I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 457: 1 hand reversed

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"Give me the attack power value of Masked Hero Lightfang," You Yu shouted, "That is 3000 points of damage!"

Anubis, LP1500

Anubis's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked at the opponent's shining shining on the court, You Yu, who was gathering momentum as if preparing to charge.

"The'Final Assault Order' changed the form of servants, using the'Soul Barrier' to offset the damage, and at the same time the beasts that crossed the sanctions directly inflicted damage on me..."

Anubis frowned, his voice sank, and his gaze toward You Yu couldn't help but change a bit.

Can the fighters of this era... actually have such a powerful strength?

While talking, Guangfang has launched a charge under the power of the trap card! The whole body of the golden warrior seemed to be burning, and the whole body turned into a penetrating cannonball, crossing the field, passing the huge monster, and banging straight on Anubis's face!

boom! ! !

With a heavy explosion, the floor on which Anubis was standing was blown to pieces. The golden halo swept across him, accompanied by countless scattered stones.

Guangya pulled back, holding his arms and slowly falling back to You Yu's side.

Anubis, LP500

The smoke screen gradually dissipated, Anubis's sturdy body still stood, and his retro boots stepped on the floor that was torn apart by the explosion. It seemed that the violent impact just did not knock him down.

"Hmph, I admit that I underestimated you. It seems that the strong of this era should not be underestimated." Anubis sneered, "However, after all, it's still a bit short."

You Yu's gaze fell on the card he had just activated and was gradually dissipating.

Quick attack magic, very edible.

By sending the magic traps on the field to the cemetery, each one restores 1000 points of health.

Anubis sent the card he covered before this round of battle, and the perpetual trap "Blood Compensation" to the graveyard. At the moment of the death, he regained 2000 points of health and barely lost his bare teeth. Of head-on bombing.

However, in this way, Anubis's life value has also been reduced to 500, which is equivalent to You Yu.

"As expected to be the king of destruction, this hand is beautifully guarded." You Yu said lightly, "but it's not over yet. The follow-up effect of the trap card'dual bass dance', the monster that is selected as the target of the attack, can attack the opponent in the next round. The player attacks directly!

In other words, in the next round, Masked Hero Lightfang can directly attack the player. "

A direct attack with an attack power of 3000, so that even if Andrew Guinness with an attack power of more than 10,000 was present, Anubis would not be able to stop Lightfang from directly killing him in the next round.

It is still the "general" situation, and Anubis's crisis has not been resolved.

"Cut." Anubis narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "But before that, just before you hurt, another trap of mine was triggered!

What I launched is double return! "

Anubis's last cover card flipped, and it was a perpetual trap card, which was doubled back.

It can be activated when the opponent inflicts more than 1000 damage on himself through card effects. For every 1000 points of damage, place a double counter on this card. At the end of the next opponent's turn, this card is destroyed, giving the opponent x2000 damage to the counter placed by this card.

In that blow, You Yu's effect damage to Anubis was 3000 points, which is 3 double counters.

In this way, at the end of the next round, "Double Return" will be destroyed automatically, and You Yu will receive up to 6000 points of effect damage!

"The last round." Anubis' facial muscles twisted and he smiled gloomily, "This is your last chance to act, try your best, and then turn it into my nourishment!

A warrior as strong as you will surely become the best nutrient! "

You Yu's face was expressionless and did not speak.

"You must be thinking, before that, your servant of light's direct attack will end the battle first, right?" Anubis grinned, "but unfortunately that won't happen."

Anubis raised his arm, five fingers, and the floating card in his hand turned over.

"I am using a spell here-the shield sword of darkness!"

Dark and gloomy black clouds condensed and rolled in the sky above the pyramid. A face faintly condensed in the dark cloud, like a white skull, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The black cloud was torn apart, and the gloomy light condensed into the shape of a sword. Three sharp swords were shot down from the air, and slammed into the ground in front of You Yu.

The poor Masked Hero Lightfang had just breathed for a few minutes, then let out a dull growl, was suppressed again by the dark power, and turned into a covered card.

Perpetual Magic-Dark Envelope Sword. At the moment it is activated, all monsters on the opponent's field turn into a defense position on the inside. And as long as this card exists, all monsters on the opponent's field cannot change their offensive and defensive styles.

Anubis sneered: "In this way, your servants won't be able to attack directly. At the end of the next round of declaration,'Double Return' will automatically trigger and give you the final blow."

Although Baretooth gained the power to directly attack through the effect of the "dual bass dance", there was no way to attack if the defense indicated on the inside.

On the contrary, now the trouble is kicked back to You Yu's side. If he doesn't want a solution this round, at the end of the round, he will suffer 6000 damage bounced back from "Double Return", and he will die on the spot.

The situation reversed again.

"Come on." Anubis slammed another card onto the field, and then ended his turn. "Your last opportunity to act is now. Just use your best and try your best to struggle!"

You Yu lowered his head and looked at his deck.

Do your best?

If you want to use your full strength...In fact, now that his health is less than 500, his skill "God's Wrath" can be used long ago.

But the question is...what if the "Obelisk's Titan Soldier" is drawn into his hands?

This time the opponent is extraordinary ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Anubis claims to exist "to obliterate the Pharaoh", and he naturally has a weapon that can restrain the Pharaoh's strongest trump card.

In the realm of the Pyramid of Light, no phantom **** can exert its power. The moment the card of God appears on the stage, it will be wiped out from the rule level by the power of the Pyramid of Light, and isolated from this duel.

This time, he can only rely on his own strength.

Seeing that You Yu didn't draw the card for a while, as if he was thinking, Anubis spoke again.

"You are a rare warrior. Even in my age, there are not many strong men like you. I believe it should be the same in this age."

As he spoke, he paused.

"A strong man like this deserves more than ordinary people. Being buried in such a dark place shouldn't be your home..."

You Yu raised his head.

"I guess, it's time for you to fool me into the gang now, isn't it?"

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