Antinomi got his wish and played a game with Youxing, and all his confusion and doubts seemed to have been answered in this game.

Z-ONE God seems to be quite satisfied with Yuxing's performance. Although most of his face was hidden under the cold steel mask, through the only blue and old eye, You Yu believed that he still saw a hint of approval.

After that, they seemed to have nothing to explain for the time being. Z-ONE only said that their preparations for this super-dimensional contest are about to enter the final stage, and they may announce the latest relevant information at any time recently, so that everyone will always pay attention to it, even if they disappeared with Antinomi.

It is conceivable that for a large-scale event of this scale, the preparatory work that needs to be done on the Z-ONE side is also extremely large.

They need to promote the competition in different time and space at the same time in different dimensions, and draw the strong from all time and space to this time and space competition.

Such a huge project, it should be possible that only the "Tai One" that has existed since ancient times and runs through all the time and space dimensions of mankind can be done.

Z-ONE did not specify how long it will take before the start of the game, but You Yu decided that this time should not be wasted.

First of all, the special training of the 5DS protagonist team still has to continue. Do not pursue any qualitative improvement of the protagonists before the start of the game, at least let them see as many new routines as they have not seen before, and try to broaden their horizons, so that afterwards, any strange routines encountered on the field will not be caught off guard.

In addition, You Yu feels that since it is the ultimate feast for all the powerhouses in the super dimension, it must be the role of the card guys.

Let the duelists of the heavens and worlds understand the way they have never imagined playing cards!

Of course, Z-ONE welcomes as many strong players as possible to participate, but of course it also restricts the strong players.

After all, the range of contestants in this duel is the duel of the heavens and the world, and the range is too wide and there are too many people. Although theoretically speaking, the more duelists participate, the faster the circuit will be drawn, but no matter how the capacity of the game is limited, there is always an upper limit on the number of participants.

So in order to draw the circuit faster and better, they can only try to choose excellent and powerful duelists to compete-it is best to have a background and a background in the ability.

For example, pharaoh priests, Tyrannosaurus rex sealers, etc., playing cards can cause the collapse of the heaven and earth vision space, such a big player's card game circuit can be drawn quickly.

It is certainly not possible for all players to participate, and there are still only a few who may be eligible to participate. Moreover, their current level is certainly not enough, and they also need to be greatly strengthened.

You Yu already had an idea about this.

When You Yu officially announced the holding of the inter-dimensional contest and the news spread, all the card players were boiling!

This is an unprecedented scale competition that has never appeared in the history of animation. It is an opportunity to compete with legendary duelists of the past!

And not only that, there must be a lot of experience and rewards for such a huge competition. Winning a place in such a competition not only brings glory and exposure, but also an opportunity to rise to the sky in one step!

And just as the news detonated, when the sand sculptures rushed to announce that they were very excited, You Yu immediately threw a new blockbuster.

Super-dimensional WRGP contest special event, epic discount at Youyu Store!

Not only that, You Yu also launched several new card pools that have never appeared in the store before, including some new card groups that are very powerful for players!

Among them, there are many decks that You Yu used to use in the past, but they have been gradually eliminated over time, and they can be taken out and put on the store now.

Of course, even if it is listed in the store, not everyone is eligible to buy it. After all, You Yu's purpose is only to strengthen the players who participate in WRGP, and his inventory is limited, it is impossible to raise the players' overall level by himself in such a short period of time.

Therefore, before the official start of the game, these days he also held a small-scale screening game among the players.

WRGP qualifiers!

The qualifiers are divided into two stages. The first stage is a hierarchical system, with a total of ten levels from 1 to 10, with a time limit of two days. Participating players are randomly matched and played against each other, and the winning streak reaches a certain number of matches to advance, and the losing streak will be downgraded. Only players who reach the full level ten within two days are eligible to advance to the second stage.

The point system is used in the second stage. Players who advance to the second stage are randomly matched against each other. The winner will get points, and the loser will be taken away. At the end of the time, the top 20 players with the highest scores will be authorized to participate in the WRGP official competition.

As you can imagine, the competition is fierce for players.

In fact, in the first stage, it is already somewhat difficult to reach level ten. You Yu made a special calculation. In just two days, even if you spend two whole days without sleep, you still have to maintain a considerable victory to reach the target. If you have a little more negative field, you may miss the second stage.

Needless to say the second stage. The points earned by the players are all grabbed from their opponents. If someone scores points, someone will lose points. The competitiveness is even more conceivable.

But even if it fails to advance, the game itself is very tempting to players.

Because all of the WRGP special card pools opened in You Yu's store are only open to players who advance to the second stage.

And the strength of the discount is directly linked to the player's points. The higher the points players earn in the qualifiers, the greater the discount they can enjoy.

Someone has calculated that if you are strong enough to be in the top 20 of the qualifiers, you can even enjoy a 90% OFF discount only during the game!

With such a huge discount, even one round of WRGP tour will definitely make blood!

So in the next few days, the card guys called a sword, light and sword, blood flowed into a river, fighting to lose the color of the world and the sun...

At the same time, President Haima was obviously and somewhat uncontrollable at the beginning.

A decisive battle that all time and space experts will participate in Does it mean that... "that guy" will also appear?

Ah, play ↑ play↓!

Sure enough, you and I are destined! Never get rid of the fate of fighting!

......And so are you, swim ↑ Yu↓!

The account between us, went to the WRGP arena and broke off again!

Waiting for the opening of the game these days, You Yu didn't even dare to stand too close to the president. I don’t know if it’s an illusion, as long as he has his back to the president, he always feels that he is staring at him with sharp eyes behind him.

Fortunately, such days did not last long.

Within a few days, the nominal organizer of the contest issued an official announcement to contestants all over the world.

The WRGP competition will officially open in two days!

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