I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 473: Underworld

"The deck guarding the grave..."

It was also the first time that Malik saw his sister using this deck, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

He has duel with his sister so many times since he was a child, although he has almost never won, but at least he knew his sister before.

And this was the first time he felt this way-he knew nothing about his sister's duel.

"My round, draw a card."

Turning back to Isis's round, the first thing she needs to do is, of course, to open the card that covered the area in the last round.

"Venue Magic-Wang Family Sleeping Valley, launch it!"

The site changed, the rocks rolled down, the peaks rose up, and the site changed. In an instant, I came to a quiet valley, with only a ray of sunlight from the edges of the valleys on both sides.

"The Sleeping Valley of the King's Family is a taboo place for the tomb-keeping clan. In this venue, all the dead are supreme." Isis said, "From now on, all the effects that target the cards in the cemetery will be nullified. And the cards in the cemetery of both of us cannot be removed from the game."

You Yu narrowed his eyes.

This venue is still a bit tricky. This card is calling out to dominate the underworld grounds, specializing in the mentality of various mainstreams...

"Next I will summon, the'Spirit of the Tomb', in an attack state."

The appearance was a female grave guard in a black umbilical attire. She was in good shape, showing a flat belly with a slender waist, and wearing a black mask with a cross section on her face.

Tomb guarding psychic, attack power 1500

"The spiritualist guarding the grave, the effect is activated." Isis said, "When there is a'Valley of Sleep of the King's Family' on the field, you can send the fusion material including this card from the hand or the field to the graveyard. Fusion summon the fusion monsters of the magician family."

Isis picked up the two monster cards placed on the duel plate with her slender fingers: "I will fuse the ‘Tomb Guarding Soldier’ and the ‘Tomb Guarding Spiritist’ together!

The souls of two loyal tomb-keepers unite and call out the guardians of this valley of sleep--

——The abilities of guarding the tomb, fusion summoning! "

The spiritualist chanted the spell, and the magic released a huge whirlpool. The two souls merged in the vortex, bursting out a burst of dazzling white light hitting the ground. A tomb-keeper in a black robe stepped on the solid ground in the valley, holding a simple but dazzling golden staff in his hand. Its aura and the solemn valley are integrated, as natural as a whole.

Tomb guarding ability, attack power 2000

"A tomb-keeper," Malik looked at the black-robed tomb-keeper on the grounds of his sister, "This is...my sister's new trump card..."

"The ability of guarding the tomb, the effect is activated." Isis said, "His attack power will increase as the monster of the fusion material, and the level of the monster will be x100 points in total.

As the fusion material, the "Grave Guarding Fanbing" is level 4, and the "Grave Guarding Spiritist" is also level 4, and the total level is 8. So the attack power increased by 800 points. "

The tomb guard in black robes erected the staff in front of him, chanted the mantra in a deep voice, and was enveloped in a light golden glow like burning, and his strength soared.

The ability to guard the tomb, the attack power is 2000, the attack power is 2800

"Then there is the effect of the field magic'The Valley of Sleep of the King's Family'." Isis continued, "The grave guards will become stronger in the field they guard.

When the "Valley of Sleep of the King's Family" is present, the attack power of all the "Grave Guarding" monsters increases by 500. "

The ability to guard the tomb, attack power 2800 attack power 3300

Seeing the power of this grave guard instantly soared to a level greater than that of a blue-eyed white dragon, You Yu couldn't help but nod his head: "Not bad."

"Thank you." Isis smiled, "Then in the main phase, I will activate the third effect of the'Gravekeeper'. After this effect is activated, at the end of this round, I can get one from the deck The monster with the name "Gravekeeper" is added to the hand."

The gravekeeper held his staff horizontally in his hand, and muttered a series of complicated spells in a low voice. The golden spell energy was released like sound waves, activating his potential abilities.

"Then I'm going to go on." Isis raised her slender arm under her robe, "Use the ‘tomb-guarding power’ to attack Mr. You Yu! The tomb-keeping spell!"

The person with the power closed his eyes and whispered the spell. The golden wave on the staff burned like flames, and as the staff waved down, a beam of golden flames seemed to cut through the dormant air in the valley and rushed towards You Yu.

"Flip Gaika," Gaevka flips in front of You Yu, "Counter-attack trap-the weakening of the attack. The opponent's monster attack is invalid, and the battle phase is forcibly ended."

The spiral whirlwind seal blocked the golden flame, temporarily repelling the offensive of the superpower.

Isis didn't feel surprised, only that she couldn't touch the opponent so easily.

"Then I will cover a card on the field." She set up the cover card again, and then pulled out the deck. "At the end of the turn, according to the effect of the'Grave Guardian', the'Grave Guardian' The Commander's added to his hand."

Pick out a card, shuffle the deck and insert it back into the duel board, then she nodded politely: "My turn is over."

You Yu stopped for a while and seemed to be thinking.

"My turn, draw a card." He once again showed the same card from the previous round, "Summon again,'Magic Warrior·Saboteur'!"

The sword light drew out, and with a burst of spilled magic power, the magic warrior with red armor that had hurriedly exited the field last round returned to the field again.

Magic warrior and saboteur, attack power 1600

"Magic Warrior·Destroyer has the effect of destroying a magic trap card." Malik, who was in the audience, lifted his chin, "Should I destroy my sister's field magic first? Or is the Gevka... ..."

However, You Yu doesn't seem to have the chance to entangle the option~www.NovelMTL.com~ Isis immediately raised her arm: "Flip the cover card, trap card-force escape device! A monster on the field returns to the holder's hand. "

She raised her finger to the magic warrior who has not yet stood firm on You Yu's field: "Put'Magic Warrior·Saboteur' back to your hand!"

The face of the magic warrior changed suddenly.

Nani? Going back again?

I split, why am I again...

But this time he seemed to have escaped. You Yu quickly revealed another card: "Quick Attack Magic-Dimensional Magic! When there is a magician monster on the field, use a monster on the field as a sacrifice, and special summon the magician monster in your hand!"

The card was inserted into the duel plate, and You Yu waved his hand.

"Take'Magic Warrior·Destroyer' as a sacrifice! Here, release the dark magic power and call the top magician——

——Black Magician! "

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