I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 560: Let me go for nothing

If you want to pick one of the current seven priests with the highest loyalty to the king, then Mahad will be the second, and no one will dare to be the first.

This is obvious to all priests, and even the veteran Simon, who is exactly the same as the Pharaoh from hair style to pupil color, dare not say that he can compare with Mahad in this respect.

As a child, Mahad had blocked the fangs of a poisonous snake for the dark game when he was still a prince. There was no hesitation in the game at that time, and he immediately sucked the venom out of him with his mouth.

At that time, Mahad was shocked and asked how could you, the prince, do such a thing for me?

But the prince only smiled at him and said that Mahad, you and my body are the same red blood, what's the difference? My dream is to one day build a world where all beings are equal

Do you dare to believe in talking about freedom and equality in a slavery society?

Maybe it was an unrealistic dream, maybe even funny, but Mahad didn't think so.

In front of the noble royal family, he was a humble servant, a tool, as it should be. But the man on the throne truly regards himself as a friend of equal status with him, a living person.

From then on, Mahad was determined to use his body as the cornerstone of the Pharaoh's dream, even if he sacrificed his head and blood for the king's dream.

This is what he is going to do now.

The Millennium Wisdom Wheel is known as the "Millennium Navigation", which not only helps to identify the direction, but also has the effect of tracking and positioning.

Through the function of this thing, Mahad has roughly found the location of Tapir Liang. At this moment, he couldn't help it, put on his sacred gladiator plate, and immediately prepared to go out to find Tapir Liang to play the match.

Then he ran into You Yu.

"Are you a friend of Pharaoh?" Mahad paused temporarily.

"Right." You Yu said.

"Since it is a friend of the Pharaoh, it is a distinguished guest. I hope that people's service is fair." Mahad politely owed his lower body.

"It's all fine if you bother with me." You Yu said, paused, and glanced at the golden gleaming gladiator disk in Mahad's hand. "Are you planning to attack alone?"

"It's just going to patrol, daily tasks, it's no big deal." Mahad glanced away.

You Yu helpless: "Someone told you that it was really bad for you to lie?"

In fact, You Yu didn't quite understand Mahad's idea of ​​proactively attacking the lane alone. Obviously, I’ve seen Tapir Liang’s strength. Since I can track the opponent’s location, why don’t I bring a helper to go with him?

In the animation, the priest Mahad went up to the line alone and gave it to him for nothing. Okay, I can't say it for nothing. At least he has since abandoned his ** and became a "black magician" wizard, waiting forever by the Pharaoh forever.

But the Millennium Wisdom Wheel fell into the hands of Tapir Liang.

In this dark game, Tapir Liang’s victory condition is to gather seven thousand-year-old artifacts to resurrect his own deity, the great evil **** Thok, and the thousand-year wheel happens to be the most important item among them.

Therefore, in order to avoid the development of the situation following the old road of the animation plot, it is impossible for You Yu to let Mahad go out for nothing.

If he really gathers seven artifacts and resurrects the great evil **** Soke, the duel will say that labor and capital will not play cards and hit people directly. With his sky-defying strength, it is really a bit dangerous.

Seeing that he was seen through, Mahad simply did not conceal: "Yes, I did find the position of the King of Thieves. I must go, and please don't tell the Pharaoh to make him worry about it. I will definitely take it. The King of Thieves will come back to his life."

You Yu shook his head: "You are not his opponent."

Mahad frowned slightly, a little unhappy at his blunt and rude remarks.

But perhaps because You Yu was wearing the aura of "Pharaoh's friend", Mahad did not have an attack: "You may not know my strength. But please rest assured that a mere thief is not my opponent."

It's not that he is unreasonably entrusting him. In fact, Mahad's strength is indeed proud, and even his own magic power is partially sealed in the past. And he still has the ultimate forbidden technique at the cost of his own life. He is determined to die, confident that he can definitely take down the Thief King.

"Really? That being the case"

You Yu didn't say much, and directly opened the duel plate.

"Do you want to test my strength?" Mahad knew.

"Forget it, or you can think of me as letting you retreat." You Yu shrugged, "Look, if you can't even pass this level with me, why do you have the confidence to face it? Where is the king of thieves with the three evil gods in hand?"

Mahad thought for a moment.

"Okay." He said, "I accept."

Mahad stepped back, stood still at one end of the clearing, and opened his alchemy gladiator plate.

"I heard that you defeated the priest Set, which just made me curious about your strength." He smiled slightly, "Also let me take this opportunity to prove to you that I have the strength to defeat the Thief King. "

You Yu smiled and said nothing,

[Mahad, l4000]

【You Yu, l4000】

Five stone slabs fell on the blue brick ground out of thin air, and the dust spread like a transparent wave.

"Then I will start first."

Mahad raised his hand, and the stone slab in front of him fell.

"First use the slate of magic, summon the'pot of strong desire' sealed in the slab, and get two more slabs.

Then I am going to summon the monster-show up, the magic wizard "Mah Vairu"! "

The mage in the dark blue robe complied with the call and came to Mahad's field, floating cross-legged in the air.

[Maha Bairu, attack power 1550]

Mahavira, whose name seems to be related to Indian Buddhism, is unclear how it is related to ancient Egypt. However, in the animation, the table game once told Kyoko that this is his favorite card, and this card also played an important role in the victory of Kyoko's duel.

"Set up two more slates on the field. My first round ends here."

Mahad looked at You Yu~www.NovelMTL.com~ and thought briefly.

Although I felt a little sorry for Pharaoh's friend, Mahad did intend to go all out for this competition. Even if he had to be rude, he would never give up chasing Tapir Liang alone.

For the sake of Pharaoh, he is willing to do anything!

"My round, draw a card."

You Yu added the drawn card to his hand first, and then picked another card from his hand.

"The magic card'Name Reasoning' is activated."

Seeing the green magic card appearing out of thin air on the field to release the magic power, Mahad couldn't help but move slightly.

Sure enough, the same as the previous Pharaoh’s battle, you can release spells at will without the need for spells and seals.

You Yu said: "The effect of'Name Inference' is declared by the opponent from 1 to 12, and then I turn the cards from the top of the deck until I reach the monster that can be summoned normally.

If that monster happens to be the level declared by the opponent, then all the cards turned over are sent to the graveyard.

If it is not the level declared by the opponent, the monster that is flipped can be Special Summoned directly, and the other cards that are flipped can be sent to the graveyard. "

You Yu spread his hands and made a "please" gesture.

"Come on, choose any level you want from 1 to 12."

Mahad thought for a while: "Then go to level four."

Level 4 is also the most common star among monsters used in duels.

You Yu flipped three cards from the top of the deck, and the third card he flipped to was the monster card.

"The monster I turned over is the'Three-Eyed Monster', level 3." You Yudao, "According to the effect of'Name Inference', I can special summon it."

[Three-eyed monster, 1000 attack power]

"Okay," You Yu lightly let out a sigh of relief, "Just so, let me try the new power here."

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