"The effect of the Meteor Dragon!" Youxing said, "Exclude yourself from the game. Once this round, you can negate the opponent's monster attack!"

You Yu raised his eyes slightly, and was slightly surprised.

Good guy, for so many years, he almost forgot about the animation effects of Meteor Dragon.

Because most of the effects of the real-card Meteor Dragon and the animated Meteor Dragon are the same, he has forgotten this subtle difference.

The actual card Meteor Dragon can only pass the opponent's attack by removing itself from the game and invalidating the opponent's attack when the opponent declares an attack. But the animation effect is different. The Meteor Dragon in the animation can remove itself from the game at any point in the opponent's turn, and then there will be a chance for this "attack ineffective" throughout the entire turn.

The biggest difference is that in the real card effect, the originally very useless attack declaration trigger effect is replaced with an active type effect that can be triggered arbitrarily.

This can be seen as a disguised form of adding a very strong resistance to the Meteor Dragon. Once the opponent activates some tricky dissolving effect, or chooses the meteor dragon as a card effect object such as removing from the game and returning to the deck, at this time, you can choose to actively chain the effect of the meteor dragon. It avoids the opponent's offensive by itself except from the game.

In this way, the meteor dragon can return from the exclusion zone at the end of the round, and it will still exist in the next round.

This makes it extremely difficult to defeat.

In the moment of distraction, the Meteor Dragon had disappeared from the starry field. The light of the stars blocked the "Dragon Demon Road Knight Gaia" on You Yu's side, as if he was ready to restrain him as long as he had any intention to act rashly.

"That's it." Asuka held her delicate chin, "If she is excluded from the game, Gaia with an attack power of 5200 will be invalidated even if she launches an attack.

In addition, the monsters that came out through ‘Spiral Fusion’ can only attack twice in a row when there is a monster on the opponent’s field. But now the duelist called Immovable Youxing took the initiative to exclude his monster, there was nothing on the field, and Gaia could not make a second consecutive attack. "

"Not only that, the field magic'Walking Gaia' was originally able to block all effects in the battle phase." Misawa explained, "But now the effect of the'Meteor Dragon' has been activated in the main stage, even if it is "Walking" Gaia' can't interfere either.

In this way, even in Gaia's field, the Meteor Dragon can invalidate Gaia's attacks! "

For similar effect processing in Sikari, you can refer to the tenth generation favorite "Necromancer". The effect of the Necromancer is also activated at any point in the opponent's turn, and an attack from the opponent is negated during this turn. It is basically the same as the animation effect of Meteor Dragon.

"That's amazing!" Although Xuezhu Wan Tengxiang didn't fully understand, he still admired him, "Is this duelist count so many? How strong!"

You Yu thought for a while, and turned around a card placed horizontally on the duel plate.

"I left the last round on the field, and the first "Dragon Magic Way Knight Gaia" turned back to attack."

[Dragon Demon Knight Gaia, Defense Power 2100→Attack Power 0]

You Xing was slightly surprised.

Gaia's attack power has been reduced to 0 due to the card explosion effect in the last round. What's the point of turning him into an attack in this situation?


You Yu entered the battle stage directly, and the field seemed to come to life in an instant. The heat waves tumbling in the middle of the field one after another, the two D rounds circled at high speed along the outer edge one after another, and the spinning tires dragged the dragon-like flames.

"At this moment, the field magic'Broken Gaia' effect is applicable." You Yu said, "As long as the'Dragon Knight Gaia' is present, the opponent cannot activate any magic, trap, or monster effects during the battle."

Sure enough, Yuxing's side head found that the life-saving talisman "Scrap Iron Scarecrow" covered by his backcourt had been chained by the flames and was paralyzed.

"Dragon Demon Knight Gaia, attack directly!"

The first to rush out is the Gaia Unit 2 summoned this round. With an attack power of five thousand and two, the hellfire entwined on the spiral spear, roaring along with the golden dragon!

You Xing waved his hand: "Then the effect of the'Meteor Dragon' applies, and only one attack from the opponent in this round is invalid!

I invalidated the attack of "Dragon Demon Knight Gaia"! "

The meteor dragon that had left the scene reappeared in the form of afterimages, like a shield blocking the owner's body, firmly blocking Gaia's mortal shot.

Then the phantom disappeared, and Gaia was also forced to bounce back to the original place.

"Because I don't have any monsters on the field,'Dragon Knight Gaia' cannot make a second attack." Youxing said.

"I know." You Yu didn't care. "Then I will use another "Dragon Demon Road Knight Gaia" and attack directly!"

[Dragon Demon Knight Gaia, Attack Power 0]

Yuxing: "!"

Attack with Gaia with 0 attack power?

Wouldn't anyone really be greedy for this insulting slap? No way, no way?

But it turns out that You Yu is certainly not that boring. At the moment Gaia flew out on a dragon and handed out a stab with a spear in his hand, a card was ejected from You Yu's cemetery.

"In the cemetery, the effect of'Dark Knight Gaia Origin'." He said, "Gaia origin is in the battle phase of both players, except for this card in the cemetery, you can choose an attack power and original attack power on the field. Different monsters, let that monster's attack power return to the original."

Yuxing's pupils closed slightly.

The attack power is different from the original attack power...


Dragon Knight Gaia, its own effect is to "decrease attack power by 2600 points and blow up a card". After the card is blown, its attack power will become 0, which is of course different from the original attack power.

Gaia's origin is the card that exists to match this effect!

"So that's the case," You Xing murmured, "That's why we have to summon Gaia's origin first, and then use him as a sacrifice to expand it. The purpose is to send this card to the graveyard...

...As expected of Mr. You Yu, calculation is one step ahead of me. "

The Gaia origin in the cemetery was removed from the game, and the surging power quickly poured into the charging knight!

[Dragon Demon Knight Gaia, Attack Power 0 → Attack Power 2600]

A mortal charge, red gunshots rushed past Yuxing and his D round! The strong oscillating touch made him snorted. As soon as the D round was crooked and violently bumped on the track, it looked like he was about to fall down for a moment.

【Youxing, LP4000→LP1400】

"The battle phase is over~www.NovelMTL.com~ You Yu's D round is catching up, he is reluctant," Then he launched the quick attack magic from his hand——

——'Burial from another dimension'! "

Yuxing: "!"

"The two sides have up to three cards removed from the game and return to the cemetery." You Yu smiled, "Which card should I return to, naturally I don't need to say more?

I will return your "Meteor Dragon" from the exclusion zone to the cemetery! "

The Meteor Dragon gave a mournful cry from the void, but was quickly captured by irresistible power and forcibly dragged it into the depths of the underworld.

"Meteor Dragon will be specially summoned from the exclusion zone at the end stage when it is exempted by its own effect." You Yu said, "But if it is no longer in the exclusion zone by then, this effect cannot be processed."

With that said, he drew two more cards.

"Over two cards, the round is over."

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