I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 1029: A true duelist never pulls the screw

Haima’s offensive has temporarily come to an end. He looked at You Xing blankly, as if waiting and expecting that the other party would reveal the next counterattack strategy.

In fact, Yuxing also had a slight advantage of poor intelligence just now—Hippocampus didn't know that the Stardust Dragon summoned by a superb coordinator could not be destroyed by battle.

Otherwise, he will definitely attack with the "Blue Eyed Double Burst Dragon" with lower attack power, remove the Stardust Dragon from the game by the effect, and then use the "Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon" to directly attack to end the game.

In that way, You Xing should have lost that round just now.

However, what he didn't know was that even if he did, You Xing still held a "Quick Attack Scarecrow" in his hand. This card can be discarded from the hand when the opponent directly attacks, negating the attack and forcibly ending the battle phase.

Although it was impossible to complete the beheading in terms of results, at least You Xing saved a hand pit by relying on the intelligence difference.

From the previous match against Seahorse, it can be clearly seen that the "Stardust Dragon" should be the trump card of Youxing, and it is likely to be a unique and rare card in the deck. And stardust is directly excluded, which is undoubtedly very detrimental to the traveling stars.

But this only makes Haima look forward to the next counterattack strategy.

There is no basis or reason, but Haima just believes that this crab head can think of counterattacks.

"My round!"

The removal of Stardust Dragon is indeed a huge blow to Yuxing's deck, but even without Stardust, his deck should not be underestimated!

"Discard a monster card, and special summon the second "Quick Attack Coordinator" in your hand!"

[Quick attack coordinator, defensive power 1400]

"Next is the effect of the'Screw Hedgehog' dropped into the cemetery. When there is an adjustment monster on your field, you can special summon it from the cemetery!"

[Screw hedgehog, defensive power 800]

"It's these two guys again." Haima said, "Are you planning to call in the same tone again?"

Yuxing reveals another card in his hand: "When this card has an adjustment monster on the field, it can be Special Summoned directly from the hand!

Appear, advance the warrior! "

[Advance fighters, attack power 300]

"Level 5 quick attack coordinator, level 2 screw hedgehog, level 1 advance warrior, three monsters to adjust the star!"


"The gathered fighting spirit will awaken the roaring demon **** and turn it into a shining path! Coordinate Summoning——

——Level eight, the king of waste destruction! ! ! "

The fist that broke through the air flew out of the stars, and the steel warrior with four arms and a shape that resembled the "Dragon Warrior" appeared in the coherent light curtain!

[Scrap Destruction King, Attack Power 2600]

"The effect of the King of Waste Destruction!" Youxing waved his hand. "When the Synchro Summon is successful, in addition to adjusting the monster, each monster used during the summoning process can destroy a card on the field!

In the process of coordinating just now, in addition to the adjustment monster "Quick Attack Coordinator", two coordinating material monsters were used, so at most two cards on the field were destroyed! "

"That's it, it is indeed a powerful counterattack." Haima shouted, "But!'Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon' cannot be the target of the card's effect, nor can it be destroyed by the card's effect!"

Yuxing's pupils shrink slightly.

Does this dragon have such a strong resistance...

But he didn't hesitate: "Then, I will destroy the'Blue-Eyed Double Burst Dragon' and the Gevka covered by your backcourt!"

"Unfortunately, that won't work!" Haima raised his hand, "Open the cover card! The perpetual trap ‘Chain of the Demon’!"

The dark green chain of the devil flew out of the trap card. The Iron Warrior had just appeared on the scene, and before he could show off his skills in the future, he was tightly bound by the chain!

"Monsters bound by demon chains cannot attack, and the effect is also invalid." Seahorse hugs his arms and laughs, "A good attempt, but it looks like it's over!

You guy may be regarded as the best duelist, but it is a pity that you are facing the strongest duel on the surface! "

The stinky president seemed to have forgotten some people he couldn't beat.

"Hippocampus, really strong... even stronger than the rumors said." You Xingxin said.

You can't win this way.

As he was thinking, the tingling sensation suddenly stirred his nerves, causing You Xing to bite his teeth involuntarily.

Looking at the mark on the back of his hand again, he couldn't help but discover that the mark of the red dragon had disappeared.

Then more scorching pain came from his back-the mark of the red dragon appeared on his back, connected into the shape of a ring, the first position was opposite, just like the ouroboros that surrounds the world in the myth!

This kind of thing has happened in the past, and it was a miracle caused by the red dragon giving power to the dragon seal of his choice.

But generally, this power will only show up in the face of a powerful BOSS or in a game that will influence the fate of the world.

You Xing glanced at the majestic "Blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon" in front of him, and suddenly understood something.

"That's right, Red Dragon, do you want to fight it too?"

After all, it is the legendary blue-eyed white dragon, an ancient fantasy beast with powers comparable to gods.

"I see."

You Xingqing closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I activated the effect of the'Level Thief' in the Graveyard to lower the level of a monster of level 8 or higher on the field by one star. The'Level Thief' in the Graveyard can be specially summoned.

I lowered the level of the eighth grade ‘Waste Destroyer King’ by one star, and specially summoned the ‘Level Thief’! "

[Level Thief, Defense 0]

"Then activate the magic card "Seven Stars Sword" from the card in the hand, and remove the seventh-level "Scrap Destruction King" from the game, and draw two cards!"

Seahorse noticed that the top card of the star-traveling deck was shining with golden light at that moment.

President Haima was not an ordinary person, and he immediately sensed some powerful and eager external force.

"that is......"

Yuxing pulled out the two cards forcefully, leaving golden lines in mid-air, and the space wherever it passed began to be slightly distorted, and there were constant fluctuations in the data stream composed of 0 and 1.

"Start the magic card'Pot of Great Desire' from your hand!" Youxing said, "Return the three monsters excluded from the game to the deck for shuffling, and then draw a card!

I return the ‘Necromancer’, ‘Screw Hedgehog’, and ‘Stardust Dragon’ from the exclusion zone to the deck and draw a card! "

Haima: "Have you recovered the ace monster..."

"Then activate the effect of the'scrap converter' in the hand!" Yuxing continued, "Discard this card and another adjustment monster in the hand to the graveyard, and add a'simultaneous' monster from the deck to the hand. .

I sent the ‘scrap converter’ and the ‘driller coordinator’ to the graveyard, and added the ‘scrap coordinator’ from the deck to my hand! "

Two cards are sent to the grave, and the second "scrap coordinator" as the core of the deck is automatically ejected by the deck. You Xing took it out of his hand and took it directly without thinking.

"Usually summon the'scrap coordinator'!"

[Scrap coordinator, attack power 1300]

"The effect of the waste coordinator! When summoned, special summon monsters of the Graveyard Level 2 or lower in defense!"

Yuxing draws a card that pops up in the cemetery.

"I will special summon the'scrap converter' who was just sent to the cemetery!"

[Scrap Converter, DEF 200]

"The level three ‘scrap coordinator’ plus the level two ‘scrap converter’ tune star!" You Xing waved and ordered.


"The gathered stars will guide the assaulting fighters and turn them into a path of starlight! Co-Summon!

Level five, catapult warrior! "

The appearance is a steel armored soldier in white armor, which resembles the mobile suit in the animation.

[Catapult fighter, defense 1500]

"At this moment, the effect of the'scrap converter' in the cemetery is activated!" Youxing said, "If you send it to the cemetery as co-tuned material, you can special summon the adjustment monsters in the cemetery!

Resurrect again, waste coordinator! "

[Scrap coordinator, defensive power 500]

"Next, adjust the level three'scrap coordinator' and level five'catapult warrior' again!"

Seahorse raised his eyebrows.

Use level 5 homophonic monsters as pedals to continuously tune the stars to summon higher level monsters?

He found out that the crab head in front of him seemed to have a very good grasp of the brand-new summoning method of "simultaneous summoning".

"The gathered prayers will become a new shining star, and turn into a shining path!"

You Xing raised his trump card once again, and the starlight seemed to turn into a path of stardust to pour thousands of miles away.

"Synchronous Summoning! Fly, Stardust Dragon!!!"

Once again in the same tune, the Stardust Dragon appears gorgeously in a storm surrounded by stars!

[Stardust Dragon, Attack Power 2500]

"It's a lot of trouble, have you finally called back your trump card again?" Haima nodded slightly, "but this guy is not my'blue-eyed' opponent."

"Activate the magic card'Double Summoning' from your hand." Youxing said, "You can add the usual summoning authority once this round.

So I want to summon this card from my hand--

——Level 1, adjust the monster, the salvation dragon! ! ! "

It was clearly just an ordinary one-star monster, but the moment it was summoned caused an even more violent reaction from the entire system. The entire world of duel links seemed to be on the verge of overloading!

"Level one'savior dragon', level one'level thief', level eight'stardust dragon', three monsters adjust the stars!" You Xing shouted, "The gathered star's brilliance will illuminate new miracles. . Turn into a shining road!

Homology Summon! Come down from the light--

——Savior Star Dragon! "

Like stars pierced through the night, the miraculous flash gave birth to hope of salvation! The silver meteor swooped down, and the beautiful and powerful silver-white dragon descended into the world. The moment the wings spread out, a transparent sound wave burst out!

[Savior Star Dragon, Attack Power 3800]

Seahorse's face changed slightly: "This dragon..."

"elder brother!"

Guiping's call came again, his tone even more urgent than before.

"The anomalous energy index has soared to the extreme, and the duel link system is almost unable to hold it! It may be very dangerous if it continues..."

In fact, there is no need to remind, the hippocampus can also see that the entire world is collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, endless data flows passing through the cracks, and the system may be forcibly shut down every minute and every second.

Obviously, it was something called the "homology monster" that impacted the system of the duel link, and this virtual world was not ready for the emergence of this kind of existence.

The emergence of the "Savior Star Dragon" as the top existence among the homologous monsters further accelerated this process.

The data storm rose from the ground, smashing the ground to pieces. Countless fragments were flying all over the sky. Seahorse ignored the terrifying storm around and shouted in a loud voice: "It's a good trump card, but its attack power is only 3800. It can neither defeat the "Blue-eyed Double Burst Dragon" that is not destroyed by battle, nor Can't defeat the stronger'Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon'!"

Yuxing also tried his best to cover the storm of anger with his throat: "The'Savior Dragon' effect is activated! Once a round, choose a monster on the opponent's field. That monster will have no effect until the end of the turn, and the Savior Dragon will get the same The effect!" (animation effect)

"There is such an effect?" Seahorse was slightly surprised, "But the "Blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon" cannot be the object of the effect..."

"I know! So what I want to obtain is the effect of the'Blue Eye Double Burst Dragon'!" You Xing shouted, "Savior Star Dragon! Sublimation and absorption!!!"

His last word "absorb" was swallowed by a thunderous sound from the horizon. Lightning fell from the air, blasting the ground not far from the duel site to shatters.

The savior dragon spread its wings and lifted into the sky, and the energy essence was sucked out from the blue eyes of the two heads, and poured into the savior dragon.

"In this way, the effect of the "Blue Eyed Double Burst Dragon" not being destroyed by battle is invalid!" You Xing waved his arm, "Go, Savior Star Dragon! Attack the "Blue Eyed Double Burst Dragon"!

Meteor burst the speed of sound! ! ! "

The savior star dragon rises vertically into the sky and dives from the sky, like a silver cannonball penetrating the double-headed white dragon head on!

【Hippocampus, LP3700→LP2900】

The body of the double burst dragon was pierced, and the savior star dragon came out from the hole, and the brilliance behind it was like an avenue of stars. The white dragon screamed weakly, and the majestic energy erupted from the hollow of its body, violently impacting the already unsustainable space.

Cracks began to appear in the sky, as if the whole world was a huge and complete piece of glass, now about to be broken.

But the duel continues!

"The effect of the'Blue-Eyed Double Burst Dragon' obtained by the savior star dragon can attack the monster twice at most in one round!" You Xing waved his hand, "The second burst of attacks!

Attack the "Blue Eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon"! ! ! "

The savior star dragon penetrating the double-headed white dragon whirled back in the air, like a bird of prey that had re-locked its target, and rushed straight up towards the remaining blue eyes!

Instantly aware of the other party's intentions, Seahorse couldn't help gritting his teeth: "You guy..."

"That's right~www.NovelMTL.com~ Because it has the effect of the'Blue-Eyed Double Burst Dragon', the'Savior Star Dragon' will not be destroyed by battle." You Xing shouted, "But it has been attacked by it and has not been destroyed. Monsters can be removed directly from the game!

Even if it will not become the object of the effect and cannot be destroyed by the effect, the "Blue Eyed Chaos Dragon" can be directly removed from the game!

Go, savior dragon!

Meteor bursts at the speed of sound, second in a row! ! ! "

Seahorse is not to be outdone: "Blue-eyed Chaos Dragon, call me back!"

The Chaos Extreme Dragon opened its mouth, the energy transported from the armor, and the metal structure hummed like an engine. The savior star dragon dived at full speed, and his body elongated into a meteor-like afterimage, hitting the shattered deep blue light head-on!

In an instant, the mountain collapsed and the earth cracked, and the world went out.

The duel link system crashes.

The duel ended.

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