The high-speed spell, a special magic card for galloping duels, is also the only magic card that is allowed to be used in galloping duels.

The usual magic cards, quick attack magic cards, equipment magic cards, perpetual magic cards, field magic cards, which are used in ordinary duels, are all prohibited under the rules of galloping duel.

The high-speed curse is an original animation card, all without real card. Its main feature is that it must be used in conjunction with the "high-speed counting" held by the player.

In the galloping duel, both riders will naturally increase a "high-speed count" during the preparation phase of a certain round. This counter is actually similar to what is called a "cost" in other card games. Players must have a corresponding cost to activate the corresponding high-speed spell.

In the current "High Speed ​​World" field, when the duels of both sides receive more than 1000 damage at a time, the high speed count will be reduced by one. For more than 2000 damage, two will be reduced. And so on.

High-speed counting will also directly affect the D-round speed in a galloping duel, which is why the vigilantes also use the "galloping duel" method when arresting prisoners.

As long as the fugitive is injured and the opponent's high-speed count is reduced, the opponent will have to forcefully slow down. And if the health of one party in the duel returns to zero, the perpetual motion machine of the D wheel will also be forced to stop, and the D wheel will automatically brake.

Of course, in the world of 5DS, you must participate in galloping duels. But if Mocha can't be used, most of the decks You Yu holds so far may be scrapped.

If nothing else, let’s just talk about his iconic “hero” deck. The use of cartoon communication tubes such as fusion, miracle fusion, phantom fusion, and even masked changes are undoubtedly epic weakening for heroes, making This deck has no combat effectiveness.

The same is true for other fusion decks, ritual decks, etc. If ordinary magic cards cannot be used, these decks will all lose their combat effectiveness.

So You Yu's hand fusion ceremonies are all scrapped. In the new era of 5DS, the preferred deck mode is naturally coherent.

From this point of view, it is not unreasonable that everyone in the 5DS animation plays the same tune. Under the rules of galloping duel, other types of decks are really ineffective in front of the tune.

But even if it is a co-tuned deck, the "Six Wuzhong" series that You Yu holds are actually not good. Because the core of the deck "Six Martial Arts Gate" is perpetual magic, it has also been banned under the gallop duel rules. The Six Martial Artists are equivalent to having their legs cut off, and they suffer a bit according to the gallop duel rules.

However, he unexpectedly discovered that the deck that Yuxing carried in the duel plate, which was bound to him, seemed to have access rights in his system interface.

It seems that they are currently in a certain team state. As a teammate, Yuxing's deck can also be adjusted through the system, and he can even give Yuxing something in his card pool.

You Yu thought quickly, and then suddenly said: "By the way, You Xing, or show me your deck, and I can adjust it for you?"

"Okay, then please, Mr. You Yu."

At this time, being famous is still good. After all, no one knows the name of his first dueling king. Any duelist who can get his advice will benefit infinitely. Almost no one can refuse.

You Yu, who had maintained this ghost-like state, could not touch anything in kind. However, after selecting the "Edit Companion's Deck" option in the system, he seems to be able to touch Yuxing's deck.

While You Xing rode the bike, You Yu glanced at his deck.

As expected, a bunch of things of unknown significance were stuffed...

But it's not surprising, there will always be something unclear in the decks of the protagonists of the past.

Some cards are only effective when the activation conditions are harsh or under certain circumstances, and some cards are effective even if they are effective under certain circumstances...

Youxing has a famous saying that any card has its value, and a true duelist should be able to exert his strength no matter what kind of card he uses.

This is so handsome, You Yu wanted to agree. But as a card guy who has accepted the fake card brutality from the mainstream of the real card environment, even if you touched the already dark conscience, you really couldn't agree with this view.

The so-called clever woman is hard to cook without rice, and no matter how powerful a duelist holds a whole deck of mortal bones, it is impossible to win the upper position. This is the iron rule.

Oh, unless you can print cards at will according to the atmosphere like a full-level king, that's another matter.

It is a pity that it is clear that the immovable travel star who is still in the novice village stage is far from reaching that state.

Moreover, as the protagonist, You Xing’s basic skills are different from ordinary people, but it may be because of the fear that too many elements of the protagonist’s template will cause the audience’s aesthetic fatigue. Therefore, as the third-generation protagonist, You Xing’s skill in the magic drawing is actually incomparable. The game and the two predecessors of the ten generations.

Therefore, it is still necessary for Brother Crab to honestly change the construction.

While adjusting the construction, You Yuzheng continued to communicate with Brother Crab about the situation of this era, when a harsh police siren suddenly chased up from behind.

What followed was the buzzing of the D-wheel engine... and a rough and majestic voice.

"Hey, scum in the satellite area, don't leave in such a hurry!"

The oxtail rode the police and chased him in D-wheel, with a sinister grin on the shoehorn-like uncle's face.

"It's this guy again." You Xing frowned.

As if he realized that You Yu might not recognize the other party, he explained: "This guard chased me all the way. I have already fought him twice in the satellite area. I didn't expect to chase him all the way to the city. coming......"

You Yu glanced sideways at the legendary "Yugao Only Designated Traveler" Oxtail Senior, and couldn't help but smile.

"Doesn't this mean that he is true love?"

"Mr. You Yu is really joking..."

Now the oxtail yelled again from behind.

"This time I won't let you escape!"

With that said, he exaggeratedly pressed a certain button on the D round.

"Venue magic "High Speed ​​World" is launched!"

The high-speed area is centered on the D-wheel of The D-wheel is locked in the galloping star. The sky instantly turned into a deep dark color, the surrounding streets and buildings seemed to be frozen, and the entire world was dragged into the realm of high speed.

High-speed world, dedicated venue for galloping duels. Once activated, you cannot leave the field, the effect cannot be invalidated, and new field magic cannot be activated.

Yuxing's D wheel was also forcibly slowed down, and the speed per hour dropped significantly.

"This is troublesome, Mr. You Yu." You Xing said with a serious expression, "We were forced to be dragged into the realm of the'galloping duel'. The speed of round D will be limited by the'high-speed count'.

If we don't win the duel, we won't be able to speed up and get rid of the pursuit. "

"Then just win."

You Yu spoke lightly, and at the same time, the deck adjustment was completed, and the deck was slid back into the duel board on the D wheel of Youxing.

"Well, although the time is a bit rushed, let's just do it for the time being." You Yu clapped his hands, "Come on, let this guard-man experience once again the so-called power gap."

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