichi Chōji he knows.

"Chōji, after our mission is over this time, how about we go have a good meal together?"


"Be sure to ask Asuma-sensei to treat you to your favorite BBQ restaurant."

The trembling that gradually stopped let Nara Shikamaru know that it was okay.

Continuing to hold the torch on the ground, Akimichi Chōji was pulled forward a little further, and then he inserted the torch into the ground.

This place is not very far from the camp, and the camp occupies the highest point, so extinguishing the torch directly will not work.

Once the torch goes out, I am afraid that the sentry in the camp will immediately find out, and they will not be able to complete the task easily.

After Nara Shikamaru finished doing this, he turned on the communicator.

"Don't put out the torches."

"Extinguishing the torches will expose the patrol."

After saying this, Nara Shikamaru turned off the communicator.

Everyone is experiencing this for the first time in their lives. It is not a good thing to suddenly hear voices at important times.


Looking at the dead body on the ground, Inuzuka breathed out slightly to let out the uncomfortable feeling just now.

He didn't feel too bad about killing people, but he was just a little uncomfortable with it.

When Inuzuka Kiba did it, he clearly felt that his body had become stiffer, and even now he has not fully recovered.

"Are you all right?"

Aburame Shino, who had always been the backdrop, suddenly spoke, which made Inuzuka Kiba feel strange.

"Zhino, I thought you would be a dull gourd as usual."

.....It turns out that this is the concept I have in your mind.

The corners of Aburame Shino's mouth were twitching under his windbreaker.

Although he usually doesn't like to talk much, he doesn't become a boring gourd. He is still very good at talking when he should talk.

0Please give me flowers…………

Clearly feeling the slightly raised volume of his tone, Inuzuka Kiba scratched his head a little embarrassed, but he still frowned inwardly.

"Are you a dull gourd? Do you have no psychological point?"

"In the past, when I was in the ninja school, I couldn't even say a thing. Sometimes, when I suddenly spoke, it felt more like being haunted."

Although it was not good behavior to secretly criticize his teammates in his heart, Inuzuka Kiba did not talk nonsense.

Among the classmates who he usually interacts with frequently, the one Intsuka dislikes the most is Aburame Shino.

Because besides Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, the last person he wanted to face directly was Aburame Shino.

Usually in the ninja school, Aburame Shino's style tends to be dark.

He is considered relatively mature among students.

Well, he's the type who usually doesn't like to talk in school. Basically, he's the same type as Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

It's just that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are usually relatively quiet, while Aburame Shino is the kind of person who talks when he shouldn't, and sometimes makes people break out in cold sweat.

Of course, Inuzuka Kiba also has to admit that Aburame Shino's strength is also the same as Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. Anyone who comes into contact with it will understand how terrifying it is.

It's just that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke usually hide better, while Aburame Shino's strength has been exposed to the outside.


"By the way, Maru just said not to put out the torch.

Inuzuka Kiba changed the subject very abruptly.

"Can you be more blunt?"

Aburame Shino sighed helplessly, but also found that he talked more than usual.

He looked at his hands and was silent for a moment.

"It turns out that it also had a great influence on me."

Then he raised his head and looked at Inuzuka Kiba who picked up the torch and was about to fix it on the ground. Aburame Shino then spoke to remind him.

"Don't leave it anywhere near here."

"We have just dealt with the patrol team. If the patrol team remains motionless, it will attract the attention of the sentry."

"Try to keep the torches as far away from this place as possible."

This torch was placed next to the corpse. Once a sentry noticed that something was wrong and came over to see the corpse, he would immediately be alerted.

Staying away from the body avoids the possibility of discovery.

Aburame Shino is also a cautious person.

PS: Ask for flowers and comment on prices every day.

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