I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 1012: Chaos Black Magic

"Except for the fried Kaka?"

"So strong! Is this the true power of the'Black Magician'?"

"As expected, he is the legendary magician who accompanied Mr. Muto Yugi to fight the world!"

While the people eating melons were discussing, the pressure was also passed on to Professor Cobra.

"Black magician, it is indeed an unexpected offensive ability." Professor Cobra's eyes were cold, "but don't underestimate me, President You Yu.

I launch this Gaevka, the trap card "Viper Offering" locked by your "Magic of Chaos"!

Destroy a Reptile monster on your field, and then destroy two cards on your opponent's field! "

Professor Cobra pointed directly at the monster in his frontcourt.

"I will destroy the'venomous snakes', and then destroy the perpetual magic'Black Magic Array' and the'Magician of Chaos' on your field!"

The two poisonous snakes screamed sharply and were the first to explode, followed by two bunches of poisonous arrows, one left and the other hit the magical array and the black robe mage, both of them turned into golden spots of light and dissipated.

"'Black Magic Array" is a perpetual magic. If you leave the field when the effect is resolved, you cannot continue to resolve it." Professor Cobra smiled, "So the effect of being excluded from the Magic Array is invalidated."

"Nice response!" Sanze passers-by commented, "The magic circle's exclusion ability and the Chaos Magician's card bursting ability took over the duel king's second company offensive in one breath, and at the same time counterattacked on this basis and instantly destroyed it. Mr. You Yu's powerful attack formation..."

But the operation of the cobra is not over yet: "Open the cover card again! The trap card "Snake Whistle"! You can activate it when a reptilian monster on your field is destroyed!

From your own deck, special summon a reptile monster of level 4 or lower on the field.

bring it on! Viper cobra! "

The cobra monster with the same name as the professor himself had a white body entrenched on the field in front of him, and his dangerous eyes swept across the formation on the opposite side.

【Viper Cobra, Defensive Power 2000】

"On the basis of the counterattack, did you cleverly use your own trap price to pull out new monsters from the deck?" Asuka also asked in surprise, "This professor is very strong!"

"It's really strong." Tendai nodded, but smiled immediately, "but he is not lucky, the opposite is Teacher You Yu!"

"Nice counterattack." You Yu nodded and said, "However, the'Magician of Chaos' has a follow-up effect!

If the card that was ritually summoned is destroyed by battle or effect, you can special summon ritual monsters with the name "Chaos" from your hand, ignoring the summoning conditions! "

He held up a card in his hand.

"The whistling cyclone swept across the Chaos Field, and the strongest warrior who pioneered the world descended in a legendary posture—

-Super Warrior·Chaos Warrior, summon! "

The chaotic cyclone is like a waterfall. The soldiers are covered with gorgeous red and silver patterns. They are holding sharp swords and strong shields. The red ribbons on the helmets dissipate and fly.

[Super Warrior·Chaos Warrior, 3000 Attack]

Cobra said: "After that formation is disintegrated, immediately can summon such a powerful fighter to fight back...Is this the duel of the duel king?"

And You Yu didn't mean to stop there.

"Start a magic card from your hand'Pre-prepare for the ritual'!" You Yudao, "Choose a ritual magic card from the deck, and then choose a ritual monster with that ritual magic description from your own deck and graveyard. Both cards are added to the hand!"

A card from the deck and the cemetery was ejected, and he drew it into his hand.

"I added the ritual magic "Chaos Form" in the deck and the ritual monster "Magic of Chaos" in the graveyard to my hand!"

Seeing this, many people held their breath.

"Hey, does the Duel King still have to..."

Without thinking about it, You Yu once again showed the card in his hand: "The ritual magic "Chaos Form" is activated! Until the level becomes the same as the monster summoned by the ritual, the material monsters from the hand and the field are sacrificed to the "Chaos" The monster is ritually summoned!

and! When the material used in the ceremony is a "black magician", you can also replace the "black magician" in the cemetery! "

Another card pops up from the cemetery. It is the "black magician" who was sent to the cemetery as a ritual sacrifice.

"I removed the Grade 7'Black Magician' from the cemetery from the game, and once again ritual summon!

The power of chaos that opened up the world and the profound meaning of black magic are combined here—

-Magician of Chaos, call again! "

The torrent of black magic surged, the black magician turned around, and his wand swept the black lines everywhere!

[Magician of Chaos, attack power 2500]

"It's a lie? It's summoned again!?" a student said.

A freshman who just entered the school said: "Principal You Yu's duel...It's really like the rumors, it's like magic!"

"Even with such a strong interference, you can still fight back at this level..." Professor Cobra also said, "Duel Wang Youyu is really a terrible man."

"Battle stage." You Yu said, "First use the'Magician of Chaos' to attack the'Viper Cobra'!"

Merely Cobra is certainly not the opponent of this class of advanced mages, and the chaotic magic guided wave exploded it to pieces on the spot.

You Yu said: "Ultra Warrior·Chaos Warrior, direct attack!"

The super warrior jumped up and jumped, and the sword light left a silver-white line, and took it directly on the top of Professor Cobra's head!

"...Open the cover card!" Professor Cobra opened the last cover card, "Trap card "Wall of Strength"! You can activate it when the opponent's monster attacks and you are about to take battle damage.

Until the battle damage becomes 0, every 500 points of damage will be thrown from the top of the deck to the graveyard! "

He showed six cards in one go.

"I discarded the six cards to the cemetery to offset the combat damage of'Ultra Warrior·Chaos Warrior'!"

The flying cards are constructed into a golden shield, which can bear the unmatched slash from the Chaos Warrior!

"Even this trick is guarded!" Marutou Sho said.

John Anderson said: "Professor Cobra, even I have heard of it at the Northern Campus. Some people say that he may be the strongest of all the faculty and staff in this part of the Dueling Academy."

Speaking of what he thought of, he smiled and glanced at the ten generations: "Ah, yes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, of course, this does not include Principal You Yu."

"Really beautiful defense." You Yu nodded, "Then I cover two cards and the round is over."

"Then it's my turn, draw a card!"

After finally holding You Yu's offense, he will certainly seize the hard-won opportunity to counterattack.

"The magic card'magic book in the pot', both players draw three cards from the deck."

"The magic card ‘Spider Silk’, get a card that the opponent sent to the graveyard last round. The card I want to get is the magic card ‘Boza of Compensation’!" (animation card)

"Then launch the magic card'Snake Rain' from the hand card! Discard a hand card and send the four reptiles from the deck to the graveyard!" Professor Cobra sent four cards to the grave in one go, and followed, "Then The effect of the discarded "Bouza of Compensation", draw two more cards!"

A large amount of cards were checked in one breath, and when he saw a newly drawn card, Professor Cobra's eyes moved slightly, and the corner of his mouth showed a viper-like smile.

finally come!

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