I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 218: Olihagang's enchantment

"The name of the card I declared is, "Olihagang's Enchantment". If you have this card in your hand, please throw it away all!"

Bourbon looked at the card in his hand, his expression grimace for a while.

He gritted his teeth and quickly abandoned the card in his hand to the cemetery.

Olihagang’s enchantment, Doma organized a field magic. This magic card not only has a powerful effect like a fake card in a duel, but also contains extremely terrifying dark power.

As long as this field magic is activated, the two parties in the duel can't get away from it before the outcome is decided. And in the enchantment of Olihagang, the souls of the defeated people will be sucked away.

The nature of Olihagang is different from ordinary dark games. This card is more similar to a medium, lending a certain extremely high-level dark power to the duelist who uses it for a short time through the power of the enchantment card. .

Therefore, You Yu speculates that when Olihagang's enchantment is launched in a duel, the user should also gain extremely powerful "power" at that moment, and the duel's level may also soar in one breath.

...But Olihagang’s enchantment also has a hidden passive effect of daily complaints among Yu-Gi-Oh players, that is, whoever uses who loses...

This has nothing to do with dark power, duel level and other attributes. It feels like a seahorse can’t beat the game and belongs to the rules of the world.

Throughout the entire animation work, everyone who has used "Olihagang's enchantment" has lost.

Even Wang Yang didn't believe in evil for a while, and Tietou had to try his protagonist's halo or Olihagang's Debuff which was more powerful, but it turned out that Debuff was more powerful.

So Wang Xiang used Olihagang's barrier, and then he also lost...

In the dim shadow of the building, in the aisle on the second floor, three people were standing side by side on the edge of the railing, condescending to observe the duel.

These three are Rafiru, Barong, and Ameruda, known as the "Three Musketeers of Thomas", and they have the highest status only under the leader's posture in the entire organization.

"This duel king is very powerful." Barong Chu said by the railing, tilting his head and dragging his cheeks. Driven into desperation..."

"Not only that, he has even prepared the strategy for the'Olihagang's enchantment'." Ameruda, a handsome young man with red hair in a trench coat, said, "It's almost as if he had already Knowing the existence of'Olihagang's enchantment' is the same."

Rafiru, a fair-haired, sturdy elephant-like duelist, also squinted his eyes at this time: "Duel Wang Youyu, it looks like a worthy opponent."

"Are you okay, Rafiru?" Barong turned his head and asked casually, "Your little brother looks like he will be killed in a second? Isn't this already driven into desperation?"

"It's okay." Rafiru was expressionless, "Bourbon is not a duelist who will be defeated at this level. He who has obtained the power of Olihagang is indeed among the strong now, and he will not be so. It simply fell down."

Things are exactly as he said. Although You Yu's mental breakdown is a bit disturbing, but Bourbon also has a remedy.

"Activate a magic card from your hand-Feather of the Phoenix God!"

The magic card appeared in front of Bourbon, with burning flames and crimson feathers on the card map.

"By discarding a card in my hand, I can return a card in the graveyard to the top of the deck." Bourbon grinned, and a card was returned from the duel plate graveyard. "Of course I chose,'Oh Lihagang's enchantment'!"

Inserting the card back to the top of the deck, Bourbon followed and started laughing.

"Although I don't know how you learned about Olihagang's existence, since you are so afraid of this power, let you open your eyes!" Bourbon laughed and took out another card in his hand. "You must think that even if'Olihagang's enchantment' is recovered, it will take the next round to be drawn to me, right?

Wrong! I will use this card next-Boza of Heaven! Both players will draw cards from the deck until the hand is filled with six cards! "

You Yu frowned slightly.

Sure enough, can't avoid that card?

After drawing six cards in his hand, he was placed back to the "Enchantment of Olihagang" at the top of the deck, and naturally returned to Bourbon's hands.

"This time it is really coming, the power bestowed by the great Olihagang God!" The Bourbon expression was as pious as a pilgrim believer, "The magic of the venue is activated-Olihagang's enchantment!"

When the card was placed in the duel area, the majestic energy visible to the naked eye burst out with the Bourbon as the center, and the momentum was as if the grandson family exploded.

The green energy swept across like waves, and the circular circle opened from the soles of the bourbon feet, quickly engulfing both sides in the war, drawing the trajectory of the six-pointed star on the ground.

Bourbon's eyes turned scarlet, and the circle above his head became more and more dazzling.

You Yu could feel his aura suddenly increased by more than one level, and it felt as if he had become a high-level duelist in an instant.

No wonder so many people can't resist Olihagang's temptation. This kind of counter-intuitive soaring strength is just like those of the evil spirits in martial arts, and it can make people instantaneous.

You Yu spent so much effort and had so many elven cards in his pocket before he reached level 7. Any passerby could launch "Olihagang's Enchantment" and he could soar to the same level or even higher in one breath. Level, no wonder so many people are willing to take refuge in Doma.

Of course, no matter how powerful this enchantment is, You Yu himself still respects Bumin.

After all, whoever loses...

"Hahahaha! With this power, I am now omnipotent! From this moment on, this will be a duel between our two souls!" Bourbon began to swell again, "I summon the captain who cuts into the enemy line. '!"

The third captain in armor appeared on the field with a sword swinging his waist straight and striking.

However, the captain was immediately captured by Olihagang's evil power after his appearance. He snorted, his eyes turned scarlet like a demon, and Olihagang's six-pointed star mark appeared on his forehead.

"The effect of Olihagang's enchantment!" Bourbon said, "The attack power of all the monsters on our field is increased by 500 points!"

[The captain who cuts into the enemy line has an attack power of 1200→Attack power of 1700]

The 500-point increase in attack power of the monsters in the game is actually quite the top. To use the most typical analogy, if you add 500 attack power to the black magician, his strength can directly soar to the level equivalent to a blue-eyed white dragon, which shows its importance...

"The captain who cuts into the enemy line, the effect is activated! When the summoning is successful, I will special summon a warrior-type monster below four stars from my hand!"

Bourbon showed another hand.

"Come on, command the knight!"

The female knight in a large cloak fell on his field, with a golden scabbard hanging around her waist, her heroic appearance. But soon after she appeared on the stage, she was also controlled by Olihagang's power, and her expression became hideous and evil.

[Command the knight, attack power 1200 → attack power 1700]

"It's not over yet, the effect of commanding knights!" Bourbon shouted, "As long as there is a commanding knight, the attack power of all warrior monsters on your side will increase by 400!"

[The captain who cuts into the enemy line has an attack power of 1700→Attack power of 2100]

[Command the knight, attack power 1700 → attack power 2100]

"It's not over yet!" Bourbon drew another card from his hand, "Magic Card-Su Sheng of the Dead! Resurrect the ‘captain who cut into the enemy’s line’ in the cemetery!"

The symbol of life from ancient Egypt appeared, and a vortex of chaos opened up on the ground. The captain who had just left the field in the last round immediately appeared from the vortex and returned to the field panting heavily.

[The captain who cuts into the enemy line has an attack power of 1200→Attack power of 1700→Attack power of 2100]

"Then this card," Bourbon snorted, "Permanent Magic Card-United Army! For every warrior or magician monster on your field, the attack power of the warrior monster increases by 200!

There are three fighters in my field, so the attack power is increased by 600 points! "

[The captain who cuts into the enemy line has 2100 attack power → 2700 attack power] x2

[Command the knight, attack power 2100 → attack power 2700]

"The first is the captain who cuts into the enemy line and attacks the'Elemental Hero Thunder Giant'!"

The first captain flew out and slammed with the sword high up, slashing the golden giant with a single sword, and exploded with a loud "boom".

【You Yu, LP4000→LP3850】

However, after the explosion, the Thunder Giant was still there.

"Nani?" Bourbon was shocked. "Why?"

"Trap card,'halved without breaking'." You Yu pointed to the trap opened by his feet.

A transparent spherical protective shield protected the Thunder Giant in the middle, completely unable to shake that layer of defense.

"During this round, monsters that have been halved without breaking protection will not be destroyed by battle, and their battle damage will also be halved."

"Cut, then the second shot!" Bourbon shouted, "The captain who cuts into the enemy's line, attack the guardian of the dragon wizard!"

The second captain rushed forward and slashed with his sword. The knight tried to lift the spear and tried to defend, but was completely helpless under the gap of attack power, and the spear and the man were split into two halves.

【You Yu, LP3850→LP2950】

"Keep fighting!" Bourbon shouted, "Command the knight, attack the Thunder Giant again!"

The female knight who was restrained by the power of Olihagang shot forward, and the blade was unsheathed, passing through the protective shield that wrapped the Thunder Giant.

Although it doesn't hurt much, it's better than nothing.

【You Yu, LP2950→LP2700】

You Yu raised his arms and took a half step back under the impact, but then straightened up indifferently, as if he didn't care about the reduction in health.

"Hahahaha this way, the scene is reversed!" The reverse transfer of the scene, Bourbon, has further expanded.

Quick Attack Magic-Shield Wall Launched! This card can summon four shield wall tokens in defense mode on your field! Animation card)

The magic card emerged, and a monster in the shape of four walls appeared in the monster field area, blocking the two captains and the commanding knight on the bourbon field.

In this way, there are seven monsters on the Bourbon field!

"This is the ultimate ability of Olihagang! As long as Olihagang's enchantment is on the field, the player's monster zone and magic trap zone are mutually common, and monsters can also be summoned at the location of the magic trap zone!

and! When there are monsters in your monster area, the opponent cannot attack the monsters placed in the magic trap area! "

This is the main reason why Olihagang's enchantment is called a fake card by players.

Compared with the ability of "all monsters to increase attack power by 500", the latter effect is even more perverted.

With this effect, this means that any card group can place cards with strong interference capabilities and need protection in the magic trap area to act as a guard, and then set up a meat shield to block the gun in the monster area.

Take the hero deck analogy. With Olihagang’s enchantment, you can arrange an "Elemental Hero·Absolute Zero" as a physical shield at the forward position, and then stand a "Masked Hero·Dark Claw" at the back position.

As long as there is a dark claw, all the cards sent by the opponent player to the cemetery are excluded, and there is a certain amount of interference in the retrieval of the deck and the acceleration of the card draw.

Then, if the opponent wants to destroy this big dark claw, they have to first remove the Absolute Zero Degree who is blocking the dark claw.

Then the problem comes again. No matter what position Absolute Zero leaves the field, all the monsters on the opponent's field will be destroyed...

This is just a simple analogy, but it is also enough to see the impact of Olihagang's enchantment.

And now the three warrior monsters of Bourbon are in the guard position. To defeat these three monsters, You Yu must first break through the defense lines of the four "shield wall tokens".

"Then there is this card!" Bourbon flipped out another magic card, "Quick Attack Magic-The Reclusive Poison! This card can choose to inflict 800 damage on the opponent or restore 1200 LP. I choose. ....."

Here Bourbon hesitated a bit and checked the situation on the court.

He has 1,000 LP left, and the other party still has 2,700 points...

"...I choose to restore 1200LP."

[Bourbon ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although he doesn't say anything, he is still facing a lot of pressure from You Yu. Rather than hurting You Yu, a mouthful of blood first made him feel more secure.

1200 points of LP, enough to carry a knife.

"My round is over." Bourbon sneered arrogantly. "Although enjoy your last round, Duel King."

One of the three Dorma swordsmen who watched the battle from a high place, Barong couldn't help but give his praise: "Hey, your horse is doing well."

"This is the power of Olihagang." Ameruda said blankly, "it can give any ordinary duelist the taboo power to counterattack the strong. Only such power can lead this dirty world to move toward. right direction."

"It's really good." Rafiru hugged his arms, his tone was calm, "For Bourbon, it can be considered to have exceeded his limit... But so far it is almost done. ."

After a pause, he said lightly: "Bourbon lost."

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