I'm Naruto, Starting With Ashura.

Chapter 134: What Changed Them?

"Naruto-kun, that's what I thought."

"No wonder Naruto-kun has always assigned me to be a medical ninja."

At this moment, Haruno Sakura finally understood why her future was so easily arranged.

"However, only auxiliary medical ninjas are more suitable for me."

She knew that her abilities and talents could not be compared with those of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

So she needs to find her niche.

Her ability to kill enemies in battle is definitely not strong. Perhaps it is her fate as a kunoichi. The only thing she is confident about is her innate "strength".

Growing up, Haruno Sakura was not only proud of her pink hair, but the second thing she was proud of was her super strength without exercising.

But even with such a talent, Haruno Sakura doesn't think her talent is really that strong. Maybe she can easily surpass her as long as she finds another ninja who is good at Chakra control.

Therefore, Haruno Sakura agreed to the invitation of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, and at this moment it was clear what position she should have in this team.

After understanding his position, Haruno's expression became much more serious.

After all, this is planning to leave 10 Konoha, the future is still very important.

"Naruto-kun, I will go to the hospital in Konoha to study."

Uzumaki Naruto nodded slightly, but in reality he still needed to tell Haruno Sakura some things.

"Konoha's medical system is difficult to penetrate easily."

"Half of the reason you were able to get in this time was because the person recommended was Hatake Kakashi, and the other half was due to the value work shown by Sasuke and I."

“But even so, it’s not easy to learn some core things.

These words made Haruno Sakura a little anxious.

"Then I won't learn anything if I go in?"

Uzumaki Naruto is too familiar with this set of things. When new people are brought into the company, they don't teach them some important techniques. They just hold the things in their hands tightly.

This set can really be applied anywhere.

Just not learning anything is not enough.

“It’s impossible to learn nothing.”

“Maybe you can’t touch some core things, but you can touch some basic things.

"You must know that some basic things in Konoha Hospital are completely different from some basic things in Ninja School. Before you start learning the core content, you need to master the most basic things about medical ninjas."

"That's why I wanted you put in."

Haruno Sakura gradually let go of her anxiety after hearing this.

As an ordinary ninja with insufficient abilities, she felt anxious when she was pulled into this team that was bound to leave Konoha, and this anxiety also manifested itself at this moment.

Uchiha Sasuke, who has been studying with Uzumaki Naruto for many years, felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when seeing Haruno Sakura like this.

"This is really like what I used to be."

After the Uchiha clan was exterminated by Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke was extremely thirsty for power.

When he first studied with Uzumaki Naruto, he couldn't bear the basic learning courses several times because it was really a very boring process, but Uchiha Sasuke was glad that he could endure it.

Uchiha Sasuke took a deep breath, and he unconsciously opened his mouth.

"Sakura-chan, everything starts from the basics."

"You can't understand those advanced technologies even if they are placed in front of you now. Instead of wasting time on those advanced technologies, you should master some of the basics that medical ninjas need to master, so that they can be used in emergencies in the future. superior."

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

Everything is best when it starts with the basics.

This is what Uchiha Sasuke has learned in the past five years, and he still remembers it deeply even now.

Now his strength is all obtained from the foundation.

After five years of continuous training and persistence, he has now reaped the fruits of his efforts.

Hearing these words from Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura couldn't help but froze.

"So, Sasuke-kun would also say such things."

This was Haruno Sakura's only thought at this moment.

After saying these words, Uchiha Sasuke keenly noticed a smile on Uzumaki Naruto's face.

"You're starting to talk like this too, Sasuke."


"You say these words in my ears every day, after so many years, can I not remember them?"

In fact, there were many times when he wanted to grab Uzumaki Naruto by the collar and say to him, "Do I look like that kind of brainless person?"

Of course he knew that the basics were important.

All strength is based on the foundation of construction. Only if the infrastructure is solid enough can larger buildings be built on these foundations and the building be built as high as possible.

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but laugh.

"I say this every day, but this must be your first time saying this in front of other people?"


Uchiha Sasuke pursed his lips fiercely, with regret on his face.



"Do Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun usually talk like this?"

Haruno Sakura has been surprised now and can't remember how many times she was surprised.

This wasn't because she was always so surprised, but because the way these two people communicated surprised her so much.

"Don't Naruto-kun670 and Sasuke-kun usually have no expressions?"

"Why are Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun talking so happily now?"

Haruno Sakura clearly remembers that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke usually had no expression on their faces when they were in the ninja school, but now they are always smiling, just like two children.

There was absolutely no concealment of the emotions on his face, one was sunny and the other was a bit arrogant.

At this moment, sides of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke that had never been seen before appeared in front of Haruno Sakura.

At this moment, Haruno Sakura was completely silent.

Because she realized how deep the hatred in Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke's hearts was.

"What kind of hatred can make both Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun look like poker faces with such smiles?"

"How much did this Konoha hurt them?"

At this moment, Haruno Sakura felt a little bit of pain in her heart.

Obviously he saw the smiles of the two people, but Haruno Sakura felt her heart throbbing.

It was at this moment that the little thought she had about Konoha completely disappeared.

She wanted to know.

She wanted to know what Konoha had done to completely change the personalities of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

PS: I ask for flowers and comments every day.

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