I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 1197: Nazca Lines

Oxtail Zhe was very irritable.

His two days have been in a bad mood, and it can almost be regarded as the worst moment of his career.

The first is the scum that escaped from the satellite area. To be honest, he didn't put the crab head in his eyes at all at first, even after being defeated by the opponent for the first time, he felt that it was just pure luck.

Oxtail is a person with a very strong sense of elites. In fact, his nature is not bad. As a sheriff, he is dedicated to his duties and puts the safety of the people he protects first. Even the fact that he was targeting the stars everywhere at the beginning and appeared to be an annoying villain in the animation can also be explained as he is only performing his duties as a guard.

After all, even if Youxing is the protagonist, he is actually a lawbreaker, while Oxtail's identity is a law enforcement officer. Although his pursuit is annoying from the protagonist's point of view, it happens to be a performance of his due diligence.

Well, of course, the main reason for him personally is not convinced.

In principle, their sheriffs have the privilege of using banned cards, and their equipment is top-notch. The dregs in the satellite area theoretically have very few chances of getting cards—youxing’s deck was picked up one by one from the trash.

Being defeated repeatedly by such opponents, Oxtail regards it as his own shame. That's why he pressed on You Xing step by step, insisting on coming back with this breath.

But now he can't continue playing this cat and mouse game.

Because the chief of their vigilante, Rex Godwin, died at night two days ago.

And died in the office of their headquarters building.

This news was a blockbuster, and it spread quickly throughout the city through the well-informed media, causing an uproar.

The director of the Public Security Bureau, the actual highest person in charge of public safety in this city... was killed in his office!

People fell into panic, and the topic's popularity instantly reached its peak. The Public Order Maintenance Bureau is also under great pressure and has to invest all living resources to track down the prisoners.

I didn't close my eyes for two whole days, and I didn't even have much time to eat. After two hellish days, on the third morning, Oxtail was finally able to sit back in his office and eat a hard-won sandwich to satisfy his hunger.

"If you want me, we should all check the garbage in that satellite area!" Oxtail said angrily while eating.

"Brother Oxtail is still thinking about him?" his partner said helplessly.

"Just after the **** decided to slip out of the satellite zone, things happened one after another. How could such a coincidence happen?"

Oxtail took a big bite of the sandwich viciously, as if the sandwich in his hand was the culprit.

"Do you think it was the man from the satellite area who killed the sir?"

"It doesn't have to be him, that guy is not so capable." Oxtail said, "but he must have something to do, or at least know some inside information. Believe me, this is my instinct after being a guard for so many years."

Having said that, he shook his head: "I still can't understand why the wanted order for **** is removed. No matter how you look at it, he is very suspicious."

"Who knows, the people above naturally have their own ideas." The partner shrugged, "After all, we are all part-time workers. Don't think too much, Brother Bulltail.

We only need to execute the command, and it's useless to think about extra things. "

"The order from above...?"

Oxtail slowed down his eating and fell into thought.

"Brother Bulltail?" The partner noticed his weird reaction.

"You said," Oxtail suddenly became serious. "The top of our Public Security Bureau...who the **** is it?"


The partner was taken aback for a moment, and naturally said, "Does this still need to be asked? Of course it is the Public Security Department, isn't it the country's public security agency?"

"...Really?" Oxtail said nothing.

Before he could finish the sandwich, the hard-won rest time was interrupted by an unexpected situation again.

It was a loud thunder-like noise, and it sounded like a gap in the sky was blown out. Then there was a burst of dazzling purple light, which pierced in from the window like lightning, but it was much more dazzling.


Oxtail got up from his seat and came to the office window with other colleagues and looked out.

There have been enough accidents in the past two days, and all the sheriffs are exhausted. They are short of manpower, energy, and resources.

After Chief Godwin disappeared, it was his former adjutant Jego who temporarily replaced the law and order to maintain the position of chief. That was an official who looked like a clown, with a sharp voice and a mean laugh like the father-in-law of Dongchang.

However, everyone who knows him knows that this guy is good at doing things, but he doesn't have much real-world skills. Incompetent leaders undoubtedly make the situation of the Public Order and Security Bureau already difficult.

"Damn, what the **** is that?" Someone pointed to the sky.

Looking in the direction of the man's finger, everyone quickly understood what he was referring to.

That is a huge painting.

The thick purple and black lines blazed brightly, drawing an extremely huge portrait in the sky. The shape seemed to be a burning spider, and the style of painting was like abstract lines painted on the ground of Nazca.

Then a giant shadow appeared from the line.

It really is a spider.

That may be the largest spider that people can see in a lifetime. A cumbersome black body, surrounded by crimson lines, surrounded by icy blue flames.

Earthbound God Uru!

That is the trump card of the Shadowprinter team, the incarnation of the power from the gods of the underworld in this world, the gods who are transformed from the lines of Nazca and bound on the earth——

——Earth-bound God!

But this earth-binding **** is not just coming out to breathe out.

It is fighting.

And as a "god", it even seemed to have fallen behind in this battle.

From the underground perspective, it is impossible to see who its opponent is, but from the outline it is vaguely like a dragon. The dragon's body was shrouded in sacred brilliance, fighting against the purple and black flames spit out by the spiders.

Finally, the power of the earthbound **** was overwhelmed.

The intense, incandescent light was like a spear stabbed out, passing by the spider's huge body with an unrelenting momentum.

The earthbound **** hissed and wailed, and a large amount of white light from the pierced rift gushed out like a fountain. The huge body shattered centered on the crack, and the body was gradually burned to ashes in the purple-black flame.

The gods fell, and the sky trembled.

The wailing sound shook the world~www.NovelMTL.com~ The burning purple and black lines disappeared little by little. A shadow swooped down diagonally from the place where the giant painting disappeared, like a falling meteor.


The shadow fell diagonally to the ground, smashing a big hole in the middle of the block.

There was a riot in the street, and the Public Order and Security Bureau became busy again. Oxtail hurriedly stuffed the remaining sandwiches into his mouth, grabbed the safety helmet and rushed out, and rushed to the scene of the accident with his colleagues.

Oxtail was the first group of sheriffs to arrive. He drove the D wheel to the huge pothole, jumped off the D wheel, and soon saw a scene that might be unforgettable for him.

In the middle of the big pit, what fell from perhaps hundreds of meters above the ground... was actually a person.

What's even stranger is that that person is not even dead.

Because he was crawling out of the pit with difficulty at the moment, staggering out of the smoke screen, as if calling for help, struggling to stretch out a hand to the oxtail.

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