I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 387: Can't help but

Chapter 390

"My turn, draw cards." Rafiru said, "Magic Card-Angel's Charity. Draw three cards from the deck, and then discard the two cards from the hand to the graveyard." Rafiru took a glance after changing his hand. The flashing flame wing man on You Yu field, and the indestructible "Shield of Conspiracy" that protects the flashing flame wing man, can't help but frown slightly. As long as there is that layer of shield, not only can't cause combat damage, but the shield can replace a destruction. This layer of defense still made him feel quite tricky. But he has a countermeasure! "Equip Magic-Demon's Axe!" Rafiru played an equipment card again, "Equip Guardian Glar!" Although the gravity axe was destroyed and went to the graveyard, Rafir's deck is mainly equipped with magic , Naturally there is no shortage of other alternatives. Guardian Glaer picked up this demon-like heavy axe in one hand and squeezed it in his hand. It seemed that although it was not the usual one, it was still okay. [Guardian Glaer, attack power 2500 → attack power 3500] "Attack power surpasses Flash Flame Wing Man." You Yu said lightly, "But you should have not forgotten that the'Shield of Conspiracy' can be ineffective and destroyed in one battle, right? "Of course, so my target was not him from the beginning, but you as a duelist!" Rafiru snorted and played the second card, "Equipped with magic, Meteor Bow-Ye Yan launches!" Also equip'Guardian Glaer'! The attack power of the equipped monster is reduced by 1000, but in exchange, it can directly attack the opponent player!" Another bow appeared in the hands of this strong lizardman warrior, its side effects and The positive benefits brought by the Devil's Axe cancel each other out, but give this powerful guardian the ability to directly attack beyond the monster! [Guardian Glaer, attack power 3500 → attack power 2500] [You Yu, LP2200] "Awesome!" The game could not help but praise, "Ignore the defensive effect of the'Shield of Conspiracy', directly causing damage to the player! "Yes." Dark Game said, "After the first battle between us, Rafiru really grew up. Even without the dark power of'Olihagang's enchantment', he is now better than It must be stronger then!" "Come on, Guardian Glaer!" Rafiru ordered, "Attack You Yu directly!" The lizardman guardian opened the bowstring, and the moment he let go, it seemed to be released. A flaming meteor drew a perfect arc from the high sky, and slammed it straight above You Yu's head! At this moment, You Yu's trap has also been activated: "Open the cover card, the trap card-half is not broken! Choose a monster on the field, that monster will not be destroyed by battle during this round, and the combat damage caused to us will be reduced. Half!" Rafiru frowned: "But what I want to attack you is a direct attack, even if you use this trap..." "That's not necessarily." You Yu shook his fingers and smiled. The object I want to protect with the'halving without breaking' is——Guardian Glaer!" "Nani!?" Not only Rafiru but also the audience were shocked. Use your own traps to protect the opponent's monsters! ? The most professional watch game for traps was the first to react: "That's it! "Half-free" prevents the monster from being destroyed by the battle, and the battle damage caused by the monster's battle is also reduced by half. Here You Yu uses the opponent's monster If you..." "Guardian Glaer's battle damage to You Yu will also be halved." Dark Game held his arms and nodded in approval, "This trick is really beautiful!" Halved The spherical protective shield released without breaking quickly envelops the "Guardian Glaer". This protective shield provides Glaer with a round of invincible resistance, but also weakens his offensive ability, and even what he launches. When the arrow fell in front of You Yu, its power was not as good as before. boom! The arrow of the shooting star exploded in front of You Yu, turning into a gorgeous flame and smoke screen. [You Yu, LP2200→LP950] "There is actually such a method...it is really pretty." Rafiru nodded in admiration with a "stretched" expression on his face. "Place three more cards, and the round is over." "So strong...Both of them are so strong." Said the game, "The strength of these two men is completely different from that of ordinary duelists." And there is one thing. It is really admirable, that is, until now, there is really no monster in Rafiru's cemetery. ...But it may end here soon. "My turn, draw cards!" You Yu said, "Magic Card-Life-Slicing Boza! Cards are drawn from the deck until the hand becomes five cards. After five rounds, all the cards in the hand are discarded in the preparation phase. "Looking at You Yu filling up five cards in one go, Rafiru condensed and held his breath. Is it coming? "Summon Elemental Heroes Skyman!" The sound of the turbine's operation sounded, and a fierce wind was rolled up in the field! A hero in a high-tech suit embraced his arms and slowly fell, his feet hanging in the air, his vision behind the blue eyepieces seemed as sharp as a knife. As soon as this high-tech hero appeared, he immediately aroused the cheers of the players. A group of sand sculptures cheered and jumped like a holiday, shouting "If there are three skies", "being a hero" and so on, they were very emotional for a time. "The effect of the Sky Man." You Yu said, "When the summon is successful, there are several'hero' monsters on the field besides the'Sky Man', and you can choose a few magic trap cards to destroy." Rafiru's eyes flashed and glanced. To the three cover cards at his feet. "Want to rip my backcourt defense line first? It's not that easy!" Rafiru shouted, "Open the cover card, the seal of perpetual trap-crystal! This card can restrain a monster on the opponent's field, that one The monster cannot attack, change the form of expression, and cannot activate the effect! I chose'Elemental Hero·Skyman'!" (Animation card) The crystal barrier rose from the ground, instantly surrounding the skyman from all around. The hurricane rolled up by the turbine behind the Sky Hero suddenly hit the wall, seemingly unable to penetrate the **** of this crystal. Rafiru chuckled: "In this way, the effect of'Elemental Hero Skyman' cannot be activated." "That's not necessarily." You Yu chuckled, and quickly drew another card from his hand, "Quick Attack Magic-False Face change! Send the heroes and monsters on the field to the cemetery, and special summon the masked heroes of the same level. I will send the'Elemental Hero Skyman' to the cemetery, and the mask will transform! Let's cut through the evil with the sharp wind—— ——Masked Hero Gust!" The green whirlwind rolled up and burst out with Sky Man as the center in an instant. The impact of the transforming special effects instantly broke the shackles of the crystal barrier, and turned into a green exoskeleton armor covering the hero's body, and the red scarf fluttered in the wind. [Masked Hero: Rafale, 2200 Attack] "Because Skyman evaded the effect of the'crystal's bondage' by transforming, the effect is effective." You Yu said. Rafiru frowned: "Then you can destroy one of my magic trap cards based on the effects of Sky Man..." But even so, he was not nervous. The two cards he covered in the backcourt, one is the "attack weakening" that can invalidate the attack and forcibly end the battle phase, and the other is the perpetual trap card "Super Gravity Net"-as long as this card exists on the field , All monsters above level 4 cannot attack. No matter which one the opponent destroys, the remaining one is enough to help him through this round... "No." You Yu smiled and shook his fingers, "The effect of'Elemental Hero Skyman' is, According to how many heroes there are on the field besides the sky, you can destroy a few magic and trap cards. Look at how many heroes are on my field other than Skyman?" Rafiru: "Now you play The monsters on board are the'Elemental Hero·Flashing Flame Wing Man' and the'Masked Hero·Gust'..." Rafiru suddenly stopped when he said that, and his face changed drastically. "Could it be that..." "That's right." You Yu said, "Skyman's effect is'can be activated when the summoning is successful', so the moment he is summoned, his effect has already been triggered. Even if his deity goes to the cemetery, it will not affect the activation. But when the Sky Man effect is processed, he has transformed into a "Masked Hero Rafale". So now there are "heroes other than Sky Man" in total. There are two. So, I can choose up to two magic trap cards to destroy on the field. "Unexpectedly, Rafiru, this is the power of the krypton gold hero! You Yu pointed to Rafiru's backcourt. "So those two gavorkas are all destroyed!" The Sky Man who should have entered the cemetery turned into a phantom, and the huge metal hang glider turbine roared behind him! The white whirlwind roared out ~www.NovelMTL.com~ involuntarily tearing the two remaining cards of Rafiru to pieces. "Then it is the effect of the Masked Hero Gust that Skyman has transformed into!" You Yu continued, "Summoned successfully, the attack power of a monster on the field is halved! Reduce the attack power of'Guardian Atos' Half!" The green whirlwind rolled up, and howled engulfing the guardian's body. The angel was faltering, and his power was weakened. [Guardian Atos, attack power 2500 → attack power 1250] "I actually broke through all my defenses..." Rafiru closed his eyes and smiled softly, "It's really beautiful." In fact, You Yu still has another effect of "Masked Hero Rafale" that is not used. Gust can blow a magic trap on the field back to the holder's hand by paying the player's 500 LP points. Of course, Rafiru has no more players. "Fight." You Yu said, "'Elemental Hero Flashing Flame Wing Man', attack'Guardian Atos'!" Like a fluorescent meteor piercing the sky, the metal body of the Flame Wing man burst out, and the engine sprayed behind him. Spit out an invisible tail flame. Atos, who was weakened by the storm, was not the hero's all-in-one enemy at all. In an instant, her body was penetrated, her wings were torn apart, and she was turned into fly ash in mid-air and dissipated. Rafiru calmly closed his eyes and accepted the impact of the three-dimensional image. [Rafiru, LP3000 → LP1750] "Then the effect of the flashing flame wing man." You Yu said, "inflict damage to the opponent player to destroy the monster's attack power value." While speaking, the flashing flame wing man had wrapped his arms and gently When he landed in front of Rafiru, the engine under his feet stirred transparent ripples on the ground. "Atos's original attack power is 2500." Rafiru said calmly, "I lost it." The skill is not as good as the others, so he can't help it. 【Rafiru, LP1750→LP0】

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