I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 1474: Shining miracle

[Turtle is a bad beast, attack power is 2200]

Ten generations:"......"

Unexpectedly, the turtles and bad beasts that once showed great power and deceived countless people in the hands of Ten Generations would one day eat back to their own court, even his own monsters.

Ten generations of people in the past did not feel that when they took the turtle pit, they would only find out after being caught by the turtle pit. This thing is really a bit underworld.

My **** Xin Yuxia, I just changed one out of six, QAQ...

Judai looked at the turtles on his field, and couldn't help but feel pain.

So Ed is the power of your destiny hero? Why doesn't it feel right...

"It's not over yet!" Ed waved his hand, "I removed...seven cards from the cemetery from the game!"

Ten generations:"???"

The cards in Ed's cemetery flew out one by one from the cemetery. Disc Man, Demon Man, Antitopian Man, Increment Man, Bionic Man, Gorefiend D, Twin Man, a total of seven cards in succession turned into golden lights and disappeared outside the whirlpool of different dimensions.

what's the situation?

Seven cards in the cemetery? Exclude except to say? Is this really not a foul?

What can this summon?

"By removing the seven dark monsters from the cemetery from the game, let's descend here now——

——Ultimate Jade God·Rainbow Dark Dragon! ! ! "


Shidai's eyes widened and everyone was stupid.


The dark body seems to run through the sky, and the dragon stands between heaven and earth! The seven-color rainbow light seems to have been covered by a dark filter, and the darkness lingers around the body of the Shenlong, the power that bursts beyond the dimension, shaking the sky and the earth!

[Ultimate Jade God·Rainbow Dark Dragon, Attack Power 4000]

The ultimate jewel god? Isn't that John's monster?

And is it the dark version?

Is this also the destiny hero of Edxin?

Ten generations: ignorant. JPG.

By the way, during the WRGP regular season, John seems to be Ed’s teammate...

"Yes, this is the posture that was entrusted to me by John Anderson, the posture derived from Rainbow Dragon." Ed chuckled lightly.

"Oh, yes." Judai smiled, "In other words, does this duel include John's will? Ha, it seems to be getting more and more interesting..."

"Don't rush to get excited, it's not over yet." Ed increased the volume, "You will find a way to deal with this round first."

[Sea Turtle Bad Beast·Gamesiele, Attack Power 2200]

[Ultimate Jade God·Rainbow Dark Dragon, Attack Power 4000]

Indeed, the attack power of the Rainbow Dark Dragon is 1800 higher than that of the Turtle Beast, while the tenth generation has a remaining 1700 life. With this blow passed, the duel will directly end here!

"Fight," Ed waved, "Attack with the "Ultimate Jade God Rainbow Dark Dragon"!"

Darkness gathers in the mouth of the rainbow dragon, and the seven-color rainbow brews, as if the rainbow with a layer of pitch black filter pierces through the space, blasting on the turtle bad beast head-on!

Ten generations solemnly said: "Then I will activate the effect of the'Defense Master' in the cemetery! Excluding the defense master in the cemetery from the game, you can turn the attacking monsters on the field into defense!

That monster will not be destroyed by battle this turn! "

The turtle and the bad beast turned offensive to defend, and the impact of the rainbow dragon slammed on the turtle's hard shell, which seemed to have no effect except for splashing a little debris.

"Really tenacious..." Ed frowned.

"Coincidentally, this is what I want to say." Judai smiled, "Okay! Then it's me again! My round, draw cards!"

The tenth generation glanced at the card in his hand, and immediately revealed it: "I activated the magic card "Monster Recycling"! Return all the cards in my field and hand to the deck and shuffle, and then draw five cards from the deck. !"

The turtle on the field yawned lazily again, and then turned into a golden mang and flew back to the tenth-generation deck. The card group is automatically washed and cut by swiping, followed by five cards ejected from the top one by one.

"I usually summon the'Guardian of the Dragon Sorcerer'!"

[Guardian of the Dragon Sorcerer, Attack Power 1800]

"The effect of the guardian of the dragon demon, when this card is successfully summoned, discard a card from the hand and add a ‘fusion’ magic card from the deck to the hand."

Ten generations discarded a hand card.

"Add the magic card'Displacement Fusion' from the deck to your hand!"

Ten generations waved their hands.

"Then I will launch the magic card'Miracle Touch' from my hand!" Tendai said, "Return the fusion material monsters in your hand, the field, and the graveyard to the deck, and special summon Xinyu fusion monsters regardless of the summoning conditions!

I returned the ‘Elemental Hero·New Universe’ and ‘New Universe·Dark Panther’ from the cemetery to the deck, and touched and merged! "

The new Yuxia and the Dark Panther flew out, turning into two intertwined beams of light and rushing into the Milky Way. A dark beam of light descended from the sky, and the darkness attached to the body of the new Yuxia, transformed into a brand-new posture and descended!

Elemental Hero·Dark New Universe!

[Elemental Hero·Dark New Universe, Attack Power 2500]

"Dark New Universe?" Ed frowned slightly, thinking for a while.

"Elemental Hero·Dark New Universe, if I remember correctly, his effect is once a round, and he can negate the effect of a monster on the opponent's field."

Ed said, and paused.

"But even so, the Rainbow Dark Dragon's attack power is still 4000." Ed said, "Even doing this kind of thing is meaningless, and it can't be defeated by the power of the Dark New Universe."

"I know." Judai smiled.

However, he didn't use this effect at all.

"Then I will launch the quick attack magic ‘contact separation’ from my hand!" Tendai said, "Remove the fusion of the Xinyu Fusion Monster on the field!"

Ed: "?"

Need to be lifted immediately after fusion? What's the point of this?

Ed can't understand it a bit.

"Contact the effect of separation and return the Xinyu Fusion Monster on your field to the extra deck. And if the Fusion Materials needed to fuse that monster are gathered in your deck, you can transfer that set of Fusion Material Monsters from the deck Special call!

Therefore, I return the "Elemental Hero: The Dark New Universe" to the deck and reappear, New Universe! Dark Leopard! "

Seeing that the dark new Yuxia's heels hadn't even stood firm, his figure was split into two again, transformed into the postures of the new Yuxia and the dark leopard respectively, and landed on both sides of the Ten Generations arena.

[Elemental Hero·New Universe, Attack Power 2500]

[New Cosmoman·Dark Panther, 1000 Attack]

"The effect of the new universe man·Dark Leopard!" Tendai waved his hand, "Dark Leopard can choose a monster on the opponent's field once in a round, until the end of the round, it will get the effect of that monster and use it as a card with the same name!

Of course I have to choose, the "Ultimate Jade God Rainbow Dark Dragon" on your court! "

The dark leopard’s eyes clearly reflected the image of the ultimate treasure of jade~www.NovelMTL.com~ the body shape was deformed like slime, rapidly increasing and huge, transforming into a black dragon!

Ultimate Treasure God·Rainbow Dark Dragon-New Universe Edition!

Ed: "?"

Reproduced as a rainbow dark dragon? But what's the point of that...

Ten generations smiled slightly.

"I have a proof of the bond with John." He raised his hand. "Start the magic card'Displacement Fusion' from your hand! Treat the'Elemental Hero New Universe' on the field as the'Ultimate Treasure' The dark panther used by God Rainbow Dark Dragon, merge!"

Ed: "???"

Nani! ?

"The ancient fantasy dragon combines with the heroes from the new universe, and the gathered light turns into a new miracle——

——Elemental Hero·Rainbow Emperor's new Yuxia, summon! ! ! "

Ed: "???"

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