I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 1209: 3 steps ahead!

"I'm optimistic about Youxing! What is the king's duel!" Jack was very arrogant.

"I really dare to say it." You Yu said leisurely.

You Xing said: "But Jack does have that strength. Jack, who can win all the way to the present and keep his throne, is indisputable."

"Relatively speaking." You Yu smiled.

In fact, in his opinion, the fledgling protagonists of the 5DS are all cute and adorable, and they are half-hearted.

After all, even the red devil dragon, a waste white monster that is not necessarily a gift to the card guys, is actually the ace of the deck. From this, it can also be seen that Jack's early deck is weak...

I remember that at the beginning, the Red Devil Dragon card was even given with a comic magazine. The magazine price is 250 yen. In other words, Jack's Tamas is worth the price.

Therefore, Jack's Tamashi, who also paid 250 yen in free shipping, was once a stalk of the brand.

Everyone likes to complain that the blue-eyed white dragon is a noble mortal bone. If there is no matching card, it will be useless except for the 3000 attack power.

But let's not say, in many cases, the blue-eyed white dragon as a mortal bone is really more useful than Jack's red devil dragon.

Because Qingyan is nothing more than a whiteboard for 3000 attacks, and the Red Devil Dragon is not only a whiteboard, it actually has side effects. During the turn it is in the field, all monsters on your side that have not declared an attack must explode.

This side effect is simply sand sculpture...

Jack opened the backcourt: "Open the cover card! Trap card "Susheng's Gift"! Special summon an adjustment monster in your graveyard! But the monster that is specially summoned by this effect will have its effect nullified."

He drew the card that was withdrawn from the grave area and hit the duel plate.

"Go back to the field, dark vibes!"

The black vortex opened on the side of the galloping wheel of fortune, and the red-eyed demon holding a tuning fork flew out onto the court with a smirk.

[Dark Resonator, Attack Power 1300]

"Su Sheng's gift, the second effect." Jack continued, "When the special summon is successful through this effect, special summon two'gift demon tokens' on the opponent's field!"

【Gift Demon Token, Defense 1500】x2

Looking at the two tokens that popped out of his field, You Xing frowned slightly: "This tactic is..."

As an old friend who has lived together for many years and knows each other well, Youxing is naturally familiar with Jack's tactics.

The red devil dragon has the ability to "destroy all defense expression monsters on the opponent's field when attacking", so Jack is not afraid that sending two tokens to the opponent will lay the groundwork, and the opponent will take it to the higher level to summon or use it as a coordinating material in the next round. .

Now Jack has a level three "Dark Resonator" and a level five "Evil Dragon" on the field. The total level is eight. Then there is no doubt that next he will summon his trump card, the Red Devil Dragon!

"Youxing, pit it." You Yu said.

"I know." Yuxing pressed the button on the duel board, and the card on his side opened, "Trap card'Devil's Lair'! Destroy the monsters that are specially summoned by the opponent's field by card effects!" (Original card)

"Special summoned by the effect of the card?" Jack said solemnly, "Dark Resonator is through the effect of'Su Sheng's Gift'..."

"Yes," Youxing said, "So the'Dark Resonator' destroys!"

The poor sympathizer hadn't even stood firm, and a black hole opened under his feet. A black hideous claw pinched it, and dragged it into the dark hole with a scream.

Jack, who was interrupted by his tactics, frowned: "You actually gave me these tricks. Then, I will take the "evil dragon" on the field as a sacrifice, and the superior will summon it! Come out—

—Level 6, Strong Wind Dragon! ! "

The evil dragon turned into a colored halo summoned by the superior and disappeared, and a brand new dragon emerged from the halo. It was a blue dragon, whose open wings stirred a transparent storm.

[Strong Wind Dragon, Attack Power 2400]

"The effect of the strong wind dragon!" Jack shouted, "When the strong wind dragon liberates a dragon monster for a higher-level summon, the attack power of this card is increased by half of that monster's original attack power!"

"The original attack power of the evil dragon was 2000. After being summoned, it was reduced to 1000 because of its own effect." Yuxing said, "But if it is liberated as a sacrifice of the strong wind dragon, the attack power will still be calculated based on the original 2000 points."

"That's right! So the strong wind dragon's attack power increased by 1000!"

[Strong wind dragon, attack power 2400 → attack power 3400]

"Wow! Even if the call of the Red Devil Dragon is interrupted, it continues to summon monsters with even higher attack power than the Red Devil Dragon!" Long Ya began to worship the idol, "Jack is so strong!"

"Jack Atlas is indeed a strong man who deserves the title of king."

At the bottom of Sixteen Yeqiu's heart, while acknowledging Jack's strength, he looked at Youxing with some worry.

"Youxing... is it okay?"

The girl didn't notice at all, she had become like Brother Crab before she knew it...

"Fight!" Jack shouted, "Strong Wind Dragon, use your gust of wind to tear the beast of the star to pieces!

Hurricane! "

The strong wind dragon roared, agitating its wings to launch an offensive. But Yuxing's arm swept away, and the open backcourt blocked its offensive.

"Open the cover card! The perpetual trap ‘chain of the demon’!" You Xing said.

"Nani!?" Jack's pupils shrank.

I wipe it, isn't that my card? Youxing, why do you have such a thing?

Well, that's right, the universal **** card of the Demon Race was originally Jack's card when it first appeared in the animation. There should be no Yuxing in the original game.

So the magic chain in Youxing's hand here, needless to say, was naturally stuffed by You Yu.

In a galloping duel, when all general-purpose magic is scrapped, general-purpose traps such as the magic chain will appear extraordinarily vigorous.

"Monsters bound by the'Devil Chain' cannot attack the declaration, and the effect is also invalidated." Youxing said, "So the effect of the'Strong Wind Dragon' is invalid, and you can't launch an attack!"

Seeing that his attack was blocked once again, Jack couldn't help gritting his teeth in irritation: "Did the heinous star set so many traps?"

Long Ya couldn't help but said, "Youxing is so strong. That Jack's attacks were actually resolved like this one after another..."

"But it's not over yet! This level of trap has long been within my calculations!"

Jack increased the throttle.

"I told you before, Yuxing? The real king's duel should be three steps ahead of the opponent! Even in such a situation, I have been prepared! This is what a real king should look like!"

As he said, he waved his hand, and another cover card flipped.

"The trap card'Call of the Same'!"

You Xing narrowed his eyes: "That card is..."

"Deactivate the effect of a monster in your cemetery and special summon it on the field!" Jack shouted, "After that, use the resurrected monster and other monsters on the field as materials to synthesize the dark monsters of the dragon or demon type. call!"

"Dragon's dark-attribute homologous monster..." Long Ke whispered to himself. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

"Red Devil Dragon!" Long Ya was very excited, "Jack's trump card is coming!"

"From the cemetery, I resurrected the monster that was discarded by the "Angel Scepter"! Come out, level two, and adjust the monster "Strong Resonator"!"

[Strong resonance, 500 defense]

"Level 2'Strong Resonator', plus level 6'Strong Wind Dragon' tuning star!"


"The shock of the king is presented here now, be optimistic about the power of the roar of the heavens and the earth!"

Jack yelled with strength.

"Summoning of the same tune! My soul—

-Red Devil Dragon! ! "

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