I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 286: Are you a bigwig?

"Elf...the world?" You Yu was stunned. "Is that the world on your side?"

"Yeah." said the black magician girl, "it feels right!"

"But didn't you say that I can't come to the elves world?" You Yu asked.

"Yes, yes!" The black magician girl nodded.

"So why am I coming in now?"

"......do not know!"

You Yu: "......"

Well, you know that asking her is for nothing.

Looking at her white and big appearance, one should be able to think that she must know nothing. After all, God is fair. Every time his old man opens a window, he must close a door.

The elf girl has such a big breast, are you envious?

Don't be envious, the brain is used as a sacrifice, summoned by the superior.

But this is also good. Biri said that because she is very confused, this black magician girl in her own family has always been very good and obedient.

But in this way, You Yu also knows why the chestnut ball is also an entity—this is not the chestnut ball in his deck, but the wild one that lives in the elves world.

Then he looked at the little silver-haired loli in front of him: "Then...Are you also an elf?"

In principle, since it is in the world of elves, it must be all elves. However, You Yu did not have a deep impression of this little white-haired Lolita. He vaguely thought that he might have seen it, but after thinking about it, he couldn't remember which card it was...

The girl nodded again.

I don't know if she is still unwilling to speak. In short, the only way for her to convey information seems to be nodding and shaking her head.

A three-no loli with no mouth, no heart, no expression.


Li Ziqiu expressed his own unique opinions again, and then flew out of the arms of that Lolita girl, and touched You Yu's face affectionately.

You Yu: "?"

This feels a little weird. It was the first time I saw this chestnut ball when I first came to the world of elves. However, it behaved so kindly that it even made You Yu suspect that this was not the reincarnation of the cat who was raised in the previous life.

Could it be that the lethality of Charisma 95 has surpassed the species and is even effective on chestnut balls?

Then this is too strong. If this is the case, You Yu feels that his handsomeness should be included in the category of super powers...

The black magician girl pouted her little mouth on the side, a little unhappy.

Even I have never rubbed against my master like this!

Everyone is elves, obviously I came first!

The silver-haired girl stepped forward, tugged at the corner of You Yu's clothes, and pointed to the side.

Looking at her, You Yu seemed to understand.

Is this to let yourself follow her?

I don't understand the situation for the time being, but it doesn't look like this girl is wicked, plus "the person who likes chestnut ball is definitely not a bad person", You Yu decided to keep up.

What's more, what's wrong with the white-haired loli who doesn't even have a meter and five?

Can you still greedy my body?

Li Ziqiu seemed to find himself a good seat. It lay comfortably on top of You Yu's head, yelling "Kuri Kuri", just staying there.

The black magician girl followed You Yu with her small staff in both hands, squinting from time to time to peek at the fluffy little guy on her master's head.

......so envious!

The silver-haired girl remained silent throughout the whole process, only silently leading the way.

They walked to the front left for a while, and then turned to the left. The grassland gradually disappeared from both sides, and a lifeless valley appeared in front of it.

The only ray of sky was exposed from the top of the valley. But the sky was covered by heavy gray clouds, and it seemed lonely and desolate. The scenery in the long valley is the same, dull and boring.

Halfway through, You Yu suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Master," the black magician girl hurriedly jumped up from the end of the line, raised her staff and blocked it in front of You Yu, "Someone is coming!"

"Well, I noticed."

You Yu frowned.

All kinds of shadows began to appear all around, and ill-intentioned eyes gathered together.

Dark shadows gradually emerged from every corner, surrounding a few people from all directions.

If you look closely, many of them, You Yu, actually recognize it.

For example, sea scale snakes, high tide murlocs, blue-winged strange birds, wilderness raptors, imps, etc., are all low-star mortal bones.

The leader is also the "half fish beast" that You Yu has fought against before. At level 6, but with an attack power of 2,400, it should be considered a relatively powerful monster among the mortal bones.

But at this time, the group of mortal bones seemed to be eyeing them, one by one showing their fangs with a fierce light, and the few people seemed to become delicious after-dinner dishes in the eyes of these monsters.

The black magician girl carefully guards her master behind her, while secretly assessing whether she can handle them all. Although her card face attack power is higher than most of the monsters in front of her, but at the same time, she has to face so many and more importantly, she must protect the owner's safety. To be honest, the girl has no confidence.

However, there does not seem to be a chance for her to perform today.

The little silver-haired girl walked up to the group of beasts blankly, and stopped in front of the lineup of monsters. The petite body formed a sharp contrast with the beasts of tall horses. .

However, the monsters with fangs and claws were really shocked. The girl took two steps forward, and the first few monsters subconsciously took two steps back. You look at me and I look at you. In the end, it was unanimously decided that the most powerful "half fish beast" among them would come forward. Handle.

To be fair, although this half-fish beast is not a high-star among the monsters, his panel attack power is as high as 2400, which is equivalent to a legendary true red-eyed black dragon. Its strength is still quite powerful.

However, the half-fish beast came up and roared at the silver-haired girl. The sound wave made the girl’s silver hair flutter in the wind. UU reading www.uukanshu.com shook the surrounding rocks as if they were buzzing and mourning. .

The girl's hair was flying, but she was still expressionless. She only looked up at the roaring beast with her little head up, without blinking her eyes.

The half-fish beast screamed and stared at her fiercely. At first, she was in a posture that she was about to swallow her alive when she said nothing, but somehow her body became more and more awkward, and finally her neck retracted unconsciously, and her whole person seemed soft.

In the end it roared like a cruel word, and then left without saying a word, without even bringing its head back.

A group of younger brothers followed, watching the eldest brother run away after pretending to be. After a while, he suddenly woke up, and quickly turned his head one by one and ran away, all of a sudden, without even a ghost. Leftover.

The silver-haired girl continued to lead the way, without moving her eyelids from beginning to end, as if nothing had happened.

You Yu couldn't help but take a look at her with admiration.

This loli...Isn't she still a bigwig in the elves world? </div>

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