I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 385: Goddess' holy sword

Chapter 388 Goddess' Sacred Sword

"ShiningShoot!!!" Like a silver projectile tearing through the night, the hero wrapped in high-tech armor dived at high speed, and the open wings behind him dragged two long fluorescent trails! This blow will complete the lore! Rafiru gritted his teeth, but still did not give up: "Launch the magic card from the cemetery-buried god's relief!" (animation card) passers-by were once again shocked: "launch the magic card from the cemetery!?" "Buried the **** When the opponent attacks, the five cards in the cemetery can be excluded from the game!" Rafiru said, "The opponent's attack is invalid, and the battle phase is forced to end!" The magic card is empty. A shadow appeared behind him, accompanied by four other cards—all of them seemed to be discarded to the graveyard in the first round. The five cards dissipated under the golden light one after another, as if an invisible shield was protecting Rafiru. The flashing flame wing man slammed into it with an indomitable momentum, and exploded the strong light and smoke with a "boom" explosion. However, when the light dissipated, the invisible barrier still stood firm. "Oh? There are even graves?" Do you dare to believe in the graves of the DM era? And it's the kind of forcibly ending the combat phase. You Yu felt that Rafiru's obsession with "Never send monsters to the cemetery" was more or less understandable...The battle phase was forced to end, and the display on the duel plate automatically switched to Main Phase 2. You Yu thought for a while and drew out three cards in his hand: "Fill three cards, and the round is over." "You can prevent even a mortal blow. It really deserves to be Rafiru." Dark Game hugged him next to him. Nodding slightly with his arm. "Well, but You Yusang didn't take any measures to relax. He must have his own considerations too!" Watch Game looked at the three cover cards in You Yu's backcourt, with an expression of "I know best." At this time, more and more passersby came to watch, and the attention of this duel instantly surpassed the ongoing duels in all other areas of the park. "Both of them are so strong! It's a final-level duel." "Just kidding, anyone who doesn't pay attention to this level of battle will be bombarded and killed?" "..." Rafi Lu didn’t care about the audience’s pointing, and just continued to concentrate: "My turn, draw cards. The first is the Magic Card-Pot of Strong Desire, which allows me to draw two more cards. Then I activate the equipment again. Magic-Gravity Axe·Roar, equip it to Guardian Glar." Gravity fluctuations covered the audience, and the axe that was blown back into his hand fell from the sky again. The lizardman Graar grabbed the axe and yelled at the sky with his head up. [Guardian Glaer, Attack Power 2500 → Attack Power 3000] Rafiru drew a card from his hand, gave a slight movement, and cast a serious look at You Yu. "You Yu, you are one of the most powerful opponents I have ever encountered. There is no doubt about this." He said slowly, "Freed from the shackles of fate that had bound me. Now I have completed the transformation. It takes a hearty duel to prove yourself and find a new direction for yourself. And you are the opponent that matches it. So let me here to give out all that I have now, and call me again The most loyal partners fight side by side!" He inserted the card into the duel plate: "Equip magic, the goddess's holy sword and eagle spirit, equip the'support guardian'!" The holy light was shot from the sky, carrying it. A shining sword fell from the sky and plunged into the floor. "Then when there is a'Goddess Sword Eagle Spirit' on the field, and there are no monsters in the graveyard..." Rafiru raised a card high, the tone suddenly rose, "come again Come on the field and fight side by side with me! Guardian Atos!!!" The elf descended from the sky and came on the field with a goddess-like light. She wears a falcon-like headdress, with huge wings spread out behind her, and countless white feathers are scattered all over the sky like snow. The moment that wings spread out, it seemed to dominate the field with an overwhelming force in an instant! [Guardian Atos, attack power 2500] "Appeared," the dark game said, "Rafiru's ace monster!" Table game: "Well! This is another powerful monster that defeated me!" Dark game : "I..." Rafilu continued: "Then the effect of'Supporting the Guardian', transferring the'Goddess Sword Eagle Spirit' from himself to the Guardian Atos. With the effect of the holy sword, Atos’s attack power increased by 300.” (Animation effect) I saw that the sword stuck on the floor suddenly popped up on its own like a spring, spinning back to Atto. In his hands. Atos held the hilt and swept lightly, and the blade volleyed up an invisible whirlwind. [Guardian Atos, ATK 2500→Attack power of 2800] "Then the effect of Guardian Atos is activated!" Rafiru swept his arm and shouted, "Take the goddess' holy sword on the field. ·Eagle Spirit’s destruction can remove all the monsters in the opponent's graveyard from the game and absorb their power! Until the end of the turn, the attack power of all the monsters in the opponent's graveyard will be added to Atos!" The long sword was horizontally in front of him, and the plain white slender hand drew across the sword lightly, and the blade of the sword suddenly seemed to be enveloped in a faint white brilliance. She held the long sword in her hand high, the blade pointed straight at the sky, and released boundless suction like a magnet. You Yu suddenly felt that the duel plate seemed to be controlled continuously, one after another, one after another, was absorbed from the tomb area, and the heroes’ souls turned into golden beams and flew to the holy sword held by Atos. Above. Among the souls that have merged into the sword blade, one can still see the "dead guardian" who has never appeared in this duel..."Woo, the dead guard, yes Did you give up to the cemetery in the second round?" Rafiru smiled, "This card can negate my attack only once in the cemetery. It is a very safe line of defense. It is a duel king, and the defense is really thoughtful. But it’s a pity that my Athos ability needs to go even further! Athos, absorb the power of all the monsters in the cemetery!" [Guardian Athos, attack power 2500 → attack power 10700] The passersby suddenly exploded. . More than 10,000 attack power! What is this concept? Even the two legendary blue-eyed ultimate dragons can only be tied together in seconds! And not only that! "Because all the'Elemental Heroes' in your graveyard have been excluded from the game, the attack power of the'Flashing Flame Wing Man' has decreased!" Rafiru shouted. [Elemental Hero: Flashing Flame Wing Man, Attack Power 4000→Attack Power 2500] "Followed by Quick Attack Magic-Big Tornado!" Rafiru continued, "This card can only exist in the opponent's magic and trap area with more than three cards It can be activated when the card in the magic trap area is destroyed." "Is one of the three cards selected?" said the game, "If the key defense card can be selected..." He nodded slightly with his arm, "But if it's a real duelist like Rafiru, you can definitely choose the key card!" You Yu couldn't help being speechless when he heard this. The real dueler has a dime relationship with which card he can pick up. Isn’t this just looking at the face... However, Rafiru really didn’t let the game down: "I want to use the'big tornado' The effect of'destroyed...that card!" He pointed to Gevka on You Yu's left hand. The white tornado received instructions, and immediately swooped out like a hungry wolf. The storm couldn't help but grabbed the cover card, rolled the card high in the air, turned it over and tore it to pieces. At this moment, everyone clearly saw that the torn card was a "sacred protective shield-mirror power." "It's amazing!" The game was surprised, "I really picked the key trap all at once..." But Rafiru hasn't finished yet: "Then launch the'Equip Magic-Guardian Shield' again. , Equip the'Support Guardian'! Equipped monsters with increased defense power ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the guardian shield can replace one of the guardian monsters on the field when the guardian monster is destroyed." (animation card) You Yu squinted his eyes: "It's really not leaking..." "With you as your opponent, naturally you have to be in the best state." Rafiru smiled, and then said solemnly, "Fight! Use guards." Atos, attack the'Elemental Hero Flashing Flame Wing Man'!" Atos raised his sword. It was the goddess' sword that had absorbed countless soul power and was enough to cut everything. The value of this card game was represented by a crushing-level attack power of more than 10,000. With a sword, the momentum is like the opening of the world, as if the space itself suppressed the body of the flashing hero from all directions, making him unable to move. Even if the gods are here, it is extremely difficult to carry the power of this sword. This blow is enough to establish the victory! However, at this moment, You Yu waved his arm and shouted: "Open the cover card, trap card, the sacred protective cover-mirror power!" "Nani!?" x10086 saw the cover card open, the sacred shield blue The brilliance of the color covered the audience, and everyone was shocked. "Could the duel king... cover two sacred protective shields!?" "No...no." Rafiru settled, and at a glance, he noticed the position where this sacred protective shield was turned over. , It is precisely in the area on the left hand side of You Yu. This is the sacred protective shield that should have been blown off by him! But obviously, this card was not destroyed by his dragon scroll. Instead, it seemed that the Gevka that was covered in the middle of the Yuyu site disappeared instead. You Yu popped the card in the tomb area and turned it over: "Trap Card-Pseudo Trap. This card is covered on the field. When other trap cards on his field are broken, this card can be destroyed instead." Feiru suddenly said, "Is it destroyed by replacing the'sacred shield' with that card!?"

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