I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 1310: Can the strong run accelerate the same tune?

"Glaucoma Light Dragon Attack!" Seahorse murmured, "Flashing storm bullets!!!"

The scorching blue energy beam blasted out of the open mouth of the Glaucous Light Dragon, and locked on the Thunder Gun Dragon Knight straight away. The Thunder Spear Dragon Knight with only 1900 left on the panel could not resist such power at all, and he would be shattered under the power of this storm bullet in a moment of contact, and You Yu's remaining life value would also be cleared.

Haima squinted his eyes and stared at the panel of You Yu's remaining health without blinking. It seemed that he was more nervous than You Yu himself as to whether he could receive the blow of Guanglong.

Fortunately, You Yu did not disappoint him.

"Open the cover card." You Yu opened the backcourt, "Trap card ‘Entry is prohibited! NoEntry!!’.

Turn all monsters in attack position on the field into defense position. "

"This trick is not effective against Glaucous Light Dragon!" Haima shouted, "According to the ability of Glaucous Light Dragon, I chose not to accept the effect of'Entry Prohibition'!

Flashing flames! ! ! "

The limitation of the trap enveloped the audience, but the glaucoma light dragon screamed, and the brilliance released from the body immediately broke through the confinement of the trap.

"I know." You Yu pointed to the monsters on his field. "But the'Drakon Knight-Thunder Spear Dragon Knight' will accept this effect and change from attack state to defense state!"

[Dragon Cavalry Knight-Thunder Spear Dragon Knight, Attack Power 1900 → Defense Power 1200]

The invincible blue-eyed light dragon obviously does not have the effect of penetrating defense, and the invincible flashing flames burned the dragon knight to ashes. But before the knight was wiped out, he faithfully performed the duty of the shield, and its controller was unscathed.

"By the way, the'Blue-Eyed Double Burst Dragon' must also accept the effect of the trap." You Yu smiled. "Therefore, the Double Burst Dragon also changed from attack to defensive, and cannot continue to attack."

[Blue-eyed double burst dragon, attack power 3000 → defense power 2500]

"Awesome, worthy of being Senior Youyu!" Brother Crab worshipped daily, "Not only did he defend against Guanglong's attack, he even further blocked the possibility of the opponent using other monsters to continue chasing after him."

"But it's just a stopgap measure." Jack said, "But Seahorse still holds an absolute advantage. Senior You Yu has run out of ammunition and food, and the opponent has a basically invincible monster on the field. Dragon's in.

To break through this situation and make a comeback..."

"It can be done." You Xing said seriously.

Jack frowned: "Are you serious, Yuxing?"

"Of course." You Xing nodded, "Although I haven't thought of methods and means yet, I know that if it were Senior You Yu, he would definitely be able to do it."

Jack: "..."

The hippocampus also raised his arms, his face was full of arrogance, but at the same time he was expecting.

"Cover a card, the round is over."

"Then my turn, draw a card."

You Yu directly photographed the card drawn.

"Venue Magic—

——The Temple of the Wang Family! "

The golden temple emerged with the shaking of the earth and the mountains, and the ancient Egyptian-style buildings rose from the ground. The majestic and majestic palace dominates the field of duel, which is the temple of the legendary guardian of the pharaoh.

"Wang's Temple, when it exists on the field, my trap card can also be activated during the covered turn." You Yu said, "So, I cover the trap card in my hand and use the'Wang's Temple' effect to activate immediately!

Trap card ‘Unconscionable Greed’, skip the next two draw stages and draw two cards from the deck. "

Glancing at the two cards drawn, You Yu fell into short thoughts, a clear idea was quickly established in his mind, and the tactics were finalized.

"Cover two more cards to the field." You Yu waved his hand and covered two more cards, "Then use the effect of the'Wang Family's Temple', and the cover card can be activated during the covered turn!

So I launched the perpetual trap "Evil Susheng"! Pay 800 health points to negate the effect of the sync monster in the graveyard and special summon it! "

【You Yu, LP1000→LP200】

"Wake up from the slumber in the cemetery--

——Phantom Wing Synchronous Dragon! "

[Phantom Wing Synchronous Dragon, Attack Power 2500]

"Are you back on the court, Phantasmal Wing." Seahorse hummed, "but it is not the opponent of Glaucous Light Dragon! And now that the effect is invalidated, what can it do?"

"You will understand soon, President." You Yu smiled, "Then usually summon the "Star Skeleton Dragon"."

[Star Skeleton Dragon, Attack Power 1000]

"The effect of the skeletal dragon is a special summon by negating the effect of monsters with an attack power of 500 or less in the cemetery. Come on, Scrap Defender!"

[Scrap defender, attack power 500]

"Level 4 "Star Skeleton Dragon", Level 3 "Scrap Defender", adjust the stars!"


"Lend me the power of the red dragon again."

You Yu snapped his fingers.

"The shining meteor draws the trajectory of dreams and paves the glorious avenue leading to the future——

——Level 7, co-tune adjustment, shooting stars ascend the dragon! ! ! "

A ray of light pierced down from outside the clouds, dragging a shining trajectory and descending!

It looks exactly like a meteor dragon, and the whole is basically a miniature version of the first-class star dragon. But it is not an accelerated coherence monster like the Meteor Dragon, but the "coherence adjustment" necessary to achieve accelerated coherence.

[Meteor climbs the dragon, attack power 2100]

"Simplified form of Meteor Dragon?"

Jack was very surprised, but when he turned his head to look at Youxing, he found that as the owner of Meteor Dragon, Youxing didn't seem surprised. He seemed to have known it a long time ago.

"Coordination adjustment," Haima said in a deep voice, "you fellow, could it be..."

You Yu continued: "The effect of the meteor climbing the dragon is activated. If this card is successfully synchronized, send a lower-level monster from your deck to the graveyard, and your level drops by the level value of that monster."

A card from the deck popped out and was taken out by You Yu.

"I discarded the level four ‘Drakens-Commander’ from the deck, and the level of Meteor Climbing Dragon dropped by four!"

【Meteor Denglong, LV7→LV3】

"The effect of star drop?"

Jack reacted quickly.

What a strong ability!

Being able to unconditionally pile up monsters below any level 7 in the deck is equivalent to an accurate resource search. And on this basis, Meteor Denglong can also adjust his star rating arbitrarily, becoming almost any level below seven stars.

And in this way, You Yu would have a coherent adjustment and a coherent monster on the court.

Could it be that......

No, it should be impossible.

Jack still knows a little bit about the tricks of good friends. "Accelerated Synchronization" can only be performed in a galloping duel, and the D round is an essential element in the process of adjusting the stars.

How to accelerate without D round? Do you rely on the duelist's running to speed up the same tune?

Running beyond the speed of light ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Isn't it the Flash?

You Yu closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them again, a bright red closed loop pattern was reflected in his eyes.

The complete red dragon totem!

Skill·Dingjing Shushui, activate!

When there are synchronization adjustment and synchronization monsters on your field, you can accelerate the synchronization of the "accelerated synchronization monsters" that meet the requirements of the summoning!

"Level three, co-tune adjustment of'Meteor Denglong'!

Level seven, Phantasmal Wing Synchronous Dragon!

Accelerate homology! ! ! "

Jack: "!?"

Is this really going to accelerate the rhythm of running?

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