I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 226: 1 shot satisfied

boom! ! !

Jushuo's fist fell, like a mountain collapsed and the ground cracked. The god, blessed by Olihagang's power, smashed the earth with a punch, and the blue impact exploded like water waves, and even the ground sank for a while.

A smoke screen soaring into the sky was rolled up between the streets, and the thick smoke flowed irregularly and diffused. Obelisk's punch seemed to smash the space itself. If it weren't for the constraints of the rules of the game of "duel monsters," no one could imagine the power of a god's blow.

Such a blow is enough to turn any living creature into ashes.

"You...You Yu!" Nanmu manager was the first to call out.

The big men of Nightcrawler also held their breath one by one, staring at the fluttering smoke screen unblinking.

Even the vampire Quinn bit her lip and was worried about her new owner. It is clear that she lost to You Yu in the dark game. If You Yu died, she would lose her creditor. From then on, freedom can be restored.

But of course, there is a common law in all heavens and all realms, there is smoke but no harm.

As the smoke cleared, You Yu stood still in place of course, but his aura was a little messy.

His masked hero, Lightfang, is still standing in this half, but his appearance is a bit embarrassed, no longer the easy-going and carefree appearance before.

【You Yu, LP450】

"What!?" Gaspar was shocked, "Why is there left in the LP? Why is your monster still not destroyed? You should have become a victim of the smashing of the fist..."

"Because I activated this card." You Yu pointed to his side, "Trap card-halving is not broken. During this turn, a monster on the field will not be destroyed by battle, and the damage caused by battle will be halved."

At first glance, the defensive performance of this trap does not seem to be strong. However, if it is replaced with an attacking weakening, sacred protective cover-reflection mirror power, magic tube, etc., You Yu is already a corpse at the moment. NS.

Because traps are ineffective to gods, none of the above traps can stop Obelisk's attack.

However, the non-breaking effect is halved. "A monster on the field is not destroyed by battle", which affects your own monster. "The damage caused by the battle is halved." The target is battle damage.

And unlike the traps mentioned above, this card does not say that it must be activated when the opponent attacks, so it is not afraid of being blown away by the opponent in advance. And the effect of "combat damage halved" can also help lock the blood to activate the skills, it is not too easy to use.

And sometimes I can lie to the other party to set up some weird FLAG...

"Hmph, my round is over." Gaspar said with disdain, "Even if you have survived this round of attacks, your health will already be like a candle in the wind! You will become a magic fist anyway in the next round. The smashed souls!"

...Look, this tactic is not successful?

Through the limit of blood lock to lure the opponent to say the forbidden sentence that can not be said, and win the duel. This wave of Youyu feels that he should be in the atmosphere.

450 blood, there was a phantom **** on the opposite field, and the button of "Fate Draw Card" was naturally lit up at this moment.

Then of course, You Yu is not welcome here, and he directly starts the life draw: "My turn, draw the card! Start the magic card from the hand-the life-cutting Boza! The card will be drawn from the deck until the hand is filled with five cards. , All hands are discarded in the preparation phase after five rounds.

Then there is the magic card-angel's charity, draw three cards, and discard any two cards in the hand to the graveyard. "

After a wave of extreme draws, You Yu couldn't help but smile when he saw the card drawn in his hand.

Gaspar couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he saw his expression.

Could it be that he can come back in such an absolutely unfavorable situation?

I am a **** blessed by the power of Olihagang! Can he reverse this situation?

...I said so, but after all, the opposite is the duel king, a duel that surpassed the imagination of others more than once.

At this time, these days, the looting in the Gurus warehouse was continuous...Ah no, after the stolen goods were seized, the results obtained were reflected.

You Yu said that we not only have to add banned cards, but we also have to add the animated version of the epic enhanced version of the banned cards!

"Perpetual Magic Card-The Surviving Boza is launched!"

The magic card card appeared in front of him. It was the card used by the courier leader Malik who ran all the way to find him to play cards with the sky dragon.

It's just that Malik used a fake card at that time, and now You Yu finally got the genuine one after washing it in the warehouses of Gurus.

"The surviving treasure is the perpetual magic that can draw three cards from the deck whenever there is a monster in the graveyard resurrected on the field."

The NPCs are okay, the players exploded directly.

"What is WDNM?"

"Don't the surviving Boza draw a card every time a monster is resurrected in his cemetery? And even that is a banned card for ten thousand years..."

"Drawing three is too much, right?"

The players' reactions were expected, and You Yu only smiled slightly.

... Brothers, don't be anxious.

It's fast, fast forward... as long as you can afford it.

You Yu showed the next hand card: "Magic Card, O-Transcend Soul! Resurrect an elemental hero in the cemetery. I will resurrect the "Elemental Hero·Electric Man"!"

The Dianguang Man who entered the cemetery as a fusion material shouted and returned to the court, even posing POSE to show off his muscles, releasing a dazzling and eye-catching electric light.

Although compared to the fantasy **** on the opposite side of the field, he is about a trash fish, but it doesn't matter.

After all, the so-called hero is the kind of time when even if you know you are going to lose, you have to go.

"Because the monsters were resurrected from the cemetery, I draw three cards from the deck." You Yu drew three cards, and continued to operate, "Magic Card-Susheng of the Dead! Resurrect the monsters in the cemetery!"

"Huh, a needless struggle." Gaspar sneered. "Even if the dead are used to resurrect, there is no monster that can defeat Obelisk in the cemetery..."

You Yu said calmly: "The monster I want to resurrect is... the'Hero of Destiny Disc Man' in the cemetery!"


The audience was surprised again, this time mainly the players.

...When did You Yusang even start with Heroes of Destiny?

Is this going to achieve the achievement unlocked by Yu-Gi-Oh’s all heroes?

The only official designated hero-specialized duelist?

And the disciple... is also a banned card!

The effect of Disc Man was weakened by the consortium K because it was too perverted, but of course the version you have here is not castrated.

"The disciple effect, when the resurrection from the cemetery is successful, the player draws two cards from the deck. Then the effect of the Perpetual Magic-The Surviving Boza, I draw three more."

Gaspar was still stiff: "Huh, no matter how many cards are drawn..."

After all, he didn't go on.

It may be because seeing You Yu’s hand with as many as ten cards at this time feels a bit uncomfortable, or it may be that he feels that his forehead has been filled with various flags, and then he continues to be stubborn. Will die miserably...

The tenth card was added to the hand, and You Yu looked at Gaspar and smiled.

"Olihagang's enchantment is indeed very powerful, and it does allow people to gain the power to control the gods for a short time... but you don't think this is costless, do you?"

Gaspar frowned. "What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that the cost of angering God is very high. You should be aware of it." You Yu said, slowly withdrawing a card from his hand, "I put the'Masked Hero Lightfang' on the field. ,'Elemental Hero·Denlight Man','Destiny Hero·Disc Man'...Three heroes as sacrifices!

Run through the underworld and reality, and show up in the chaos of the sky!

The **** of the underworld! Osiris' Sky Dragon! "

The white whirlwind engulfed the bodies of the three heroes, their bodies decomposed into golden light and merged into the skylight beam.

The dark clouds blasted the thunder, and the fire-colored beam of light blasted down with an energetic impact.

The flaming red wings spread out from it, and the red dragon tossed its body, opening its huge mouth and let out a dull roar like thunder.

[Osiris’ Sky Dragon, Attack Power is 9000]

Gaspar paled with fright.

"O...Osiris' Sky Dragon...attack power is 9000!?"

This is so open!

[The giant soldier of Obelisk, with an attack power of 4500]

The sky dragon was slowly falling right now, hovering in front of the giant soldier, and it seemed to be a little taunting while uttering a dragon chant.

Yo, buddy, what's the matter with you? Why are you so humiliated?

The Giant God Soldier yelled angrily~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although You Yu didn't understand it, but the blind guess might be saying, "Laughing at you with a big ghost, please help me!"

So he certainly doesn't have much ink here: "Osiris! Free Obelisk from Olihagang's curse! Superconducting wave-thunder cannon!!!"

The sky dragon opened its huge mouth, and the impact of the white light beam with lightning struck the giant soldier's body violently.

The sturdy body of the giant soldier was shattered by this colleague's beam, and Osiris's divine power gradually penetrated into his huge body with the spreading impact.

The body was gradually filled, and the erosion of Olihagang was also dissipated under the supernatural power of the sky dragon. The giant soldier closed his eyes, took the shot vainly, and dissipated contentedly and left the field.

He is satisfied, but someone is unhappy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

【Gaspar, LP2900→LP0】

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