I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 346: weird, cute

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A strong jealousy filled waiting for Yan Bingyue's chest, even if Hu Qingchan said hello to leave, she ignored Lin Fang and turned to lie on the bed with her eyes closed and sleepy, secretly sulking.

Lin Fang didn't notice Yan Bingyue's strangeness. He cleaned up after eating, and seeing that Yan Bingyue was sleeping, he took out his mobile phone and sat aside to reply to WeChat.

Yan Bingyue secretly opened her eyes and glanced at Lin Fang, seeing that he was enjoying playing with his mobile phone, but he didn't care that he was in a low mood at all, and couldn't help but get even more angry.

Endure a temporary breast hyperplasia, step back ovarian cysts.

Yan Bingyue felt that she couldn't control her emotions, so she simply couldn't control it, she stretched her legs and wanted to kick Lin hard and let it go.

Unexpectedly, this action was a bit big. Before she kicked Lin Fang, she couldn't stand the pain and rolled on the bed with convulsions: "Oh, it hurts..."

Seeing this, Lin Fang quickly put away his mobile phone and pressed the emergency call button on the bedside of the hospital bed, then pulled off the quilt on Yan Bingyue's body, held her down, and said nervously, "Bingyue, don't be afraid, the doctor will be here soon. I'll hold you down so that you don't tug on the wound."

"It's not all because of you..."

Yan Bingyue's painful tears rolled down, she looked at Lin Fang tearfully, and said angrily: "Tell me honestly, do you think I'm annoying, so you deliberately asked Sister Hu to act, and you deliberately anger me? Okay, you did it, and I'm about to die of anger!"

I? Deliberately mad at you?

What a shame, where did this come from...

Lin Fang pressed Yan Bingyue, dumbfounded, and didn't know how to explain it.

Fortunately, the doctor came quickly, pulled the curtains, asked about the situation, and quickly checked for Yan Bingyue, and found that there was no problem except for some bleeding from the wound.

The situation was a bit special, so the doctor didn't ask questions about normal ward rounds, but looked at Yan Bingyue and asked, "Bed 46, this is the second day of the operation, right? Why is the recovery so good? When was the arrangement? Gas, have you had a normal bowel movement? Have you eaten anything for breakfast? What did you eat?"

Yan Bingyue said a little embarrassedly: "Doctor, why do you ask such a question? I'm so embarrassed!"

The doctor wanted to laugh, but he held back and said, "Although the appendicitis operation is a minor operation, you are acute and there is still some suppuration. We need to be more careful when considering the problem. And these are all necessary procedures. This is related to whether and when you can eat normally. I'm not worried that you haven't eaten, I'm just worried that you've eaten and you're eating too well!"

"Is that so..."

After hearing this, Yan Bingyue said quickly: "Then let me tell you, that... I had a bowel movement yesterday afternoon, and the bowel movement was this morning. I drank some chicken soup at dinner time yesterday, ate some rice porridge, and a few mouthfuls. Vegetable soup. I only ate a bowl of bean curd this morning, nothing else."

The doctor nodded and said: "I don't eat much, so there is no problem. In fact, in your situation, you can almost eat normally. You can eat liquid food after exhausting gas, semi-liquid food or even some normal diet after defecation.

If you are lucky, your body is recovering well, and your muscles are stiff due to being in bed for a long time, so even if you do such a big movement, you don't have any wounds. Let's observe it again today, if there is no problem by tomorrow, you can be discharged from the hospital. "

Yan Bingyue was a little surprised: "Ah? Why are you leaving the hospital so soon, doctor? Isn't it normal that it takes four or five days to be discharged from the hospital? I see some patients even have to stay for a week or two! "

The doctor wanted to laugh even more, but still explained: "The operation for appendicitis is really small. If there is no suppuration, some people are in good health. The day before the operation, they can be discharged from the hospital the next day. If you really have a request, stay for one or two more hours. Heaven is okay, but it is impossible for you to stay for too long, after all, the beds in our hospital are also very tight. Well, you can rest well, I have something to tell your boyfriend. "

"Okay, thank you doctor."

Yan Bingyue thanked her, tilting her head, not knowing what to think.

Although there was nothing wrong with Yan Bingyue's wound, the doctor changed her medicine before pulling Lin Fang aside.

The doctor looked at Lin Fang with a strange expression, sighed first, and then said: "Young man, I know that your young people's love and hate are both intense and sudden, but can you please pay attention to the timing? Your girlfriend is still sick, you Can't hold back your emotions?

This time, you are lucky too. Although the little **** the 46th bed made a big movement, she just twisted her tendons a little, and she didn't pull the wound or hurt other places.

Fortunately, she stayed in bed for a long time without exercising, which caused her muscles to become stiff, and that foot did not cause any bad consequences. Good luck this time, what about next time? You can't take chances and get mad at your girlfriend again, otherwise, I can't guarantee that she will be so lucky next time! "

I can't be mad at her...

Lin let go of his conscious desire to deny, and then thought that Hu Qingchan came to accompany the bed yesterday. He didn't know what to say to Yan Bingyue. This morning, only Hu Qingchan was in his eyes, and he unconsciously ignored Yan Bingyue.

When the two are superimposed, it is not normal that Yan Bingyue is not angry!

Feeling that he had touched the truth, Lin Fang couldn't help touching his nose, and quickly assured: "Don't worry, doctor, I promise not to be angry with her again!"

"Hope it!"

The doctor glanced at Lin Fang, shook his head and walked away.

Lin Fang stood at the door for a while, thought for a while, then called Hu Qingchan and briefly told her about Yan Bingyue's situation.

Hu Qingchan heard that Yan Bingyue was so angry that she almost pulled the wound and caused a major accident, she couldn't help but feel guilty for a while.

At first, knowing that Lin Fang was taking care of Yan Bingyue in the hospital alone, Hu Qingchan was still very angry, and she inevitably had some bad and even vicious thoughts in her heart.

But now that she knows that what she has done has had an effect, and the effect is too good, Hu Qingchan regrets it again.

After all, Yan Bingyue is still a little girl, and she has not yet entered the gate of the university. If she and Lin Fang get angry with her, she really doesn't know how to explain it to her parents.

Hu Qingchan couldn't help but sighed and said to Lin Fang: "Baby, I'm sorry, I made things simple. Then these two days, you can take good care of Xiaoyan sister, I will lend you to her for two days, no Go to disturb you. You have to take the opportunity, when she is discharged from the hospital, you will still be mine! "

Take the chance...you mean, I can do whatever I want?

Lin Fang received the death-free gold medal from Hu Qingchan, swallowed unconsciously, and said with a dry smile, "Xiaochan, this is not good..."

Hu Qingchan said vigorously: "What's wrong? I'll keep my word, I really won't bother you. Okay, let's do it first, I still have to work, Muah, I love you!"

"I love you too……"



When Lin Fang saw the call that hung up, he didn't know whether Hu Qingchan heard what he said just now.

He found that girls seem to be more ambitious than boys.

As a human being in two lifetimes, all of his career aspirations can't catch up to half of Hu Qingchan's.

"Do you work so hard to make me eat the soft rice to the end?"

Lin Fang knew that Hu Qingchan worked so hard, and a big reason was because of herself. She seemed to want to work hard together, so that she could live a life easily without working hard.

But Lin Fang himself knew that he was a person who didn't have such high material requirements. The ancestral teachings of the Lin family had influenced him for two lifetimes. He really didn't have the habit of spending his own money.

Lin Fang couldn't remember who said it. The original words were roughly: People who can't spend money can't make money.

Before, he had no feeling for this, neither supporting nor opposing it.

Seeing Hu Qingchan's efforts now, Lin Fang suddenly felt that maybe this sentence really makes some sense.

Isn't it because you don't have enough motivation to make money because you don't spend much money?

Or... try Huahua?

In the last life, I stayed at home, with low needs and desires. I had a computer that could do everything, and I lived a very Buddhist life. In this life, is this still going to be the case?

After nearly two months of life, Lin Fang brought many shocks.

But all the shocks added together may not be as big as today's shocks.

Lin Fang stood at the door and thought for a long, long time, and slowly made a decision in his heart.


Yan Bingyue was lying on the hospital bed, her eyes kept looking at the door.

Crazy hope, crazy hope.

She was very worried that Lin Fang would not come back after he left, and she didn't know what to do.

Yan Bingyue admitted that she regretted it.

Regretted that he could not suppress his temper, and attacked Lin Fang.

She even regretted that her body was not up to par, which brought trouble to Lin Fang.

But she didn't know what she could do or how to do it.

She could only wait, madly, and madly.

After a long time, when Lin Fang finally appeared at the door, Yan Bingyue let out a long sigh of relief, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but smile, but she felt embarrassed to face Lin Fang, so she quickly closed her eyes. Pretend to be asleep.

Lin Fang walked into the ward and glanced at Yan Bingyue who was pretending to sleep with her eyes closed and couldn't help but smile.

"Stop pretending, your acting skills have declined so much!"

Lin Fang patted Yan Bingyue's hands tightly, and said, "Look at your hands, the blue veins are too obvious, who would be so nervous when sleeping?"

"Brother Lin Fang..."

Yan Bingyue couldn't hold on, so she opened her eyes, looked at Lin Fang embarrassedly, and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"Silly girl!" Tradewind Literature Network

Lin Fang rubbed Yan Bingyue's little head and said with a chuckle: "What do you have to be sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong, it's me, I should say sorry to you. I ignored you. Feel, you are still a patient!"

This kind of skin is always thin, and it will get thinner and thinner. Once you are thick-skinned, the door to the new world will open with it.

Going against your heart will make your dignity uncomfortable, but you can always gain a lot of unexpected things.

Yan Bingyue fixedly looked into Lin Fang's eyes, because of his words, her heart suddenly felt a lot warmer. She originally just casually said what Hu Qingchan said angrily, but at this moment, she suddenly really cared.

"Brother Lin Fang, can I be your little wife?"

"Cough cough..."

Lin Fang was almost choked to death by his own saliva. Yan Bingyue's words were too amazing. How could such words be said here?

He hurriedly looked next door, and sure enough, the four eyes of Family A and Family B were looking at him with green eyes, and their jealous eyes were almost dripping blood.

Nima, is there such a good thing?

why it's not me!

"What nonsense?"

Lin Fang hurriedly said, "Sleep a little longer, and when you wake up, I'll take you for a walk and move around a bit, so that your intestines don't stick together, and then you won't be thinking wildly."

Yan Bingyue took Lin Fang's hand and said seriously: "Brother Lin Fang... I'm not talking nonsense, nor thinking nonsense. I really think so, I won't argue with Sister Hu, I'll be your concubine!"

Your proposal, full of temptation, I will give you 88 points, and the remaining 12 points will be returned to you in the form of 666.

Lin Fang stared blankly at Yan Bingyue for a while, before he touched her forehead, and said indifferently, "You don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense? You asked me to tell you what you are!"

Yan Bingyue grabbed Lin Fang's hand and placed it on her face, which was no more than the size of a slap, covered her cheeks, resisting the shyness in her heart, and continued her efforts: "It's very simple, brother just say 'OK'! "

Lin Fang couldn't help but smile and said, "I said yes?"


Yan Bingyue held Lin Fang's hand, made a (^-^)V comparison, and said happily: "That's great, brother Lin Fang, you agreed, then you have to be nicer to me in the future! I listen to others. Said, the little wife is very spoiled, you have to spoil me a little bit!"

What did I promise me?

Why are you my little wife?

I haven't even got married yet, I don't have a big wife, how can I have a little wife?

But this feeling is... quite cool!

Lin Fang was also relieved for a while, then rubbed Yan Bingyue's little head and said: "Okay, stop joking. You take a break, I'll go buy something, and see what I can get you to eat at noon."

If you say that, I won't be sleepy!

Hearing the meal, Yan Bingyue touched her shriveled belly, looked at Lin Fang with bright eyes, and said, "Brother Lin Fang, I want to eat yuzi burnt, and I want to eat fresh meat Guokui!"

"Eat you big bastard!"

Lin Fang angrily and funny tapped Yan Bingyue lightly, and said, "Yuzi burnt is made of eggs, so it is easier to digest. Fresh meat guogui is fried first and then roasted. It uses a lot of oil and it is not easy to digest. You eat it. What to eat? Wait for me to think about it, and then make it for you... just buy it for you."

Accidentally, Lin Fang almost said bald mouth, exposing the fact that he can cook.


Yan Bingyue puffed out her mouth and whispered: "But I just want to eat Yuzi Roast, I just want to eat fresh meat Guokui. What your other wife has, your little wife also wants to have it!"

Lin Fang pretended not to hear what Yan Bingyue was saying, and said deliberately, "Bingyue, what did you say?"

"Nothing! Nothing!"

Yan Bingyue quickly waved her hand and said, "Brother Lin Fang, go buy it. I will eat whatever you buy!"

"So nice?"

"Mmmm. Wife, you should be good!"

Lin Fang: "..."

No, did I promise me?

Your attitude makes me very happy... No, it makes me very embarrassed!

Lin Fang couldn't stand the jealous eyes of the two family members next door, so he hurriedly walked away.

In a flash, it was night, and until the inpatient department closed, Yan Bingyue's heart was held tightly, and then she let go.

Hu Qingchan actually didn't show up. This result made her feel a little surprised but also relieved.

Yan Bingyue glanced at Lin Fang who was making a small bed beside her, blushed slightly, and whispered, "Brother Lin Fang, actually... Actually, you don't need to make a bed."

Lin Fang couldn't help but look back at Yan Bingyue, and said amusedly, "Where will I sleep if I don't make the bed? I can't sleep with you, right?"

Yan Bingyue nodded in surprise and replied softly, "Well! I'm your little wife!"

Lin Fang: "..."

No, little girl, are you really okay with this?

You got into the role too quickly, didn't you?

Just kidding, you take it seriously!

If you take it seriously, then I will not be a human being!

No, the doctor seems to say that you can't have **** for two weeks after the operation, and you can't do strenuous exercise.

Lin Fang coughed lightly and refused, "Forget it, I'd better sleep here."

Yan Bingyue blinked, looked at Lin Fang, and said seductively, "But brother Lin Fang, I can't sleep alone, I want you to accompany me!"

You are enough!

You are still a patient, please respect yourself... Could you please respect your identity?

Lin Fang hurriedly dug into the quilt and said, "Don't think too much, you can fall asleep, hurry up and sleep."


Yan Bingyue looked at Lin Fang angrily, closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

I don't know if it was because I slept too much during the day, or the time I spent in the hospital was too leisurely and seldom thought. Yan Bingyue lay down for a while, but still couldn't sleep.

She turned to look at Lin Fang again, and whispered, "Brother Lin Fang, why don't I go to sleep with you?"

"not good!"

Lin Fang refused without thinking: "The bed is too small to sleep well, and it is easy to touch your wounds."

"But I'm recovering well!"

Yan Bingyue said confidently: "The surgery in the morning, the exhaustion in the afternoon, and the defecation the next morning. The doctors said that I recovered very quickly and that my health is very good. I will be out tomorrow... ah!"

In a hurry, Yan Bingyue almost shook out the doctor's advice.

Gas means eating, and getting closer also means eating closer to normal.

Yan Bingyue is young and has a good foundation. Appendicitis is a minor operation, and it is easy to recover naturally.

The same operation, if replaced by Shi Xiaolu, may be performed in the morning and discharged in the afternoon.

It's not because Shi Xiaolu's foundation is better, but because Shi Xiaolu's metabolism is extremely fast, almost six times that of ordinary people, her recovery ability is naturally much faster than ordinary people.


Lin Fang stood up and turned his head to look at Yan Bingyue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked curiously, "What can you say tomorrow?"

"Nothing! Sleepy!"

Yan Bingyue turned around and didn't dare to speak to Lin Fang anymore.

If Lin Fang knew that she would be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, he would definitely not stay with her.

Yan Bingyue had already made up her mind that if she could stay in the hospital for a few more days, she could not let Lin Fang know the truth.

"It's weird."

Lin Fang stared at Yan Bingyue's back for a while, seeing that she hadn't turned over, she seemed to be really asleep, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiled, and fell asleep too.

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