I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 425: origin

Theoretically speaking, the clansmen cultivated by Spirit Race people are also Spirit Race people by means of soul creation.

They are split from the soul of the Eldar people, and in form, it is somewhat similar to the sporulation of fungi.

In a special environment, soul sand grains are equivalent to individual soul spores, which take root and combine with organic matter to grow into organic human beings one by one.

At this time, they can't be called Eldar people.

Only when the soul develops to a certain level and the melons are ripe will they fall out of the mother's nest, walk out of the soul creation environment, and appear in the spiritual world.

However, Lin Fang was not the normal way to go. He fell off the mother's nest and appeared in the Eldar world.

He was a fishing and law enforcement demon Zerg, and he smuggled in with the help of the opponent's ability to travel through multiple dimensions.

Fang Qisheng's friendliness towards Lin Fang did not impress Lin Fang at all, but made him secretly raise his vigilance.

It is difficult for Lin Fang not to associate Fang Qisheng's attitude with the inexplicable Corporal Li Xian in the TV series when the big boss finds someone to take the blame.

If there is an abnormality, it is a demon.

This old man has bad intentions!

Lin Xin muttered inwardly, but on the surface he asked again, "Uncle Fang, where did the Demon Zerg come from, and what are they capable of, why do they keep staring at us?"

Fang Qisheng waved his hand, the miniature planet in the room disappeared, and the surroundings fell into darkness. After a while, the ceiling opened, revealing the real starry sky outside.


Every now and then, a meteor could be seen passing by, even if a giant steel arm stretched out from nowhere to catch it.

Occasionally, it will break into a small star system.

At this time, the entire galaxy will be caught by a giant net, and I don't know what material the giant net is made of. Just like when Lin Fang saw a fishmonger fishing in a vegetable market, he easily took the star together with its surroundings. The planet was fished up.

The star is closed by a special cover and sent into a fixed position to act as an energy source.

Planets have different fates depending on their structure.

Those suitable for the birth of life are regarded as high-quality planets and transferred to special warehouses.

Just ordinary soil structures, or pure mineral planets, will be smashed directly, useful materials will be recycled, and useless parts will be thrown into space as garbage.

Perhaps after tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, these space junk will aggregate with each other, form new planets, and continue to float in space.

Lin Fang was shocked by the scene in front of him. It was not that he had not imagined what would happen when the earth's civilization developed to a certain extent and encountered aliens.

In the same way, scientists, novelists, film directors, and even science fiction fans have all had fantasies of one kind or another.

Only Lin Fang never thought that aliens would treat the planet in such a way.

Fang Qisheng smiled bitterly and said, "Did you see it? This is the life of our Spirit Race people. We live in a huge star ring, shuttle in the universe, and walk in dimensions. We observe all the planets in our field of vision, whether it is Stars, planets, moons or meteors are all our prey, and we are like nomads from ancient times, living by water and grass."


God is so special that he lives by water and grass, you live by planet, right? Do you want a black hole?

While Lin Fang secretly complained, he thought about it seriously and found that it was really hard to say.

The essence of the Spirit Race people is the true nature of their souls, but their technological level is not low at all.

The method of catching the stars and taking the moon is completely comparable to the mythical immortals in the earth era.

Looking at them, they can use planets suitable for life as petri dishes, sow soul spores, and create souls. This method is even more comparable to the saints in the myth of the earth era.

The mere black holes are probably just their prey... right?

Even such a cosmic villain actually has natural enemies.

The appearance of the Demon Zerg may be a disaster for the Spirit Race people, but for the entire universe, isn't it a balance?

If the universe is also a life, that day the Demon Zerg may be insecticides or broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, and the ones that kill are the real "Zerg" where nothing grows like the Spirit Clan!

The Spirit Race people do not live on a certain planet. They live on a huge space star ring that has been built for an unknown amount of time and effort. This space star ring is centered on a huge floating island and expands layer by layer. Now it has expanded by as many as seven rings.

Then this space star ring is flying all the time, flying to the depths of the universe.

Wherever he passed along the way, whether it was stars, planets, satellites or meteors, almost all the celestial objects that Lin Fang saw were captured by various special tools thrown by the space star ring.

A single meteor has a robotic arm, and a group of galaxies has a giant net. If they encounter a black hole or the like, they also have corresponding equipment for fishing.

This kind of feeling is like the fishermen are riding on a huge ship, and there is a vast ocean in front of them. Every time the net goes down, they will catch countless fish.

It's just that the fishermen are catching real fish, while the Eldar people are catching cosmic celestial bodies!

Lin Fang witnessed all this with his own eyes, and then listened to what Fang Qisheng said in a relaxed tone. This is their life, and unconsciously, there is an inexplicable sense of disgust.

Fang Qisheng is so arrogant, he pretends to be too big!

It's just that others have such qualifications, no matter how upset Lin Fang is, he can only endure it first.

Lin Fang touched his nose and murmured to himself: How about I go and help the Demon Zerg?

This thought just flickered in Lin Xin's head, and he was cut off by lightning.

Let's not talk about the fact that each of the Demon Zerg looks ugly, the only contact between Lin Fang and the Demon Zerg was not very pleasant.

That celestial worm discovered Xia Wanxue's mother's nest, the location of the Earth Era, and used a method that Lin Fang did not yet know to invade, and also tried to seize the authority of the Earth Era...

When Lin Fang thought of this, he couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Fang, it seems that the demon zerg is also very interested in the director of our soul creation, why?"

Fang Qisheng smiled and said, "Little friend, you have a lot of questions. Well, we still have time, please listen to me one by one."

He stretched out his hand and waved, the ceiling closed, and the room became bright again, with countless planets emerging, sometimes orbiting satellites, and occasionally dotted with stars.

Fang Qisheng explained: "Now it's not like before, we can't face the starry sky all the time, otherwise our position will be exposed, and those demon zerg will flood the sky like flies that smell the smell."


Lin Fang touched his nose, but the other party's description of Qisheng was noncommittal.

Fang Qisheng said again: "Okay, let me tell you the origin of the demon zerg. They are a kind of real soul creatures that travel through dimensions. When we first encountered the demon zerg, we didn't care too much. It is said that everything in the universe can be picked up between pitches, but it is just water plants."

Lin Fang: "..."

You Spirit Race people are awesome, what you say is what you say.

Lin Fang didn't really think that he was a member of the Spirit Race, so naturally he had no sense of identity with the so-called Spirit Race history.

The human race is the human race, and it has nothing to do with the spirit race.

Fang Qisheng didn't know Lin Xinxin's thoughts, he continued: "When we encountered the Demon Zerg, we were like a treasure. If you have experienced training for newcomers, you will know that we Spirit Race people have been trapped in this dimension for too long. It's been too long! Our body, after years of evolution and modulation, has been unable to improve, and its potential has been exhausted!"

"For a long time, our newly born clansmen have used the bodies that we have prepared. We have established different modulation extremes in every spiritual farm... er, the place where the soul is created. We We have also tried modulation directions that are different from our current appearance, such as three heads and six arms, four heads and eight arms, five heads and eighteen arms, or various shapes of lions, tigers, leopards, crocodiles, and dragons..."

Exposed! Expose it!

what did you just say? Spirit farm? The same farms as chicken farms and duck farms, right?

Haha, sure enough!

The so-called newly born clansmen are not clansmen at all, they are just a group of fast-growing cannon fodder!

True clansmen still need your spiritual friendship to be born, right?

Lin Xin shook his head and shouted wildly, secretly controlling his emotions without showing any emotion.

It's just the inner vigilance that has been brought to the limit.

It's really hammered!

This old man, who looked very kind on the surface, might be holding back what was wrong, and put a **** pot on Lin Fang's head.

Fang Qisheng continued: "But it's useless, no matter how to adjust the appearance or how to adjust the bloodline, their upper limit is not as good as our spirit people. We have also tried to concoct a kind of creature called dinosaur people. It was almost developed to the limit, but it also failed to meet our requirements, and it was always a little short."

"We also prepared a creature called ape-man, a monkey, and the consequences are beyond words... You can hardly believe that this creature is only interested in mating and eating, day and night. Other times, not To catch lice is to bask in the sun, and no matter how much we improve their IQ, they have no interest in invention."

"More importantly, their bodies are not strong enough, their brains are not smart enough, and the direction of evolution has only gone down three ways. It is the most failed appearance we have made!"


Lin Fang touched his nose and inexplicably came up with some associations.


Lin Fang rubbed his brows to dispel the distracting thoughts, interrupting Fang Qisheng's unconscious dispersal. He said, "Uncle Fang, you haven't said yet, why are the Demon Zerg interested in the spiritual breeding field."

Fang Qisheng smiled and said: "Young man, you are just impatient. We will talk about it soon, we haven't talked about what abilities the Demon Zerg have. As I said before, the Demon Zerg are real soul creatures, and they can freely live in Traveling through dimensions. This kind of ability is really enviable!"

"Do you know what this means? It means that any demon zerg is an independent interstellar fleet, an interstellar travel merchant whose footprint can be spread all over the universe! As long as they want, they can reach the other side of the starry sky and put the entire The universe as its own back garden!"

"They have such ability, it's not surprising that they found us. Their ability is not in vain, it has a huge consumption, especially the consumption of mental power!"

"Where does the spiritual power come from? Of course it comes from the soul! The spiritual power generated by the Demon Zerg itself is simply not enough to consume, so they must find other sources of spiritual power."

"The universe is huge and full of wonders. There are all kinds of races, and there are countless strange things in the universe. If there are material planets, naturally there are soul minerals. But no matter how many soul minerals, there will be times when they are exhausted. Until there are One day, the demon zerg set their sights on a race with a powerful soul."

"Our Spirit Race is not the first prey of the Demon Zerg, and it is estimated that it will not be the last. But because of the various technologies of our Spirit Race people, we can continue to give birth to a new Spirit Race. Therefore, in the eyes of the Demon Zerg, we have changed. The rare goods can live in."

"After all, the universe is so big, but no other race has the means to create souls. They can continuously generate new spiritual people through the spiritual farm!"

Hello! What's with your inexplicable pride?

Lin Fang was a little powerless to complain. If the spirit clansmen hadn't divided their clans into three, six and nine, the core clansmen were born through spiritual intercourse, and the other clansmen were thrown into the spirit farm, and they were born like chickens and ducks. Will not become the prey of the demon zerg.

In Fang Qisheng's mouth, this actually became the pride of the Spirit Race people.

Shouldn't it be a shame?

Perhaps the Eldar people are very powerful, whether it is technology, soul or body, but in terms of civilization and morality, they are not much stronger than the colonists who have just begun the great geographical discovery.

It's no wonder that Lin Fang just came out of the repair shop and saw a world very similar to cyberpunk.

The architectural style may not reflect the essence of civilization, but it is very appropriate for the Eldar people.

Fang Qisheng smiled at Lin Fang and said, "The next thing I'm going to talk about is what you are concerned about, little friend. I also said just now that the method of soul creation is unique to us Spirit Race people, although we are not True soul creatures, but our soul technology, even in the entire six-dimensional universe, is one of the best!"

Anyway, I haven't talked about a few six-dimensional civilizations. Whatever you say is what it is.

Lin Fang kept an embarrassed but polite smile and nodded slightly.

Fang Qisheng continued: "So, the demon zerg have been trying to infiltrate our spiritual breeding ground. They not only infiltrate themselves, but also use the mixed-blood spiritual clan to infiltrate the spiritual breeding ground. However, the spiritual breeding ground belongs to our spiritual tribe. The core secrets, we would rather die than let them really master. So so far, we have not missed a single spiritual farm."

No wonder!

Lin Fang nodded knowingly. He thought of another question and couldn't help asking, "Uncle Fang, is it possible that the spiritual farm was divided into two when it was being built?"

"split into two?"

Fang Qisheng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "What you want to say is probably a low-dimensional projection, right? Every spiritual farm is unique, but in the process of construction, it is difficult not to be interfered by external conditions. Most of the time , this kind of interference can be canceled. But sometimes, it is inevitable to have some accidents. But this is not important, low-dimensional projection is actually a means of self-recovery of the universe. "

"When our space ring passes by, it's enough to fish it up. Planets are classified into categories, and living things are kept as samples. We have done a lot of this kind of thing."

Lin Fang's heart froze when he heard it, and he almost couldn't hold back, killing this seemingly kind and dead old man.

Fang Qisheng's tone was like an unrepentant robber.

Those are all living planets, even if they are not people of the Spirit Race, they have some involvement and relationship with the Spirit Race people, right?

How can you be so cold-blooded, so indifferent?

What is classified and kept as a sample?

It's not like the chickens and ducks in the farm, when they are released, they are all slaughtered!

Thinking about the good expectations of those scientists in the Earth era, Lin Fang couldn't help but want to laugh.

The truth, as expected, is only within the range of the cannon.

This sentence is applicable in the age of cannons and giant ships, and it is also applicable in the interstellar age.

Without enough strength, in the eyes of others, something like an ant or a chicken or duck wants to establish friendly cooperation with others, how ridiculous it is.

In the eyes of Fang Qisheng's higher-dimensional beings, there is no cooperation or non-cooperation at all. Some are just: is it useful, and—how can it be used.

When they encountered the Demon Zerg, wasn't their first reaction a treasure?

However, the result of trying to treat others as prey is that they themselves are treated as prey!

Whether it's the Spirit Race people or the Demon Zerg Race, it's not a good thing.

For Lin Fang, it would be great if they could perish with each other.

If he hadn't encountered it before, Lin Fang could still assume that there are only humans in the universe, and there are no other races.

Now that I don’t talk about it, I still know what kind of robber race the Spirit Race and the Demon Zerg are. If I don’t try to do something, Lin Fang feels sorry for his human identity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Fang took a deep breath. Nodding: "I understand. Uncle Fang, what do you need me to do?"

Fang Qisheng looked at Lin Fang with a look of relief, and said, "Little friend, I finally waited for you to say this. Sure enough, every clan who was born in the spiritual farm is a pillar of our spiritual clan!"

Hey, dead old man, don't disgust me!

Lin Fang was almost vomited by Fang Qisheng's remarks.

If the chickens and ducks in the farm are wise, when they are released, the farmer tells them to try, and see if they will peck him alive!

Lin Fang rubbed his fists, trying to suppress the urge to punch Fang Qisheng.

This old thing is really not a good person!

Fang Qisheng continued: "Each individual of the Demon Zerg is free, even if it is a Zerg larvae, once the parasitism is successful, it will basically no longer have any direct connection with other clansmen. However, they have a common belief, they believe in the same A demon, an indescribable, indescribable, and indescribable existence! I hope you can help our people and destroy the statue of him..."

Old man! No matter how much you gasp, believe it or not, I will kill you now!

Lin Fang almost didn't break out into a sweat.


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