That's right, the future trio, who is the organizer of the WRGP competition, actually went off to participate in the competition in person, and reached the semi-finals all the way.

Anyway, the organizer's next competition was originally the traditional art of Yu-Gi-Oh. It was also the daily operation of Haima President himself.

For their kind of deep card addiction, the most painful thing may be that you organize a group of people to play cards on your own court, and you can only watch from the side.

Then this is impossible to happen.

This may be regarded as a certain sense of Feng Shui turns. I think that President Haima had always been as the organizer to send someone out in person, but he never expected that he would be sent out by the organizer one day...

But in this way, the president was eliminated early, so You Yu and their opponents in the next battle would naturally become the future trio as the organizer.

"Duelists from all dimensions, welcome back!"

The nose commentator stepped onto the rostrum and straightened his bow tie.

"After a long and fierce competition, WRGP is finally coming to an end!

Today, the two sides engaged in the battle are led by Z-ONE players who are also the organizers of the competition, against the team of the original duel Wang Youyu!

This game will also be a battle for qualifications for the WRGP finals, and it will directly determine which side will be able to stand on the top of the field! "

A wave of enthusiasm broke out in the auditorium.

"Now the first round players of both sides have already played!

The starting player of the Z-ONE team is a coherent user who harnesses the power of accelerated coherence, Antinomi!

And the team of the duel Wang Youyu, the first round player is still our hero user, traveling the city for ten generations! "

The ten generations and Antinomie were in their respective positions, and the D round stopped at the starting line.

"Youcheng Ten Dais, the only student in the duel of Wang Youyu, use the power of heroes to bring the duels who hope to create miracles." Antinomi looked sideways at Ten Dais beside him, "I also wanted to fight you a long time ago. Give it a try."

"Ah, is that so? So I'm so famous..."

Judai scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Then let us have a happy gallop together!"

"Duel gallop, speed up!" x2

[Ten generations, LP4000]

【Antinomi, LP4000】

The opening is still a racing session. Of course, there is nothing to say about this link. Antinomi is an expert in accelerating coherence. His delta eagle is known as "faster than light". So far, he has not missed the lead in WRGP.

The Delta Eagle rushed out of the track without a surprise, and Antinomi took the lead.

"Oh, oh so fast!" Tendai couldn't help but said, "I can't keep up at all..."

"I am the first to strike, my turn, draw the card!" Antinomi took the first strike unceremoniously.

This duel was more than a "happy duel" to him.

Although, as a duelist, he really wants to fight against a strong man like Tendai, but he always remembers that he has a mission.

WRGP is coming to an end. Although the speed of loop drawing so far is indeed very impressive, they still underestimated the overall size of the loop.

The game has reached the semi-final stage, and the final will soon be ushered in. But according to the current situation, the entire game ending loop may still not be completed.

So every next duel is very important.

They must excite their full strength in each duel, break through their limits, release unprecedented energy, and accelerate the completion of the circuit!

"I used the magic card'Handbook Obliteration' from my hand." Antinomi said, "All the cards in both hands are discarded, and then the same number of cards are drawn."

The cards in both hands were discarded and replaced, and Antinomi's graveyard immediately withdrew a card.

"Then the magic card'Compensation Boza' that was just dropped to the graveyard, the effect is activated. When this card is dropped from the hand, draw two cards from the deck!"

Draw two more cards, and the gloss flashes on Antinomi's red sunglasses, and he quickly picks another card from his hand.

"I call'Technology · Propeller Snake'!"

[Technology: Propeller Snake, attack power 1300]

"Technology is Propeller Snake, the effect is activated." Antinomi said, "If this card is successfully summoned or Special Summoned, choose a technology of level 4 or lower than the "Technology Genus·Propeller Snake" in your graveyard. Belonging to a'monster,' special summon that monster's effect is negated!

I specially summon the "Technology · Electronic Magician" in the cemetery! "

[Technology belongs to electronic magician, defense force 0]

"Launch the equipment magic'Stupid Burial' from your hand!" Antinomi continued, "Pay 800 HP to attack the monsters in your graveyard as a special summon."

【Antinomi, LP4000→LP3200】

Another card withdrew from the cemetery and was taken out by Antinomi.

"I pay 800 HP to special summon the'Technology Genus Tank Larva' from the cemetery!"

【Technology·Tank Larva, Attack Power 0】

"The effect of the Technological Genus·Tank Larvae," Antinomie said, "When this card is used as the homologous material of the'Technological Genus' homogenous monster, it can be used as an adjusted monster or as a non-adjustable monster!

Therefore, I put the level 4 adjustment monster "Technology · Propeller Snake"! Level 1 "Technology Genus·Tank Larva"! Tune the stars! "


"Remove the limiter, 5 stars! Turn on the regulator! Push the impulse to warm up, OK! Uplink, all pass! GO! Coordinate call! COMEON—

—Technology is a super librarian! ! "

【Science and Technology · Super Librarian, Attack Power 2400】

"Oh oh, it appeared all of a sudden, the card drawing tool of the synchronic summoning!" Ten generations remembered this monster.

"The effect of the Technological Genus·Tank Larva! If this card is sent to the Graveyard as the sync material of the'Technical Genus' homogenous monster, special summon a'technical token' on the field of attack!

Come on, technology is a derivative! "

[Technology is a derivative, 0 attack power]

"In addition, there is the'Technology genus·Electronic Magician' on my court!" Antinomi continued, "Take the'Technology genus·Electronic Magician' expressed on the court side as the same as the'Technology genus'. In the case of the homophonic material of the monster, the monster of the "technical genus" in the hand can be used as the homogenous material other than the adjustment!"

"Huh? But the'Technology Genus·Electronic Magician' was resurrected from the cemetery by your'Technology Genus·Propeller Snake', UU Reading" Ten Generations reminded, "The monster resurrected by this effect, the effect It should be invalidated..."

Antinomi smiled: "'Science and Technology · Electronic Magician' can be in the same tone with the monsters in his hand. It is not a monster effect, but a text outside the effect, which is equivalent to the rules for using this card.

Even if the monster effect is invalidated, the rules still apply. "

Ten generations thoughtfully: "It turned out to be like this..."

"Therefore, I set the level one adjustment monster'Technology Genus·Electronic Magician' on the field, and the rank four'Technology Genus·Assault Rhino' in my hand, adjust the stars!"


"Limiter lifted, 5 stars, propeller warm-up: OK! Uplink, all pass! GO! Coordinated call! COMEON! Coordinated adjustment—

—Technology is the guardian of the stars! "

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