I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 416: about to travel

The shell of the Dragon-headed Man, or what should be called the Star Dragon Man, was split into two after the black and white ball was swallowed by Lin Fang, and the whole was cracked.

Lin Fang walked out from the inside, and the outer shell of the Star Dragon disintegrated, turning into a gray smoke that was about to disperse with the wind.

The little boy broke in at this time, and when he saw the gray smoke, his eyes lit up, and he made a move with both hands. He gathered all the smoke together, rubbed it into a pill, and cherished it in the palm of his hand to appreciate it carefully.

Lin Fang looked puzzled, "Why do you want this thing?"

The little boy said: "Soul essence, good stuff! Do you want it? I can share with you!"

That's it?

Soul essence? Soul impurities, right?

Lin Fang rubbed his stomach. The real essence of the soul should be that black and white ball, which was half the height of him.

This pile of impurities together is only the size of a pinky finger. I don't know what garbage and dregs are aggregated together. What's so rare?

Lin Fang shook his head decisively: "No, eat it yourself!"

The little boy said that he wanted to give it to Lin Fang, but he didn't move his hand for a long time, obviously very reluctant.

Lin Fang refused, and he just pushed the boat along the way.

"I don't know how to enjoy good things. This is much more condensed than my soul silk, so I'm welcome!"

The little boy happily threw the grey pill into his mouth and swallowed it contentedly.

Seeing this, Lin Fang quickly turned his back.

Compared with the black and white **** he swallowed, this pill ash pill is really not much different from the mud pills he rubbed off his body.

The little boy swallowed happily, but it was really difficult for Lin Fang to tell him that all he ate was the leftovers he ate.

After a while, the little boy appeared in front of Lin Fang and asked suspiciously, "Why did you look at me so strangely, as if I were a beggar?"

Lin Fang shrugged and said, "Nothing, you read it wrong."

The little boy pursed his lips and didn't delve into it. He just looked around and said, "Strange, where is that guy's wreckage? Besides the soul essence, there should be something else left, right?"

Lin Fang rubbed his stomach and said calmly: "I ate it. I left a ball. What do you claim to be a vassal of the Star Dragon Emperor, you should be him as a Star Dragon person."

"Star Dragon Emperor..." The little boy suddenly became very panicked, he cupped his hands at Lin Fang, and said, "That... I'm going to leave, this world is yours, let's see you again... no As soon as we say goodbye today, the universe is a long way off, and we will never see each other again. Don't look for me if you have nothing to do, and don't look for me if you have anything to do, and you won't be able to find it!"


As soon as the little boy's voice fell, he disappeared.

Lin Fang followed and got out of the ground, but he never saw the other side's trace.

A mighty message came down, Lin Fang held it up, did not accept it, just touched it casually, and immediately understood that as soon as the little boy left, the Taiyi world had no owner, and the authority was returned.

This mighty message is the authority to create the world. In addition to Lin Fang, Xia Xuejian, Shen Yibo and others will also receive the corresponding authority to return one by one.

From this moment on, the Taiyi world is no longer real.

In other words, it returned to its essence and became a real virtual online game.

The NPCs are still those NPCs, but the soul core was taken away by the little boy. They may be very intelligent, but they are no longer real people.

Lin Fang gathered up his authority, and patted it casually while thinking about it. The authority changed from intangible to tangible, and became a token.

Then, he flew to the clone.

Since looking directly at Xinglong, Lin Fang not only lost the other three perspectives of the new life, but also became less convenient to manipulate the clone.

In this case, he simply took the clone and took out everything in the authority space. The magic weapon is only useful in this game world, and he sealed it all into the authority token.

But you can read one or two of all kinds of magical powers.

The stone of the mountain can attack jade.

Take a look, there's no harm in it.

Even if it's not the real method, it's still some kind of ritual, or... it's some kind of "expression"!

Lin Fang sat upright in the hall, reading through the manuals of the exercises.

Until one day, when he read all the books, he sealed all the classics into the token of authority.

He attached an order to the token of authority and threw it into the sky. The token turned into a golden light and flew straight into the sky.

If Xia Xuejian is online, this token will find her directly.

If it is not there, the token will float in the air and remain invisible until Xia Xuejian goes online.

After doing this, Lin Fang stood up and his voice was like a bell, spreading throughout the Taiyi world: "Today, the poor Dao Yuanshi's merits and virtues are complete, and Yuxu Mountain will be left at your own convenience. If you are willing to go down the mountain, go down the mountain. If you come down the mountain, this dojo will be left to you to deal with. Poor Daoist, go too!"

Lin Fang came out of Taiyi World, but the aftermath spread with a bang.

All players knew at the same time that Yu Xu, the headmaster, had soared.

The current Taiyi World has just completed the eighth spiritual qi recovery, and it is the last time before it will be promoted to the Immortal World.

At this point in time, Headmaster Yuxu suddenly soared, and it was hard not to think about it.

Taiyi World is no longer real, it's just a simple virtual game. Lin Fang will not enter this game again in the future. He even took away his clones. What the players think, it has nothing to do with Lin Fang.

After returning to reality, Lin Fang repeated the previous steps, threw his body into the void, and acted as his soul body.

He tried to make a phone call, and found that if he didn't interfere intentionally, the soul body was no different from the real body, both had entities, and could answer the phone just like a real body.

The call was quickly connected, and Xia Xuejian's voice came out: "What's wrong, baby?"

Hearing her "baby" after a long time, Lin Fang was slightly absent-minded.

Since the discovery of the alien, a lot has happened in this period of time.

Perhaps, it's time for a paragraph.

Lin Fang smiled and said, "There are changes in the Taiyi world, you will know when you go up. I may have to leave for a while, not necessarily when I will come back, don't worry about me."

Xia Xuejian couldn't help but said anxiously: "You said that, can I not worry? Where are you going? How long are you going? When are you coming back? Will you still love me when you come back?"

Hearing Xia Xuejian's questioning earlier, Lin Fang was quite sad. Hearing the last sentence, he was inexplicably moved to laugh, and he couldn't help laughing: "I just feel a little tired recently, and want to go out to relax, you suddenly ask so many questions, I don't even know what to do with you!"

Xia Xuejian snorted lightly and said, "No matter! You must answer my last question!"

Lin Xinxin felt a little strange, and he said softly, "Love. Love you!"


Xia Xue was very satisfied when she saw Han laughed twice, "As long as you love me, go, go, go early and come back early!"

Lin Fang tentatively said, "Don't you want to know where I'm going?"

Xia Xuejian asked in surprise: "Don't you love me? As long as you still love me, you have to come back to me wherever you go!"

Full marks for logic!

Lin Fang was speechless for a while, so he could only laugh and say, "Okay, I said something nonsense. Okay, let's do it for now, and then I'll talk about it when I get back!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin sat in the room for a while, then got up and went to school.


In the bedroom, all three guys were lying on the bed wearing helmets.

Lin Fang made a big noise, and he couldn't wake the three of them up, so he had to call them one by one.

Taiyi helmets are equipped with an external wake-up function. As long as someone taps their helmets, the protection will be triggered, kicking them out of the current operation.

But it is somewhat violent. If they are doing something indescribable, everyone will be embarrassed.

Calling is different. When the call comes in, Taiyi Helmet will give a call to remind them, which is very civilized and gives them enough buffer time.

Lin Fang first called He Naibin, and the call was quickly connected.

He Naibin said, "Brother Fang, where are you? Are you busy?"

Lin Fang smiled and said, "I'm not busy, I'm in the dormitory, why don't you come out? I'm playing with helmets during the day, what should I do at night?"

He Naibin hurriedly said: "Then I'll quit right away, hehe, it's alright, I didn't enter the game, I was watching a movie with the screen projection function of my mobile phone, the experience is very good, it is more comfortable than watching on a tablet. By the way, Jianfeng is using Screencast to play games, Zhang Lang is using screencast to write novels, I will call them and call them all out!"

"Okay, that's it."

Lin Fang hung up the phone and couldn't help laughing.

These three brothers are really good at making the best use of everything. Although they haven't entered the Taiyi World, they don't have the auxiliary function of the White Blind Helmet.

After a while, He Naibin, Li Jianfeng, and Luo Zhanglang all opened their helmets and got off the bed.

"Let go bro!"

"Let's go bro!"

"Are you letting your brother come?"

Lin Fang greeted the three with a smile, and said, "Have you not eaten yet? Come on, I invite you."

The three of He Naibin looked at each other and said, "Brother Fang, where are you making a fuss? For no reason, why are you inviting us to dinner?"

Lin Fang smiled and said, "I've been out for a long time. I've been a little tired recently. I'm going out to relax. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll just say goodbye to you before I leave."

Luo Zhanglang's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Fang, are you going to become a monk? I heard that some men played with women too much when they were young. Get out of the house!"

Lin Fang laughed and scolded: "Go away! Why don't I go out? The girl is so cute, I don't want to miss it! Don't guess, I am not successful in my studies, and the work at Hanhai Technology has come to an end? So just Want to go out for a walk. The world is so big, I have to go see it!"

Li Jianfeng instigated: "Brother Fang, why don't you bring Ao Jing with you! The girl asked you several times, but you ignored them. She had no choice but to harass me frequently, making me tire of it."

Lin Fang: "..."

What are you talking about?

When you wanted to chase others, you didn't say that!

Not to mention that Lin Fang looked at Li Jianfeng differently, even He Naibin couldn't help but scolded: "Fuck! Jianfeng, I really didn't see it, you're still such a scumbag!"

Li Jianfeng called Qu Dao: "Brother Bin, where am I? Ao Jing likes to let her brother go. I'll help match you. Am I wrong?"

He Naibin nodded at Li Jianfeng, shook his head and said, "When you liked Ao Jing before, what do you want to do? You won't be impatient! Now... heh, man!"

Li Jianfeng smiled and said, "Brother Bin, this time, and that time. If you can be a human, who wants to be a licking dog? Besides, licking a person is just licking a dog. If you lick a group of people, then I will be the wolf king. Choose your color. Wouldn't it be beautiful if the beautiful were included in the harem?"

He Naibin couldn't help but clasped his fists directly after hearing this: "Brother Feng, you are the brother, you are awesome, I want to kneel down for you! You are really not an ordinary person now!"

Seeing the two talking, Lin Fang was a little anxious, and quickly interrupted: "Okay, don't say a few words. Do you have anything you want to eat? Let's get together. If there is nothing you want to eat, then I can It's decided!"

The three shook their heads at the same time: "Brother Fang, you have the final say!"

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Okay, let's eat mutton soup. Let's go!"

There are three choices for mutton soup in Jincheng.

Xiaoguanmiao, Sanguantang, Shuangliu Huangjia, and three mutton streets are crowded with mutton sellers. Almost every household is selling "Jianyang mutton soup".

Jincheng's mutton soup uses big-eared sheep, a kind of high-quality mutton sheep born after crossing the American Nubi sheep and Jincheng local native goats.

The big-ear mutton is tender and has a light odor. After cooking, the meat is tender and the soup is fresh. It is most suitable for making soup pots.

There are no suitable restaurants around the school. The Sanguan Hall is very close, and it is almost across the river from the school. Even if it is used to walk, it will only take ten minutes.

If you go out from Ximen, it will be closer.

Lin Fang coughed lightly. The group of people had nothing to do, and they were not in a hurry to eat. They simply walked away, chatting and laughing, and soon came to the place.

In the mutton street, if you choose any one to go in, the taste will not be bad.

However, the kind that hangs the freshly slaughtered big-eared sheep outside the door, which is cut and cooked, is undoubtedly more popular.

In fact, this is just a gimmick. These meats are freshly cut, but not necessarily freshly cooked, because the time is simply too late.

Lamb and haggis should be boiled once before being made into ready-to-eat semi-finished products before they can be sold.

Lin Fang grabbed He Naibin, who was about to enter the door and hung the sheep, and dragged him and the other two into an inconspicuous small shop together.

He Naibin was a little puzzled, and muttered, "Brother Fang, why are you here? This restaurant looks greasy, the table is covered in pulp, there are so many people, and the mutton doesn't look as fresh as that one!"

Lin Fang smiled slightly and said, "Don't talk nonsense, just sit and eat! If you don't believe me, you should also believe in the gluttonous eaters. A colleague of mine has eaten all the mutton restaurants on this street, according to what he gave me. Suggestion, this place ranks among the top three in Jincheng. For some people, it is even the best!”

He Naibin was a little unconvinced, he said: "Really or fake? The top three in Jincheng? Brother Fang, don't lie to me! Do you know how many mutton restaurants in Jincheng are? There are at least twenty in this street! In addition to those scattered and scattered, there are also those who run concurrently, let’s say hundreds!”

Lin Fang raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you need to say? It's over! If it doesn't taste good, keep your stomach. Let's change to another family!"

He Naibin raised his thumb and said, "If you are arrogant, then I have no problem! It's your treat anyway!"

He smiled and sat down, winking at Luo Zhanglang and Li Jianfeng, "Remember it for a while, remember that it's not delicious, so we'll have dinner too!"

Lin Fang couldn't help but want to laugh a little. This guy, a good second-generation rich man, has also learned badly from himself, so he just wants to eat when he has nothing to do.

Several people sat down for a while, or Lin Fang beckoned, and the waiter who was busy with his heels hitting the back of his head came over with a pen and paper, "Several, would you like to order now? What to eat?"

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Here's a big pot, half and half of mutton and haggis. How much mutton and haggis in the big pot? What are your side dishes?"

The waiter said, "The small pot is half a catty, the medium pot is one catty, and the large pot is one and a half catty. The side dishes are cabbage, tofu, lotus root slices, and pea tips. There are four in total.

Lin Fang said: "Then add half a catty and half of mutton and offal. Do not use lotus root as a side dish. If you have fungus, replace it with fungus, and if you don't have fungus, replace it with phoenix tail."

The waiter said: "Then let's change the phoenix tail for you, the fungus is really not available today, it's all sold out!"

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Okay, I'd like another portion of steamed mutton with flour, one portion of freshly roasted lamb's blood, and one portion of lamb's liver with pickled peppers."

The waiter looked at the four of them and said, "Brother, are you finished? Two catties of mutton and side dishes are a bit too much!"

He Naibin shouted, "Didn't you see that we are all good guys? Remove your 'no', be confident, we're done!"

Lin Fang nodded with a smile, and said in agreement, "It's okay, go ahead, it won't be wasted."

The waiter wrote it down and said, "What do you want, if you can't finish it, I'll pack it for you in a while, and go back and order some noodles, how delicious!"

"I'll go..." He Naibin couldn't help muttering: "Who do you look down on? We'll show you the CD later!"

Lin Fang rubbed his nose, said nothing, and waited quietly for the food to be served.

This mutton soup base not only uses mutton, but fry the crucian carp until golden on both sides, then put it in gauze and tie it together, and boil it together with mutton, offal, and mutton bones, so that the soup boiled, The color white soup is thick and fragrant, and it doesn't smell the same as those blended milk soups.

Before the mutton is served, the cooked mutton and haggis should be cut into thin slices, add suet and stir-fry over high heat. When the water vapor is completely dry, pour the soup twice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to make it boil in the shortest time. , so that the mutton and haggis have a slightly dry and fragrant taste.

These operations were all done in front of Lin Fang and He Naibin. The scent, like a small hand, was stuffed into their noses, grabbing the heart and scratching at the same time. Liver, they all swallowed their saliva.

He Naibin couldn't help but said: "I'll go, Brother Fang, why does this mutton soup smell so good? It's a little different from what I've eaten before. Is there any flavor added?"

The waiter who was frying the mutton couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "Brother, don't hit people like this (insult) ha! Our mutton soup is all real, and the spices are all plant secret spices. , don't fix those crooked ways. You can eat it, if there is a problem with it, our boss said, what do you want, what do you pay!"

Luo Zhanglang's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he couldn't help but ask: "As long as there is a problem with eating, what do you want to pay for? Does it count as a problem?"

The waiter panicked and shook his head quickly: "No way! No way! Brother, your angle is too cunning. I've never encountered it before. You can't be **** me, I'm just a part-time worker!"

Luo Zhanglang sighed in disappointment.

Another way to get rich is blocked!

(The end of this volume, make a transition.)


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