I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 511: Respect the strongest

Chen Xiaoyue snatched the grilled crucian carp from Chen Qingyuan's hand without saying a word.

"Eh? Xiaoyue, how can you grab Daddy's grilled fish... Gu..." Chen Qingyuan was forced back by Chen Xiaoyue's sharp eyes, and sat back, "Haha... I just think I have bitten that fish, I want to give you a new one, but I definitely don't want to eat it! Goo!"

If it weren't for the two saliva that Chen Qingyuan swallowed one after another, maybe Chen Xiaoyue would have believed it.

"Ha ha……"


With the same whisper, Chen Qingyuan laughed out of embarrassment, but Chen Xiaoyue laughed coldly.

"Drink! Come on, Da Mao, let's touch one!"

Chen Qingyuan shrank his head, and took the initiative to clink glasses with Da Mao to resolve the embarrassment.

"Ah? Oh!"


Da Mao didn't understand until he drank the wine from the glass into his mouth, when did he become so familiar with Chen Qingyuan.

Chen Xiaoyue held the grilled fish, and disgustedly tore off the part that Chen Qingyuan had bitten off with chopsticks, only then did she get to the part she hadn't eaten before and took a light bite.

The indescribable beauty exploded in Chen Xiaoyue's mouth!

That is the spring rain that the arid fields long for most, and that is the call of the cold winter to the sun!

It's a long-lost taste, and with the help of the years, it is expected to sublimate!

The flesh of the fish was easily separated from the bones of the fish. No matter how careful Chen Xiaoyue was, he never found even the tiniest fishbone in his mouth.

"There's really no fishbone... ugh..."

Chen Xiaoyue's surprise didn't even have time to share with everyone, she was swallowed again under the package full of juice.

At this moment, she even forgot what she wanted to say, and all her attention was attracted by the tender fish that turned into minced meat in her mouth.

The soaked cowpea and the soaked sea pepper add sour and spicy flavors to the fish respectively, and with the deodorization and aroma of the tempeh, this little grilled fish has a rich and layered taste.

Fresh and salty at the first entrance, tender and tender after chewing a little, sour and spicy after chewing again and again, and finally aftertaste.

Even the moment it enters the throat, the wonderful experience brought by grilled crucian carp never stops.

"Dad, you're right, I've never eaten such delicious fish!"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Xiaoyue couldn't help but sigh when she was satisfied.

Long time no see!

It's really been a long time!

Chen Xiaoyue was so happy that she was finally able to eat the favorite of her life again. She had been thinking about the delicious taste for more than ten years, and it even tasted better than she remembered. Chen Xiaoyue was so happy that she didn't know what to do.

Seeing that Chen Xiaoyue was happy eating fish, Chen Qingyuan was a little embarrassed, but she was more relieved.

His greatest achievement in his life was to give birth to such a precious daughter.

Chen Xiaoyue can't eat fish. The most painful thing is not Chen Xiaoyue, but his father.

Now that Chen Xiaoyue is cured without medicine, the biggest contributor is Lin Fang, and Chen Qingyuan feels that he has to do something.

'No, I have to do something! ’

Almost at the same time, Chen Xiaoyue also had the same idea.

"Master, I'll give you a toast!"

"Master, I have to toast you!"

The toasts are in no particular order, and the toasts seem to be different.

As expected of a father and daughter!


Lin Fang agreed very readily, picked up his own new wine, poured himself a glass, "I also respect the two of you, don't dislike me as a small temple, and share weal and woe with us! Come on!"



Chen Xiaoyue drank it all in one go, and when Lin Fang drank the wine in the glass, she quickly filled it up for Lin Fang, "Master, I'll toast you again, I'll do it, you can do whatever you want. My mother loves fish, and so do I. Eat fish! My mother never stopped eating fish when she was pregnant with me. It can be said that I started eating fish from my mother's womb. After I was born, I also ate fish. I didn't stop eating fish until I was ten years old. Got stuck by a fishbone!"

Lin Fang took a sip of kindness, and listened to Chen Xiaoyue drinking the wine in one gulp and telling about the past.

"After that time, I still wanted to eat fish, but I couldn't eat it any more. As soon as I ate it, there was a problem, and when I ate it, there was a problem. You don't know, this matter has been in my heart for a long time, and it's almost over. My heart is sick! Now that I can eat fish, you are my rebirth... You are my savior, I have to toast you again!"

Chen Xiaoyue filled herself up again and drank it all.

If Chen Qingyuan hadn't been right in front of her, she would have said the phrase "rebirth parents" no matter what.

Her father was right in front of her. To avoid embarrassment, she forcibly changed her words.

After drinking three glasses of wine in a row, Chen Xiaoyue's fair face turned red.

"Master, your fish is absolutely amazing. How can it be so delicious?"

"Probably because I'm a genius."


"I don't know how to describe it. Since I came into this world, I have felt that as long as I work hard, my cooking skills will be improved. The ingredients follow my call, the seasoning follows my wisdom, the flame follows my will, and the knife is my arm. I really don’t know how to make bad dishes.”


It sounds very reasonable, but I don't know why, why do you want to hit people like this?

Chen Xiaoyue shouted haha, and quickly gave up her seat to Chen Qingyuan, and retreated back to taste the deliciousness of grilled crucian carp.

Dad, it's used to carry lightning, otherwise how could this little padded jacket leak?

"Come, come, boss, toast to your genius!"

Chen Qingyuan is worthy of being an old Jianghu. It is hard to say whether he is experienced or not, but he is definitely thick-skinned.

He followed Lin Fang's words, took the lie as the truth, and raised his glass while holding people.

Lin Fang naturally saw that Chen Qingyuan didn't believe it, and smiled dumbly, but did not explain.

In this real world, the power of the soul is limited in the body and cannot be released.

But both kung fu and culinary skills are endowed with infinite possibilities.

As long as you persist, as long as you work hard, there is almost no upper limit for improvement.

In this sense, Lin Fang is no lie in calling himself a culinary genius.

After cheering, Chen Qingyuan was given another grilled crucian carp.

This time, he learned to be smart, and felt the murderous aura behind him. He decisively divided the roasted crucian carp into two. He chose the smaller portion and handed the larger portion to Chen Xiaoyue.

"Come on, sweet girl, I'll give you the half!"

"Aiya, Dad, I'm almost full... ugh... I can't eat any more!"

'Haha... If I believe your father, I'll be really stupid! ’

"Damn! This grilled fish is too big. If you don't help Dad, Dad won't be able to eat it!"

"Then I..."

"Uncle Chen, if you can't eat it, I... oops..."

Before the little black words were finished, Chen Qingyuan stepped down the second half of the sentence.

Chen Qingyuan gave Chen Xiaoyue half of the grilled fish in his hand, and after secretly heaving a sigh of relief, he then looked at Xiao Hei with a smirk.

"Xiao Hei, what did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly..."

"Uncle Chen, you stepped on my foot..." Xiao Hei raised his foot to Chen Qingyuan with tears in his eyes, "It hurts!"

"It hurts?" Chen Qingyuan's smiling expression turned black, "Deserving it! My father is now ninety years old, and he is still in good health. Do you know why?"

"Why...why?" Xiao Hei hugged his feet, he didn't know why, he didn't understand why Chen Qingyuan suddenly mentioned his father, could it be that he had some thoughts about himself, "I'll say it first, my Aunt Zhang put it aside. The town came to tell me that my daughter-in-law is good..."

"Who cares if you have a daughter-in-law or not!" Chen Qingyuan said angrily: "My father can live so long because he never has much! No matter! Idle! Things!"


Qi Ruizhu couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, and pulled Xiao Hei, "If you still want to eat fish, go to the tank and catch it. If you're angry with Uncle Chen, be careful of being beaten!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hei scratched his head and went to the backyard. He didn't understand along the way, what does it have to do with Chen Qingyuan's father's nosy business, why Qi Ruizhu said he would be beaten again.

Lin Fang's grilled crucian carp not only conquered Chen's father and daughter, but also conquered the taste buds of everyone in the store.

Especially after eating the fish paste made by Lin Fang and the roasted fish in Wanzhou, and then eating the ordinary crucian carp that almost everyone uses to make soup, the shock was magnified several times.

Even after eating, the craving for grilled crucian carp is still unstoppable.

"Master, I'm all fat! If I eat like this again, I'm afraid that when I go back to my hometown, my mother doesn't even know me!" Da Mao touched his face, patted his bulging belly again, and complained happily.

This kind of thing, before he came to Shiliyangchang, he didn't dare to think about it.

Da Mao's greatest wish is to find a job in this international metropolis with a monthly salary of two silver dollars.

As for what to eat, even if he exhausted Da Mao's imagination, he would never have imagined that he could eat such delicious food every day.

Aunt Zhang entrusted someone with a letter to ask Da Mao how much he lost weight and whether he had lost his appearance.

If the old lady finds out, he has gained more than one lap of weight. I don't know what the old lady will think.

"You're a little fat." Lin Fang glanced at Da Mao and nodded slightly, "Get up early tomorrow and do boxing exercises with me, Xiao Hei, come with you too."

"Ah?" Xiao Hei, who had just returned from catching fish in the backyard, was affected by Chiyu and shook his head again and again, "I don't practice! I'm not fat!"

"You must practice if you are not fat! Otherwise, you are not allowed to eat."

"Okay, I'll practice!"

Xiao Hei had a bitter face, and he was willing to sacrifice for the sake of eating in one bite.

While the new crucian carp was placed on the grill, before it was cooked, Lin Fang invited everyone to taste the sixty-one he made.

Seafood is delicious in a mouthful of umami.

Most of them can be eaten raw as long as they are freshly caught.

Even if it needs to be cooked, just a little bit of seasoning can make people swallow it fresh.

But after tasting Lin Fang's craftsmanship, this outdated concept has long been swept away from the minds of everyone in the store.

Everyone has a simple and unpretentious idea: no matter what kind of seafood, as long as it passes through Lin Fang's wonderful hand, the taste will definitely break through the limit, and it is so delicious that it does not believe that it is the deliciousness it can become!

Sure enough, the stir-fried sixties did not disappoint.

Lin Fang made this dish to serve it with scones. It used a lot of salt, making it a little heavier.

But because of the slightly heavy mouth, the taste penetrated into the inside of each opened sixty-six, and it was so delicious that people couldn't stop.

Even the parsley and onion used as side dishes were swept away by everyone.

On the contrary, Lin Fang didn't eat much.

After everyone had eaten until they couldn't eat anything, Lin Fang finally felt at ease.

A mouthful of scones, a mouthful of grilled crucian carp, a mouthful of new wine, indescribably pleasant.



The next day, the "Axe Gang" and the "Crocodile Gang" fought each other at the wharf.

There was even news in the newspapers.

The newspaper said that it was all the work of the patrol house.

The patrol room sent undercover agents to the "Axe Gang" and the "Crocodile Gang" at the same time. After careful arrangements, they evoked the two sides to fight, and when the two sides fought, they sent the elite patrol room to close the net.

Injuring, killing, and arresting many people in the end is a victory for the patrol house and a victory for Shiliyangchang.

From now on, the safety of citizens of Shiliyangchang will be greatly guaranteed.

After Lin Fang finished flipping through the newspaper, he was dumbfounded.

From the beginning to the end, he never saw a police officer from the patrol room come forward. How could it be the "victory" of the patrol room in the end?

For a while, Lin Fang had to admire the face of Wang Weizhi, the director of the patrol room mentioned in the newspaper.

How thick-skinned does this have to be to be able to covet the merits of the sky... covet the merits of the forest, and take the credit of the two gangs to himself?

Lin Fang threw the newspaper aside and ignored it.

If nothing else, the "Axe Gang" and "Crocodile Gang" will continue to fight.

Song Guangbiao and Zhu Sanchuan are almost the surviving veterans of the two sides. They want to rise to the top, and they want to control their gangs. Whether they really want to avenge the gang leader or not, they will continue to do their best.

"Axe Gang" and "Crocodile Gang" don't fight three or five times, and if some people die, they can't make peace.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Lin Fang.

At least he knew that the bungalow he bought to store his clothes was now quiet and no one would care about it anymore.

"Boss Lin! Master Lin!" Early in the morning, Bai Yutang hurried into the Douhua shop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hoo! Are you insane? "Lin Fang almost laughed when he saw flour all over his face, dyeing himself like a ghost.

"Lin Ye, don't laugh at me!" Bai Yutang put down the flour on his shoulders, "I came here to resist these bags of flour because I learned my craft from you. I heard that this time the 'Chef King's Competition' assessment The content is extremely comprehensive, my white case skills are a bit poor, and I want to learn from you!"

"Learn from me? Can't you?" Lin Fang couldn't help but smile, "You are a 'white-haired magic chef', and you are also a Lin-level, so it's absurd to learn from me?"

"Lin Ye, don't laugh at me!" Bai Yutang waved his hands again and again, "I am a Lin-level, but you are not, you are above the Lin-level! I have heard people say that in your shop, new Added a wonderful dish, braised pig's trotter! That's pig's trotter, this kind of thing, you can make delicious, what else can you do? I would like to respect you as the strongest in the kitchen world!"

In order to learn something from Lin Fang, Bai Yutang's flattery was as if he didn't want money, he didn't even want his face.

On the side, Qi Ruizhu felt honored to hear these flattery.

What is the tout of the masons opposite?

Even if they praised Lin Fang, Qi Ruizhu would at most feel a little happy. The more happy point is that Lin Fang's cooking skills are recognized by others.

But Bai Yutang's flattery is different.

There are too many halos on Bai Yutang. People like this all think that Lin Fang is powerful and that he is the strongest in the kitchen world.

Then what else is there to say? Lin Fang is the strongest!

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