I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 418: Star blasting

"Start a trap card from your hand-the intensive force!" A bright red trap card appeared in front of You Yu.

   Surprised by the game: "Start a trap from your hand!?"

   "At the beginning of this round, I gave up two hands with "Angel's Charity", and there was this guy among them."

   You Yu said, a card in the tomb area has been popped out. A hideous phantom appeared behind him, it was the image of a one-eyed monster with claws like steel knives.

   Punishment of Demon Shura!

   is also a gift from Mr. Ma, the boss of Duel City and the chairman of Gurus International Express Group.

   "The round when Shura the executioner is sent to the cemetery, the player can activate the trap card from his hand." (Old version effect)

   Youyu said: "So according to this effect, I activate the trap card-Consolidation of Force from my hand! This card can equip all the face-up equipment on both sides of the field to the same monster."

   Youyu pointed to a cute girl with soft blond hair in front of him.

   "So I transferred the equipment magic on the field-the power of unity to the black magic girl! According to the effect of the power of unity, the black magic girl's attack power increased by 2400!"

  The card moving area of ​​the power of unity appeared behind the black magician girl. The power of the three magical girls was all superimposed on the black magical girl, and the powerful magical powers poured into the girl's body continuously.

  【Black Magic Girl, Attack Power 2000 →Attack Power 4400】

   The black magician girl held her head high, with a small ball-shaped staff across her chest, with a proud look on her face.

   The girl now feels that even if she is a giant soldier of Obelisk, she can also have one staff!

   "Attack power of 4400..." The game was surprised, "Did you transfer the'Power of Unity' to the Black Sorcerer Girl?"

  His three cover cards have all been consumed, but even so, his defense on the field is not easy to break.

   Marshmallow and Green Gear are both defensive expressions, even if they are attacked, they will not cause damage. The magic attacker itself has the effect of protecting the controller from combat damage.

   The only object of attack that Youyu can cause damage to him is the "Mecha Fortress" indicated by the attack. But the mech fortress has 2500 attack power, even if it is broken, it can only cause 1900 damage, and the game's life value is still very abundant with 3000 points, which is completely capable of withstanding this attack.

   And if the mech fortress is destroyed by battle, the game can in turn use the effect of the fortress to destroy a card on the Yuyu field. And in the next round, as long as the hand contains level eight or more mechanical monsters, the Mecha Fortress can be resurrected.

   It's hard to say who makes more money in this way.

   But I didn't expect that You Yu didn't announce that he had entered the battle. Instead, he continued to show a card.

   "Start a magic card from your hand-Star Blast!" A card appeared in front of You Yu, "Pay your health in multiples of 500, and the effect is activated!

   Within this round, for every 500 health points I pay, I can drop a monster in my hand or on the field by one star! "

   He pointed to the black magician girl in front of him.

   "I pay 1000 health points to drop the level of the black magician girl by two stars!"

  【You Yu,  100】

  The black magician girl said "Yeah", and the two stars on her card disappeared with the explosion effect of "Boom". She was downgraded from a six-star superior monster to a level four normal monster.

  Insert, the book-chasing app I am using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

   The black magician girl blinked her big eyes, her face full of doubts.

   Lower me by two stars... Master, what is this duck for?

   The game was also surprised: "I don't hesitate to pay 100 points to drop the star of the black magic girl?"

   In his opinion, shouldn't Star Blasting lower the star rating of the monsters in the hand and reduce the number of sacrifices required for summoning?

  What's the point of lowering the level of monsters on the field?

   But he quickly understood-just after the next card appeared in front of You Yu.

"Sustainable Magic-Viral Mail!" You Yu said, "Once in a round, choose a level 4 monster on your field. Only in this round, the selected monster...can directly attack the opponent player! "

   "Huh!?" The game was shocked.

   The black magician girl looked at this card, dumbfounded for a while, then looked at her star, and it took a long time to react.

   Level 4 monster...


   The master said me!

   "That's it!" The game suddenly realized, "That's why the'Power of Unity' was equipped on the Chocolate Magus girl from the beginning..."

  Because the chocolate wizard girl is a level four. If the chocolate girl hadn't eaten the "forbidden holy spear", You Yu could directly launch a "virus mail" to directly attack the chocolate girl with an attack power of 4000.

   "I use the effect of'viral mail'!" You Yu pointed to the black magician girl, "The target is the black magician girl. In this round, the black magician girl...can directly attack the player!"

  【Black Magic Girl, Attack Power 4400】

   "Attack power... 4400 direct attack!" The game was surprised, "It's amazing!"

   "It's You Yu." Wang Yang, who was watching the battle in the front row in the ghost state, also nodded, "I actually came up with such a lore combination."

   said so, but Wang Xiang silently glanced at the chestnut ball in AIBO's hand, but he was not worried about him...

   The black magician girl held her breath, held her small staff tightly, and straightened her swollen chest.

   Attack power is 4400, and it can attack directly!

   I can take the head this time!

   However, just as the girl held her breath, she couldn't wait to move forward, but suddenly realized that the huge power in her body seemed to have disappeared.

   The "Power of Unity" card disappeared from the field, and all the three-dimensional images of the berry girl and the chocolate girl beside him disappeared.

   When she recovered, the girl found that she had also turned into a ghost state of elves and disappeared from the duel field.

   Youyu did not order her to launch the final blow, but turned off the duel plate to terminate the duel.

   The black magician girl blinked her beautiful big eyes, and her head was full of question marks.

Eh! ?

   Obviously, as long as you let me attack, you will win...Why doesn’t the master fight?

   The onlookers are all question mark faces.

   From their point of view, You Yu's victory in this duel seems to be a solid fact.

   All three cover cards in the backcourt of the game were stepped on, and the monsters on the field did not have the ability to withstand this direct attack. A direct attack with more than four thousand attack powers, this is almost stable, right?

   table game is also puzzled: "You Yu, why...?"

   "Because I think it's almost enough to hit this step." You Yu shrugged, "How can I say, I always feel that Mr. Game, you...well... you didn't show your full strength."

   "Nothing, I'm serious about it." The game said seriously, "After all, this is the only way to respect you as a duelist, You Yu."

"It's not that you disrespect me," You Yu smiled, and said, "It feels a little bit different from what you said. And... your deck is not finished yet, right? Bar?"

   The game was taken aback, and he smiled embarrassedly.

   "Did you see it?"

   "You can see it a little bit."

"Well, this is the first time I want to try to set up a deck alone without relying on another power of mine." The game said, "But because I see a lot of cards and want to put them in, some cards that I think might be useful are not available. Add it in... Anyway, it's a relatively casual deck, but I did my best to form it..."

......All right.

   Youyu probably understands.

   I play with myself as a sandbag and want to test a new deck...

"Also." You Yu said, "I just equipped the'Power of Unity' on the'Chocolate Magi Girl'. You used the'Forbidden Holy Spear' on the Chocolate Magi Girl, so that the Chocolate Girl would have no choice. Accept the effect of the power of unity...

  ......It is indeed a beautiful operation. But don't you think that the timing is a bit rushed? "

The game recalled the duel just now and nodded: "Indeed. If I hadn't activated the'forbidden holy spear' at that time, you would launch a'virus mail' next, and choose the level 4'Chocolate Wizard'. The girl' gains the ability to directly attack within this round..."

"Yes." You Yu nodded, "If you use the'forbidden holy spear' again at this moment, then according to the effect of the holy spear, the Chocolate Magus girl can neither accept the increase in the strength of unity, nor the virus. Mail' effect.

   Then I couldn't make a black magic girl with 4400 attack power and able to directly attack. "

   "Ah, that may indeed be because I am thinking about it." The game was stunned, smiled and touched his head, "Thank you, You Yu. It seems that I still have a lot to improve..."

   Is it really impossible to think of this layer in the game?

   Actually, You Yu didn't think so. He is more inclined to think that the game may not think so seriously.

   That's why he thinks it doesn't make much sense to continue playing this card. Because from the beginning of this duel, the game never wanted to win.

   Or to put it more accurately, it should be said that "I don't particularly want to win."

   This makes You Yu feel that in a duel with the current table game, he always feels that he lacks some sense of confrontation between duels.

   In fact, although the watch game has not yet surpassed the Pharaoh for the time being, it is close to the critical period of complete transformation.

  Although he is still at a loss, he is already thinking and feels that he can no longer rely on the power of the king.

   will be separated soon after all.

Perhaps this young man is thinking that if he can't be alone until the moment he has to separate, he is still a coward who always hides behind him in search of safety when he is in trouble, then the other party will be very happy when they are separated. Disappointed?

   In that case, there is no way to let the other one leave without worry.

   In fact, even if it is a table game that has not yet completed its transformation and is still in confusion, his strength is not weak at all, and his talent in duels is quite amazing.

   However, he lacks one crucial thing compared to most duelists.

   That is the heart to win.

   In fact, this is related to the character of the game itself. He himself is a docile temperament. Since he was a child, he did not like to compete with others. Although he is very talented in various games, the most important thing for him in games is to be happy. He has never developed a strong eagerness in any game. Heart.

  Because of the lack of desire for victory, he has always been indifferent to the outcome of the duel, so throughout the entire DM drama, everyone thinks that the table game as a Pharaoh container is very weak.

For this reason, when this young man suddenly had a reason to "have to win", he had to pick up the duel plate and go to battle in person~www.NovelMTL.com~ including the great evil **** Sock and even the friends around the game. Everyone at, was surprised to find out——

  ——It turns out that he has always been so strong!


   The outcome of this duel, the two of them put aside for the time being and didn't worry about it. Maybe they will continue this victory and defeat when the game is truly unique and take up the title of "Duel King" in person.

   After leaving the two, watching Game and Kyoko leave in the night, You Yu had a foreboding that that day might not be too far away.

   Soon, the game will usher in a metamorphosis and become the pinnacle of the duel world and the king who truly deserves the title of "Duel King".

   There is a saying that men will become stronger for important people.

   is exactly the same for watch games.

   He originally had no desire to win, and he has no interest in the supreme position and power. He will soon find a reason to "have to win".

   That is the bond between him and Wang Yang.

   After all, when Wang Xiang left this world and took away all the traces he had left in this world, the last legacy he could leave to the table game was the title of "Duel King" that they played together.

  Because he wanted to defend the name "Duel King" left by Wang Yang, he had to win, and he must always win.

  Only at that time, the young Muto game will truly grow into his proper posture and become an invincible duel king.

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