Egypt, underground.


   The thick rock block was pierced through, and the solid wall was pierced under the persistent excavation of the archaeological team, and collapsed with a blast of crackling noise.

   A beam of light was shining through the cracks into a field that had been entrenched by darkness for three thousand years. The darkness revealed a foul smell that had been fermented for three thousand years, followed by a gloomy wind blowing out, as if there was some resentment in it.

   The leader of the archaeological team took the lead and led the team members into the hole.

   passed through the crack, and suddenly opened up below.

   Although it has long been known what is hidden under the rock block, no one expected to see such a well-preserved secret room here.

  The archaeological team members were amazed at how complete this secret room was sealed, and it felt like a palace. The surrounding walls are engraved with patterns and intricate ancient characters, filled with characters that the archeologists can't decipher.

   Bunches of searchlight lights were cast into the dark space, and countless dust in the beams flew irregularly.

   When the dark and hard face appeared in the area illuminated by the light, and the dark and cold pupils that were as majestic as a king, some archaeologists couldn't help but exclaimed.

   They weren’t able to see clearly until more lights came on. It was a coffin.

   A coffin in the shape of a jackal looks like a sculpture. Because the craftsmanship is so sophisticated, the expression and eyes of the wolf's head are so lifelike that it gives the illusion that it is alive.

   The coffin was leaning against the earthy brown wall, and it looked like a jackal was holding his arms around him, and his body was restrained. Thick golden chains stretched out from the surrounding walls and floor, and firmly bound the coffin.

   It's like the person who buried the coffin in this secret room is not even worried about the dead person in the coffin, and has to add such a thick chain to seal it to rest assured.

   The archaeological team leader stepped forward and looked carefully at the golden chain that bound the coffin with the light on. When the chains were pulled by him, they rubbed against each other and rubbed against the shell of the coffin, making a "crash" sound.

   He couldn't help being surprised by the strength of the material used in this chain-it seemed that even after thousands of years of erosion, this chain could not even find a trace of rust. In addition to being covered with heavy dust, it even looked like new.

   This reminded the captain of alchemy in ancient Egyptian legends.

  Because it is in this generation of archaeology, he naturally heard some related rumors. According to legend, people in ancient Egypt discovered a forbidden secret method to create alchemy materials that will never be corroded.

   It is said that the ultimate tool born from that secret method is called the "millennium artifact" and has the terrifying power that allows the holder to rewrite the law.

   Of course that is just a legend.

   But the archaeological team leader has never seen such a weird tomb. Judging from the size of the secret room, the craftsmanship and the excellent materials, he felt that the master of this tomb should be a nobleman before his life.

   But the weird coffin shaped like this jackal, and the burial posture standing on the wall and **** by five flowers, really involve his blind spot of knowledge.

   Then something stranger happened.

   Just as they walked into the tomb and approached the side of the coffin, a golden door on the side of the coffin... unexpectedly opened automatically.

   is like the owner of the tomb, welcoming them.

   The next moment, all of them saw the pyramid-shaped ornaments that were placed right in the center of the secret room behind the door and looked like diamonds.

   The pendant is placed in the center, like a flushed eye. The scarlet light lit up from that eye, clearly reflected in the pupils of everyone in the archaeological team, and held everyone's sight like a magnet, unable to move away for a long while.


   Two hours later.

  The off-road vehicle drove through the long wilderness and drove over under the scorching sun at a temperature of 40 degrees high enough to cook people.

   The vehicle stopped outside the camp that the archaeological team had already set up. The door of the back seat opened, and protruding from behind the door was a long, slender and well-proportioned leg that was tanned.

  Isis Ishdar got out of the off-road vehicle and shook violently when she got out of the car. She was still wearing that white robe, and her golden waist was tightly bound to her slender waist.

  From the bulge on the chest to the waist, it can be seen that the legs under the robe are really long.

  It was her younger brother who came out of the passenger seat, Malik Ishdar, who had a dark appearance but was completely whitened.

   As soon as the siblings got off the bus, someone at the camp immediately greeted them with a smile on their faces.

  As a leading figure in the dueling world, Isis's social status will naturally not be low because of the card playing so well.

   In fact, in addition to being a descendant of the tomb-keeping clan, Sister Isis also serves as the head of the Egyptian Archaeological Bureau. She even has considerable influence in the modern Egyptian government.

   plays well in cards, has a gentle and considerate personality, and has a full-bodied posture. He will naturally be welcomed wherever he goes.

   The two sisters and brothers soon arrived at the tomb in front of the archaeological team, and soon saw the weird coffin and the pyramid-shaped crystal.

   "Sister." Malik squatted down beside the coffin. "There are inscriptions on it...Ancient priest's writing."

   Isis also leaned forward: "What did you write?"

"The King of Light and the King of Darkness... a fateful battle." Malik wiped away the dust covering the complicated characters, frowned, "The end of the battle... the Dark Lord Will be buried by the King of Light. When the light is filled, the King of Destruction will wake up."

   He raised his head: "It seems to be something like prophecy, sister."

   Isis frowned lightly: "The King of Darkness and the King of Light..."

   " Could it be..."

   "Indeed. According to the history guarded by our tomb-keeping clan, the pharaoh who controls the ultimate dark power did indeed have the title of ‘King of Darkness’."

   "That is to say, the Lord of Darkness refers to Muto Game...No, is it the nameless Pharaoh?" Malik said, "The Lord of Light refers to..."

   "Hippocampus, a man who controls a white monster and possesses the power of extreme light." Isis nodded, "I can only think of this possibility."

   "Then the "king of destruction" mentioned here..."

   "I don't know." Isis shook her head, "But if this is the case, then the predicted ending will be the death of the Pharaoh and the destruction of the Seahorse. The King of Destruction...In short, it feels a bit bad."

   "The above said that these preparations were taken to Tong Shiye for display." Malik frowned, "Maybe we should find a way to stop it?"

   Isis thought for a while: "Let’s take it easy for now. Just before coming, someone from Tong Shiye contacted me and told me to come over and have a look. We might have to prepare to receive it."

   "Oh?" Malik thought for a while, "Hashima Seti?"

   Isis shook her head: "It's duel Wang Youyu."

   Malik's eyelids twitched, his complexion suddenly became weird.

  ...It's like thinking back to some unbearable past.

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