I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 355: 1 way to eat

"I'm not really a scumbag (

Peng Zilin is worthy of being a master of Sichuan cuisine, and this table of Sichuan cuisine can be called the best table Lin Fang has ever eaten.

Sure enough, in the past, even if the old man cooked himself, he would do it casually with water.

Today's dish is the real level of the old man.

A table of six people was satisfied, and all kinds of rainbow farts flocked to Peng Zilin as if they didn't want money.

At the beginning, the old man could still see the face of the three front desk ladies and sisters, and he had a little patience.

But after listening to it for a long time, it was full of car wheel words such as "delicious", "really fragrant" and "really delicious", so don't be too illiterate!

The old man was really impatient, and quickly stopped him: "Okay, okay, you three have a good meal, stop talking!"

Lin Fang reluctantly held back his laughter and didn't say a word. He was worried that if he laughed out loud, the three front desk ladies might hide their faces in shame and run away.

Or Gu Pengfei can be flattering, eat a lot, he is willing to spend his time, plus he has a lot of knowledge, color, aroma, taste, meaning, shape, and five flavors in dishes. The old man was very happy.

Gu Pengfei was pragmatic, and Wu Qingsong chose a retreat, casually reciting a few poems, or anecdotes of famous people. The grandfather Peng was very comforted, and he was happy to have two more drinks with Wu Qingsong.

The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal, and Lin Fang left the law firm with a good-off from his close colleagues.

Halfway through the drive, Lin Fang received a call from Meng Zuer, quickly turned the corner, found a temporary parking space, and then answered the call.

"Little brother, what are you doing? Where are we going to eat at night?"

"Are you still thinking about eating?"

Meng Zuer's first sentence surprised Lin Fang.

How big of a heart is this girl, how can she still be so calm when there is a scandal?

"if not?"

Meng Zuer asked in surprise: "Lin Fang, what do you mean! Don't want to invite me to eat, do you? Oh...I see, I asked you to treat me last night, you cockroach have money to worry about, don't you? That's it? , I invite you tonight!"

"It's okay for you to treat..."

Lin Fang was almost misled by Meng Zuer, and he quickly said, "Sister Zuer, didn't you watch the gossip news? Didn't your agent and assistant contact you or contact you?"

"No, what's wrong?"

Meng Zuer yawned and said while brushing his teeth: "I left my assistant at the airport when I got off the plane and forgot to take her with me. You helped me find the hotel I stayed in, and they didn't know. I didn't have my phone last night. The electricity turned off automatically, and I called you as soon as it was turned on, and didn't pay attention to anything else..."

Lin Fang: "..."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fang hurriedly said, "I thank you! You should contact your assistant and manager quickly. Something has happened. We were secretly photographed by the paparazzi at dinner last night."

"What's the big deal about sneak shots?"

Meng Zuer drank a bit too much last night, but now his head is still dazed, and he can't speak.

Lin Fang was really at a loss for what she said.

As an amateur, he knows that being secretly filmed and making scandals still affects his life to some extent.

The biggest impact is that there will suddenly be a lot of people on the Internet blacking themselves.

As a popular little flower, Meng Zuer should not understand these things.

Lin Fang couldn't help but said: "You call your agent first, and then call me. I hope you will be so confident when you call me later."

"Hmph! Hit it, just wait!"

Meng Zuer still didn't take it seriously, spit out the mouthwash, and called the manager.

Before she could speak, the agent Wan Qianjin let out a loud snort, which shocked Meng Zuer.

"My little aunt, you've turned it on! Who was the man you were with last night? Are you really living together?"

"My brother's classmates, we haven't even dated, how can we live together? Oh, sister daughter, don't make guesses, okay?"

"Am I guessing?"

Wan Qianjin was about to laugh angrily, she said angrily: "Meng Zuer, do you still want to be in the entertainment industry? Don't you know how popular you are now? Can the top stream fall in love casually? What's more, cohabitation? You Do you know that with this scandal, your commercial value will be lowered by at least two positions! Those little hooves behind you are afraid they are going crazy!"

Meng Zuer also became angry, she said in a louder voice than thousands of gold: "So what! It's a big deal to quit the circle! I just like to sing, and I want more people to hear my singing. What happened? It’s a movie, a TV series, a variety show, and a reality show, and it’s so annoying, every day I’m either at work, or on the way to work, I’m so tired!”

Wan Qianjin was frightened, she quickly accompanied her carefully and persuaded her heartily: "Oh! My little aunt, are you alone now? Our entire team depends on you to support us. If you retire, we will All have to follow unemployment, do your best, don't be self-willed!

I know you're working hard, why don't you...let me push down a few announcements for you and let you rest for a few days? It's not that I don't agree with you in dating, I just hope you can tell me in advance so that my team and I can be a little mentally prepared.

With a sudden attack like yesterday, even if we want to buy the hot search, it's too late, and you can't get in touch, and we can't contact the reporter to refute the rumor..."

Meng Zuer was a little guilty by what Wan Qianjin said, and she said indifferently, "Sister Qianjin, I didn't mean to lose contact with you. It's just that I haven't seen Lin Fang for a long time, and he secretly ate something delicious, so I couldn't hold back. I met him once, and I accidentally drank too much..."


Wan Qianjin exclaimed and said, "So, did you really...did it?"

"What did you do?"

"Just...that's it!"

"Oops, Sister Qianjin, you're going to die!"

Meng Zuer blushed when she was asked by thousands of dollars. She argued loudly: "What do I do in a hotel where I live alone! He sent me to the hotel last night and went back. Nothing happened between us!"

Wan Qianjin breathed a sigh of relief and said that she was lucky. After a pause, she asked again: "Then what happened to the community you went to last night, what Lin Fang... does he live nearby?"


Meng Zuer thought it was a bit funny, but still explained: "The delicious Chuanchuanxiang we went to is in District 5. It's in the community. It's very hidden. If no one brings it, it's not easy to find. , I even took a photo with the waiter!"

Knowing the whole story, Wan Qianjin immediately entered the role of a professional agent, she said decisively: "Little baby, you pass the original picture of the group photo to me, rest in peace, and leave the rest to us. I'll organize my manpower immediately and start fighting back!"

The most popular searched today is the word "Meng Zuer". Since being promoted to the front line, the word Meng Zuer has never been mentioned so many times as it is today.

"Meng Zuer lives together with an amateur", "Meng Zuer's cohabitation boyfriend is a scumbag", "Top-notch flower Meng Zuer was cheated on", the top three hot searches are all related to Meng Zuer.

The original gossip news was just about Meng Zuer living together with her suspected boyfriend, nothing substantial, only a few pictures, all of which were taken by Lin Fang in the community outside Meng Zuer.

When Lin Fang and Meng Zuer entered the community and turned around, the paparazzi lost the person, so they did not continue to take pictures.

In fact, even if it can be photographed, the paparazzi will not send it out.

What's the point of Meng Zuer and men eating roadside stalls late at night? No one saw it when it was posted.

But Top Stream Xiaohua lives with a man, and that man is actually him... This kind of news is undoubtedly much better.

Even if the whole article uses all kinds of guesses, and there is no real hammer at all, the people who eat melons still look at it with relish.

However, someone locked Lin Fang from these few pictures without real hammers, and through Lin Fang's "brilliant scumbag past", he decided to write an article and began to smear Meng Zuer consciously.

This person is not one, but several.

There is no doubt that Meng Zuer stood in the way.

There are only a few high-quality resources in the circle. The three generations of old, middle and young people are still fighting, and all kinds of newcomers are emerging one after another. What's more, the artists who have long been out of breath have come back from the ashes through various new talent shows, and they plan to use their residual heat.

No matter how big the cake is, it is not enough.

If there is a chance to black Meng Zuer and step on her, no one can resist this temptation if they feel that they have a chance to replace Meng Zuer in her place.

Meng Zuer trusted thousands of dollars, and at first she just wanted to sing.

Later, he became a singer-songwriter, transformed into acting, and cross-border variety shows, all of which were operated by thousands of dollars.

Fortunately, Meng Zuer succeeded every step of the way. It took her less than two years to go from a budding newcomer to today's top-notch Xiaohua, a first-line actress.

It's not difficult to become a top-notch florist. Meng Zuer can be hit only by her looks. In the entire entertainment industry, there is no one who can hit it.

But if you want to stand on the front line, you still have to have works to speak.

The resources of these works were all torn up by thousands of dollars for her.

So Meng Zuer was very grateful and trusted Wanqianjin. Since Wanqianjin had paid the bill, she simply let it go, took a bath with peace of mind, and put on a beautiful make-up, and then called Lin Fang again.

Lin Fang received the call and was ready to be scolded.

Surprisingly, Meng Zuer brought up an old story very lightly: "Little brother, where are we going to eat tonight?"

It was the first time that Meng Zuer said this, and Lin Fang could think that she was kept in the dark.

Still saying that now, Lin Fang didn't know whether to say she was heartless, or what to say.

Lin Fang couldn't help but asked tentatively, "Sister Zuer, the problem... solved?"


Meng Zuer said nonchalantly, "I handed it over to the agent."

Perhaps aware of Lin Fang's worries, Meng Zuer comforted Lin Fang in turn: "Well, little brother, my manager is very good, she is very good at dealing with these artist-related affairs, you don't have to worry. We will be at night. Where are you going to eat?"

Eat, eat, you know how to eat!

Lin Fang didn't know if he had taken Meng Zuer to eat at roadside stalls many times, which had activated her foodie attributes.

When he took Meng Zuer to eat Chuanchuanxiang last night, Lin Fang was still very worried.

After all, the last time I took her to eat fat intestine powder, I gave her a stomach cramp.

As a lesson from the past, Lin Fang could not have been careless.

It is also because of this reason that he carried Meng Zuer's various coquettish behaviors and dared not to drink a drop of wine.

The result was good, Lin Fang didn't drink a drop of wine, and Meng Zuer was very drunk.

Lin Fang didn't know whether to praise her for being accurate, or to scold her for being big-hearted.

If this is replaced by someone else, even if there is a brotherhood like He Naibin, Meng Zuer will have to be dealt with.

Top-notch little flower, drunk in her arms, who can resist this temptation?

Lin Fang now regrets it a little when he thinks about it. If he hadn't thought he had a girlfriend before walking out of the hotel last night, he wouldn't have been so determined.

After closing the door and walking out, Lin Fang already regretted it.

It was only then that he remembered that he was single, and after paying, he was dumped by Hu Qingchan again!

Lin Fang doubted whether these ex-girlfriends had colluded and planned to give him the achievement of "the dumped ex-girlfriends took turns dumping".

"what are we eating?"

Lin Fang touched his chin and said, "How about eating beef offal? I know there is a beef offal hot pot with a very mellow taste. I don't know what is in their hot pot base, but it has a very special fragrance. ,delicious."

Meng Zuer touched her nose. Not long ago, there was a pimple on it. She had just squeezed it out, and she even put on a concealer.

Her skin is so good, she has never used these things before, but last night she ate too spicy, drank so much alcohol, and it was too late, she developed acne, and there are still traces after squeezing it out, there is no way to force it , only apply concealer.

Thinking of this, Meng Zuer shook his head decisively and said, "No! I won't eat spicy food tonight, I want something lighter!"

You are so afraid that you are not kidding me!

As a Jincheng native, you actually want to eat bland food?

Can I take you to eat Cantonese food?

Lin Fang couldn't help but want to buckle his head to express his confusion.

It's just that since Meng Zuer said so, Lin Fang could only respect her opinion. After thinking about it, he said, "How about eating hoof flowers? Mushroom soup? Old duck soup? Vegetarian vegetarian food? A handful of bones?


Meng Zuer was a little panicked. She had never heard of the light things that Lin Fang mentioned.

She originally thought that Lin Fang was going to talk about Cantonese cuisine, and she was ready to agree.

Where did you think that this dog thing actually has so many backhands?

Meng Zuer was a little disbelieving. After stabilizing his emotions, he asked, "Hey, little brother Lin, are you lying to me? Why didn't I know that there are so many light things to eat in Jincheng? Where are the specialties? ?"

Lin Fang couldn't help but curled his lips and said, "Of course it's a local feature of Jincheng! Look at how you look like you've never seen the world, you're a top-notch little flower, and you're a native of Jincheng!"

Meng Zuer was not angry at all after being scolded by Lin Fang like this, but instead said with a smile: "Yes, yes, I just haven't seen the world, how about you take my family to eat?"

Lin Fang took a breath, and decisively refused: "Although you look good, you can't think that you are so beautiful! Eat it from family to family, don't you need money? It's almost the same if you invite me!"

Meng Zuer nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, I invite you! You are the guide, and I will pay for the meal, which is fair and reasonable!"

Lin Fang couldn't help rubbing his chin and said, "Huh? You're really saying that! How about we start with the hoof flower soup?"

Meng Zuer agreed more readily: "Okay! Okay! Did you come to me or I came to you?"

Lin Xin couldn't help but jump wildly, and said decisively: "You wait for me in the hotel, I'll come to you!"

Missed it last night, can't miss it today.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, missed or human?


Lin Fang tapped his forehead, and he suddenly remembered that he had missed one last night.

No matter, this time you must seize the opportunity!

Because of the relationship between Fu Hao and Hu Qingchan, Lin Fang doesn't want to have anything to do with his ex-girlfriends for the time being.

He has never been a person who is easy to give his feelings, but the results are good. He made two wrong payments before and after, which made him a big man, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

A girl like Meng Zuer is better, and she has the aura of a big star. If nothing happens, she is simply not a person.

Lin Fang selectively ignored He Naibin's possible resentful eyes.

After going back and changing clothes, Lin Fang drove all the way to the hotel.

Lin Fang came to Meng Zuer's room door and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

Soon, the door was opened, and at the same time, his WeChat rang several times.

The person who opened the door was a fat woman of quite some tonnage. She looked ordinary, but her eyes were quite sharp. She looked Lin Fang up and down with a scrutiny, and then asked, "Are you Lin Fang?"

Lin Fang thought that he had knocked on the wrong door, and was about to apologize and ask Meng Zuer's room number, but stopped at this moment and said suspiciously, "You are..."

"Thousands of dollars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zuer's agent."

Wan Qianjin nodded at Lin Fang, looked back at the room and shouted, "Zu'er, your rumored boyfriend is here!"

"Sister Qianjin!"

Meng Zuer groaned a little embarrassedly, then waved at Lin Fang and said, "Little brother Lin, come in and sit down! I sent you a lot of WeChat messages, why don't you reply to me?"

Lin Fang took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. A dozen WeChat messages popped up in an instant, almost all of them popped up when he just rang the doorbell, and all of them were WeChat messages from Meng Zuer.

Things couldn't be so coincidental, Lin Fang couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Qian Qianjin.

It is easy to block WeChat messages. First, turn off the data of the mobile phone to prevent the mobile phone from automatically connecting to 5G, and then turn off the Internet connection of the WIFI.

When the time is almost up, the Internet access function of the WIFI is restored, and all the accumulated messages will pour in, which will cause Lin Fang to receive a lot of messages in an instant.

This wave of operation is really excellent!

Lin Xin was already convinced that it was Wan Qianjin who directed the news blocking drama, mostly for...


Lin Fang secretly sighed, the miss last night was really unforgivable!

He knew it, and had thousands of dollars in it, even if he wanted to do something with Meng Zuer, it was impossible.

If that's the case, let's eat together honestly. Anyway, Meng Zuer paid for it all the way.

Lin Xinxin changed his mind and looked at Wan Qianjin again, and he became very calm.

He was just a little confused, shouldn't Wan Qianjin be dealing with Meng Zuer's scandal crisis now? Why do you have time to find Meng Zuer?

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