I’m Not a Scumbag

Chapter 219: I don't have the right to love you

When Fu Hao received Xiong Xiaoxiao's news, his first reaction was anger, and he wanted to rush out to find Lin Fang to settle the account.

But soon, she calmed down, not because she could bear it, but because she was facing a trouble.

The large conference room of the distant hospital is brightly lit.

In the long conference table, Ye Haitang was at the top, wearing a white suit and skirt, with a high chin, indescribably glamorous and noble.

Beside her was Ye Hanxiao, who was wearing a black suit and skirt and a pair of flat glasses, pretending to be her secretary.

Cao Yuanfei sat opposite Ye Haitang, and beside him stood Yuan Weiren bowing his head.

On both sides of the conference table, there are recruited minority shareholders, executives, and representatives of middle-level doctors.

Originally, there was a paid place here, but now, she can only sit against the wall and act as a dispensable spectator...

No, she wasn't even a spectator, but a traitor who was about to be sent to execution.

When he handed over his will, Fu Hao thought that he might break with Cao Yuanfei, and he also thought about turning to Ye Haitang.

The only thing she didn't expect was that before she could make a choice, Cao Yuanfei took the lead in surrendering to Ye Haitang, and the two joined hands to kick all the minority shareholders out, and then strangle some executives.

Now, the most heated moment of the dispute has passed, and it is time for the sentence to be pronounced.

Ye Haitang glanced at the audience and said, "In view of the series of chaos that has occurred since my husband's sudden death, President Cao and I have reached an agreement that distant hospitals do not need unreliable and uncontrollable allies. , so we decided to take back the equity at 50 cents per share, who is in favor and who is against?"

A fat minority shareholder slapped the table and said angrily, "Ye Haitang, don't go too far! The original share is still one piece. After so many years, one share is worth at least 10 yuan. Once the group goes public, it will break through with the current market conditions. 30 yuan is also very likely, you are too greedy!"

Cao Yuanfei laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, you can't say that. The hospital has been in a state of panic recently. Many key doctors have resigned, and patients have distrusted our hospital. The hospital is not as good as you think. It's valuable. If you don't sell it now, have you ever thought about it, what if the hospital can't make ends meet, is insolvent, and has huge debts?"

The shareholder surnamed Zhang changed his face and said angrily: "Cao Yuanfei, how dare you! You are teaming up with Ye Haitang, a poisonous woman, to smash the signboard of a distant hospital! Your brother's bones are not cold, you kneel and lick Ye Haitang, do you still want to show your face? "

Cao Yuanfei's face sank, and he said coldly: "Fatty Zhang, don't shame you! For the little money you invested, Yuanfang Hospital has already returned the principal and interest to you! Yuanfang Hospital is my brother, it's me Sister-in-law has worked hard to grow up. It's not that I despise everyone here, what have you done besides giving some money? If you sell it now, you can still get some money back, if you don't sell it, hehe..."

A gray-haired minority shareholder held up his glasses and said warmly, "Mr. Ye, over the years, Yuanfang Hospital has become bigger and bigger. In addition to money, we have also made connections. If it weren't for us old faces, Yuanfang Hospital would have started to take off. At the time, there was no **** left by Xihua Hospital. Even if there is no credit, we are still a little hardworking, right?"

Ye Haitang smiled softly and reassured: "Guo, look at what you said, I see all your credit. Well, in view of Gu's contribution to the hospital, I will give you a piece to recycle your old shares. If you agree, go to the next conference room with my secretary, there is a lawyer I invited, sign a document, and you can enjoy your old age in peace, isn't it right?"

Gu Gu took a deep look at Ye Haitang, smiled, got up and said, "Alright, when you're older, you won't be able to toss as much as you young people. I agree to sell the shares, let's go."

When Fatty Zhang saw that Gu was going to leave, he was anxious. He said, "Gu Gu, didn't we agree to advance and retreat together? How could you do this?"

Gu looked back at Fatty Zhang, smiled and said: "I'm selling one piece now, which is double the price I said. If you keep making trouble with you, maybe it will become twenty-five cents a share, and if the trouble continues, In the end, maybe all the money will be lost, do you think I should sell it? You think for yourself, I will take the first step!"

"Ancient, wait!"

Someone noticed that the limelight was wrong, got up and asked, "Mr. Ye, if I sell it now, can I be treated the same as Gu?"

Cao Yuanfei sneered: "No, ancient is ancient, you are you, you are not qualified!"

The man who got up didn't even look at Cao Yuanfei, he just looked at Ye Haitang.

Obviously, he knows who the real decision maker here is.

Ye Haitang sighed and said, "Who made me easy to be soft-hearted? Well, you should treat Gu Gu too. If you agree, go to the small conference room next door to sign with Gu. However, Zhang Haidong, someone else Yes, you can't. Now I'll give you only a quarter of a cent."

The rest of the people froze in their hearts, scolded Gu Gu is an old fox, and got up quickly.

"Mr. Ye, I also sold it, and I also ask for a piece!"

"Me too!"

In the blink of an eye, the so-called minority shareholder alliance was shattered. Except for Zhang Haidong, who was the first to refuse, there were only two other irons of his who were still stubbornly resisting.

Fu Hao watched coldly, only to feel a little want to laugh.

These people looked as cunning as foxes, but in fact they were as stupid as pigs, and they didn't even see it. Ye Haitang had already bribed the ancients, and the two were acting in this conference room.

I'm afraid that the price that the ancient got is not a piece at all, but a price that is enough to satisfy him.

The others were just a group of fattened piglets, being played around by a white face, a red face, and a second or fifth child.

After a while, the minority shareholders in the conference room walked away, leaving only Zhang Haidong, and the other two with sweat on their foreheads still insisting.

Ye Haitang deliberately ignored Zhang Haidong, glanced at the other two, and glanced at the time, and said, "My offer to Zhang Haidong is 10 cents, if you two leave now, I can give you 50 cents. One hair per minute..."

"I accepted!"

One of the two couldn't bear the enormous pressure, so he stood up decisively and said, "Where to sign? I agree to the offer of fifty cents a share!"

"Liu Liu, you are a traitor! How did you promise my brother? Quit now, are you still a person?"

The man smiled miserably and said, "Two brothers, I'm different from you. Your family has a big business and can afford to lose money. It's not easy for me to make some money. If I'm not human, I can get a piece of it. The price of one share. I will accompany you to a loss of fifty cents, and I will do my best! If the two brothers are willing to recognize me, we will still be brothers in the future. If you don’t want to recognize me, we will pretend that we have never met.”

Ye Haitang glanced at the time, smiled lightly, and said, "Si Mao."

There was a flash of struggle in the eyes of the remaining man, but he still shouted: "Ye Haitang, what's the point of playing this kind of tricky trick? Let me tell you, I won't compromise!"

Zhang Haidong glanced at him, sighed, and said, "Forget it, the third child, you can go out too. It's no fun to accompany me to make trouble. I'll take care of it myself. Just take it as money to buy a lesson. !"



In a blink of an eye, Zhang Haidong was the only minority shareholder in the conference room.

Ye Haitang ignored him and turned to the nervous doctor representatives: "Dear doctors, you are the backbone of the hospital. Originally, the change in the hospital's equity belongs to the administrative category, and it has nothing to do with you. But in view of the recent fluctuations in people's hearts, The number of people who submitted their resignation letters is relatively large, so I propose to invite you to participate in this shareholders meeting.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, I will take over the administrative work of the hospital in an all-round way. For those who work with peace of mind, depending on the size of the contribution, wages and bonuses, there will be an increase of 5% to 15%. For those who are determined to leave, I will no longer retain them.

As Zhang Haidong said just now, the hospital has performed extremely well in recent years, and the listing is imminent. Before going public, I will consider releasing some of the original shares to give priority to excellent internal employees. The price is also very favorable, one piece per share.

In other words, in fact, it is not me, nor President Cao, who really benefited from this equity concentration, but everyone who worked hard to contribute to the hospital! "

Clap clap clap!

Someone took the lead, and there was thunderous applause in the conference room.

Saying one thousand and ten thousand, it is better to throw money directly.

The increase in wages and bonuses is only a small head, if you can get the right to purchase the original shares, that is the big head!

One share, one share is worth 30 yuan after the listing, which means that one piece becomes 30 yuan, and 10,000 becomes 3 million...

I'm going, this is sending money to everyone!

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, we must work hard!"

"Mr. Ye is beautiful and kind. Under your leadership, our distant hospital will have a better future!"

"If you want me to say, the hospital should have been handed over to President Ye long ago!"

Ye Haitang and other doctor representatives released their excitement, raised their hands, and said, "Okay, everyone's business, let's talk about it first. Now, let me talk about the punishment decision."

The excited doctors shuddered and hurriedly sat down.

Ye Haitang glanced at Fu Hao, who was sitting against the wall, with a blank expression on Fu Hao's face. With a playful smile, she said, "After the board of directors has researched and decided, Fu Hao will be fired. In view of Fu Hao's behavior of leaking company secrets, the board of directors originally proposed to call the police. And filed a lawsuit, fortunately, it did not cause irreparable losses to the company, so I personally suggest that this matter will not be pursued."


Murder a heartbreaker?

Fire me, ruin my reputation, and make me regarded as a cancer by the entire industry, even companies across industries?

Ye Haitang, Ye Haitang, you are really not ordinary!

Anyway, if you can get the upper hand, I also indirectly contributed.

No credit, but also hard work, right?

Fu took a good look at Ye Haitang, stood up, and said with a blank face: "Mr. Ye, if there is nothing else, then I will leave first. It doesn't matter if there is no career, I can't have no more love. Goodbye... no, Better never see you again!"

When leaving the conference room, Fu Hao seemed to vaguely hear Zhang Haidong approaching Ye Haitang and saying, "Mr. Ye, how did I act in this play..." She looked back, only to think that this group of people was really dirty .

However, all of this has nothing to do with her anymore.

Fu Hao drove straight to Sichuan Four. As soon as she entered the hotel, Xiong Xiaoxiao dropped her book, ran out of the front desk, and said, "Sister Fu, you are here! A woman who is not a woman has been helping her in for a long time, hey, I'm worried... what should happen..."

Xiong Xiaoxiao was halfway through the novel, and found that Fu Hao's face was not very good, she hesitated for a while, and whispered: "Sister Fu, I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have said that."

Fu Hao smiled reluctantly, shook his head and said, "Xiao Xiao, you are also doing it for my own good. How can I blame you? I just lost my job and I'm in a bad mood. It has nothing to do with you."


Hearing this, Xiong Xiaoxiao was immediately filled with righteous indignation: "Sister Fu, how could Lin Fang do this? You lost your job, he didn't say anything to comfort you, but he still got together with other women, he's going too far. Scumbag!"

Fu Hao was originally in a very sad mood. I don't know why, but hearing Xiong Xiaoxiao's scolding made me want to laugh a little.

She couldn't blame Lin Fang for this matter. Through the clues revealed by Lin Fang, she knew that Lin Fang needed the will in Cao Yuanfei's hand. into his hands.

Now he has been fired, and he has a stigma of "leaving secrets"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ basically cut himself off from the entire industry, and it is even difficult to engage in financial work.

But she didn't regret it, she was just sad, she paid all this for Lin Fang, but Lin Fang didn't know anything about it.

She was only sad. At this time, she was not even qualified to break in, drive the woman away, and throw herself into Lin Fang's arms to cry.

Even after following Xiong Xiaoxiao to the door of the room opened by Lin Fang and the woman, Fu Hao suddenly became timid.

She didn't know what identity she should use to face Lin Fang, and she didn't know whether she was still qualified to love Lin Fang.

If you lose your job and smear your reputation, you may have difficulties in your life in the future. What is such a self in front of Lin Fang?

The more he thought about it, the more timid he became. Fu Hao couldn't help but turn around and pulled Xiong Xiaoxiao: "We... let's go..."

Xiong Xiaoxiao widened her eyes and said in surprise, "Sister Fu! We've all arrived at the door, how can we leave? I took the room card, listen to me, let's rush in to catch the rape, beat the woman, and let Lin Fang, that scumbag, writes a letter of guarantee that he won't be allowed to do it again in the future, otherwise, the old and new accounts will be calculated together!"


How do I feel that you are more excited than me, more excited than me?

Fu Hao looked at Xiong Xiaoxiao, as if she had just met her. She never knew that Xiong Xiaoxiao still had such a side.

Xiong Xiaoxiao touched his face, wondering what went wrong.

She said, "Sister Fu, why are you looking at me like that? Is it because of the makeup on my face?"


Fu Hao couldn't hold back and laughed out loud. She touched Xiong Xiaoxiao's smooth face and said, "Did you make up?"

Oh yes!

i don't wear makeup

Xiong Xiaoxiao smiled a little embarrassedly.

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